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22 June Kabir Prakat Diwas 2024: Know The Almighty Kabir’s Mystery of Appearance in Kalyug

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Last Updated on 23 May 2024 IST | Kabir Prakat Diwas or Kabir Jayanti 2024 is the day to celebrate God Kabir’s Incarnation on Earth nearly 600 years ago. In this article, we shall discuss with you the significance and celebrations of Kabir Saheb Prakat Diwas along with the life history (biography), death mystery, and Teachings of Kabir Sahib Ji.


Sant Guru Kabir Prakat Diwas (Kabir Jayanti) 2024

Sant Guru Kabir Prakat Diwas (Kabir Jayanti) is the most awaited day for the followers of Kabir Panth. On this day, God Kabir Ji descended on earth in Kashi, Uttar Pradesh, India in an infant child’s form on the full moon day of the Jyeshtha month of the Hindu calendar in 1398 A.D. (Vikrami Samvat 1455). The Jyeshtha month falls in the May-June month of the Gregorian calendar.

Kabir Prakat Diwas (Kabir Jayanti) Date 2024

The date according to the Gregorian calendar differs every year because the exact date to celebrate Kabir Saheb Prakat Diwas is decided according to the Hindu Calendar. This year in 2024 Kabir Saheb Prakat Diwas or Kabir Jayanti falls on 22 June.

Kabir Prakat Diwas (Kabir Jayanti) Holiday

Kabir Prakat Diwas is a holiday in certain states of India, including Punjab, Haryana, and Chhattisgarh.

Significance of Kabir Prakat Diwas (Kabir Jayanti)

God Kabir Sahib appeared on the Lahartara pond on this day on a lotus flower in 1398 A.D. to spread His true Spiritual Knowledge to all His souls as mentioned in the Holy Rigveda Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 17. From the pond, a Muslim couple Neeru-Neema took Him home and raised Him. His graceful poetic Speeches (Vanis) proved to be the true religious and societal reformers because of which they are also included in the curriculum of students. Kabir Prakat Diwas (Kabir Jayanti) is hence celebrated to commemorate His incarnation here. Let’s know a brief life Story of Kabir Saheb Ji.

Kabir Prakat Diwas Kabir Jayanti: Kabir Sahib Life History

Kabir Sahib Life History

Neeru-Neema were childless Hindu Brahmin couple (Gaurishankar-Saraswati) in that birth but were forcibly converted to Islam later, so they started working as a weaver to earn their living. They used to daily go to the Lahartara lake to bathe in the morning. On the day when the Supreme God Kabir Ji appeared, while going to the pond, Neema was mourning that she was childless and Neeru was consoling her that one should stay happy in the Wish of God.

On reaching the pond, after she took a bath, Neema saw an infant Baby (God Kabir Ji in the child’s Form) on a lotus flower in the pond and asked her husband to take the Baby out else He might drown. Neeru took the Baby and gave Him to Neema, and started bathing again. They then took God Kabir Ji to their home. Neeru, however, had objected to this once but God Kabir Sheb Ji in the Child Form said, “Neeru, take Me home. No one would say anything to you. I came here from Satlok for you only.”

True Biography of God Kabir Sahib Ji

The entire Kashi was amazed to see such a beautiful Baby. They even didn’t pay heed to the statements of Neeru-Neema regarding where they found that Baby. Even the King visited to see the beautiful Baby. They all were guessing that the Baby might be an Incarnation of some demigod. The demigods (the residents of Heaven) were saying that the Baby seemed to be an Incarnation of one of the Brahma Ji, Vishnu Ji, or Shiv Ji. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv Ji were discussing that the Baby seemed to be an Incarnation of PaarBrahm (the Supreme God).

Full NameSant Kabir Das
Nick NameKabir, Kabir Das, Kabir Parmeshwar, Kabir Saheb
Birth (Prakat Diwas)1398
Prakat PlaceLahartara Pond, Kashi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Death (Satlok Gaman Diwas)  1518
Prasthan Place Maghar, Uttar Pradesh, India
FamePoet, Sant
ReligionHuman (Neither Hindu or Muslim)
CompositionBijak, Granthavali, Shabdavali, Sakhi Sangrah, Anurag Sagar

Brahmins went to the house of Neeru-Neema to assign a name to Baby. A little later, Qazis also came so Brahmins sat aside (at that time, Muslims were dominant in India). Qazis closed and opened their Book Quran to see the first letter on the opened page to put the name of the Baby. The first word came out to be “Kabir”.

They discussed among themselves that Kabir was a very good Name, it should not be given to a Baby of a weaver, since the weaver could not give them a good amount of money for that Name. Thinking this, they closed and opened the Book Quran again. The entire Quran had just one Word “Kabir”. God Kabir Ji in the child’s Form said to the Qazis, “Qazi, My Name will be Kabir only.”

Meaning of Kabir

“Kabir” means “Great”. That’s the reason that the translators of all the Holy Books (Vedas, Quran, Bible, and Guru Granth Sahib) have ignorantly translated the Name of God as “Great”, “Omnipotent”, “Omniscient”, etc. “Kabir” is the real name of the Supreme God. Qazis left that Quran there itself and went away. In this way, God Kabir Ji was named “Kabir”.God Kabir Ji started spreading His true spiritual Knowledge at the leelamay (to disguise as a common human) age of 5 only. He acquired Swami Ramanand His worldly Guru but real Disciple by performing a divine act. Throughout His stay here on earth, He delivered His spiritual Knowledge to all His beloved souls in the form of poems. He would stand anywhere and start singing the Hymns of God in His melodious Voice that would attract a number of God-loving souls. Then, He would deliver them spiritual Sermons.

In this way, 6.4 million people in India, including the King of Kashi Beer Singh Baghel, the King of Maghar Bijli Khan Pathan, and the Emperor of Delhi Sikandar Lodhi, took His refuge. Along with this, God Kabir Ji also met many other Saints like Respected Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Respected Dharamdas Ji, and told them His correct Scripture-based way of Worship. After that, they also started spreading His spiritual Knowledge.

Kabir Prakat Diwas 2024 (Kabir Jayanti) | Struggles of Kabir Saheb

God Kabir Ji’s spiritual Knowledge being true and Scripture-based, was unacceptable to many. Especially the Hindu and Muslim religious preachers who were themselves ignorant about their own Holy Books, used to oppose Him a lot and used to mislead the people saying that Kabir Ji was uneducated so He could not know about the Holy Books. In fact, there are proofs that those preachers had attempted a number of times to kill Him.

■ Also Read | Kabir Prakat Diwas: Date, Celebration, Events, History

They put Him: in a Kadhai (deep-frying pot) filled with boiling oil; in an empty well then filled the well with thorny bushes, bricks, and debris; in the river tying a heavy stone around His neck; and, in front of a blood-thirsty elephant with tied Hands and Legs — but He, being God, didn’t die and never cursed anyone. None of us could recognize Him that He is our Supreme God.

Death Mystery of Kabir Sahib

After spending 120 years with us, our Supreme Father God Kabir Saheb Ji decided to end His Leela of being a human and go back to His Kingdom Satlok. At that time, the ignorant Hindu Brahmins had spread a rumor that those who die in Maghar (a place in Uttar Pradesh) go to hell, and those who die in Kashi go straight to heaven.

Kabir Sahib Death Mystery

God Kabir Ji used to say:

“The soul who performs the Scripture-based way of Worship throughout its life attains salvation wherever it leaves its body. And, the soul who has always done bad deeds and never performed the correct way of Worship throughout its life is bound to suffer hell. It doesn’t matter where they die.”

To further prove this, He announced that He would perform His Leela of death in Maghar itself on the eleventh day (Ekadashi) of the bright lunar fortnight (Shukla Paksha) of the Magh month of Hindu Calendar in 1518 A.D. (Vikrami Samvat 1575).

On the specified date, God Kabir Saheb Ji reached Maghar along with many numbers of His followers from Kashi, and the Hindu Brahmins and Muslim Qazis so to show them that their aforesaid claim was wrong. God Kabir Saheb Ji first took a bath in the river, then He went to the place where His final resting bed was placed. Followers of God Kabir Ji out of reverence had put fragrant flowers over the sheet on which God Kabir Ji was to lie.

Both Hindu-Muslim Claimed Kabir Saheb’s Body

God Kabir Ji noticed that both the Kings (the Hindu King of Kashi Beer Singh Baghel and the Muslim King of Maghar Bijli Khan Pathan — both were His Disciples) were taking their army along. God Kabir Saheb Ji knew everything and asked them, “Beer Singh! Bijli Khan! Why did you bring your armies along?” Both of them hung their heads.

The other Hindus and Muslims said, “Kabir Saheb Ji, You are our Peer (Muslim spiritual Leader). We will not let these Kafirs take Your Body. We will perform Your last rites according to our Muslim religion.” “No Kabir Saheb Ji, You are our Guru. We will perform Your last rites according to our Hindu religion and will not let these Muslims take Your Body. And, if they don’t agree with this, we will have a war.” 

God Kabir Saheb Ji said, “Nalayako! (Unworthy!) Did I give this Knowledge for 120 years? Do you still consider Hindu and Muslim different? Listen to Me. Although My Body is not like yours, this body is just sand. You burn it or bury it. It is of no use if not used for practicing the correct way of worship. You shall not fight. Beware of offending me. Whatever you find beneath the sheet I will use to cover Myself up, distribute among yourselves but do not fight children.”

Also Read: Whom did God Kabir meet?

Being aware of the Power of God Kabir Saheb Ji, none dared to speak before Him but still were thinking, “Let Guru Ji leave His Body, then we will see what to do.” Omniscient God Kabir Ji knew what they were thinking.

Kabir Saheb’s Departure to Satlok

God Kabir Ji lied on the sheet and covered Himself up with another. After a while, God Kabir Ji said through an Ethervoice, “Look Brahmins, Pundits! I’m departing with My Body from Maghar. Check your books to figure out where I am going — if I’m going in hell or even above heaven?” The Brahmins checked their books and said, “Really. All the Sanskaar changed. He is going above heaven.” And, God Kabir said, “Look, children, lift the sheet. You will not find My Body but fragrant flowers. You divide them equally between Hindus and Muslims but please don’t fight.”

When they lifted the sheet, they found fragrant flowers in place and in Form of God Kabir’s Body. On seeing this, both Hindus and Muslims cried hugging each other as children cry on the death of their father, saying that they were so bad that they troubled their God in the end time as well — when they were about to fight with each other a little while ago. The astrologers of that time used to tell that there was about to commence a terrible war in India; more terrible than the Mahabharata. The Supreme God Kabir Ji changed the Samskara.

■ Also Read | Kabir Saheb Prasthan Diwas | Kabir Saheb’s Departure to Satlok (Maghar Leela)

Teachings of God Kabir Sahib JI

Kabir Sahib’s Teachings are centered on spirituality. Although in the school curriculum, we see His Banis on mostly general behavior or regarding once behavior towards a teacher. Let us write here some of the significant Teachings that He had delivered during His Incarnation 600 years ago in the Form of Amritbanis and Dohas.

Kabir Amritbani

Here is the most significant Amritbani that describes Him perfectly. In this Vani, He tells Gorakhnath that He is the Eternal Supreme God.

Avdhu Avigat se chal aaya| Mera koi bhed maram na paya||Tek||

Na Mera janam na garbh basera, Baalak ban dikhlaya|

Kashipuri jal kamal par dera, Tahan julaahe ne paya||

Maat-Pita Mere kachu naahin, Na Mere ghar dasi|

Julha ka sut aan kahaya, Jagat kare Meri haansi||

Paanch tatv ka dhadh na Mere, Jaanu Gyan apara|

Sat Saroopi Naam Sahib ka, Vohe Naam Humara||

Adhar deep gagan gufa mein, Tahan neej vastu sara|

Jyot swaroopi alakh niranjan bhi, Dharta dhyaan Humara||

Haad chaam lahu na Mere, Jaane satnaam upasi|

Taaran taran abhe pad Data, Main hoon Kabir Avinaashi||

Kabir Prakat Diwas (Kabir Jayanti): Kabir Sahib Dohe

Here are some of the Dohas (couplet) of Kabir Saheb Ji:

Kabir, Mout bhul gaya baavre, Achraj kiya kon|

Tan maati mil jaga, Jyon aate mein lon||

Kabir, Ye tan jaayega, Sake to thaahar la|

EK Sewa kar Satguru ki, Or Gobind ke Gun ga||

Kabir, Guru Gobind kar jaaniyo, Rahiyo shabd smaaye|

Mile to Dandvat bandagi, Nahin pal pal dhyaan lagaave||

Kabir, Guru bade Gobind se, Man mein dekh vichaar|

Hari sumire so reh gaye, Guru sumire huve paar||

Kabir, Ye tan vish ki beladi, Guru amrit ki khaan|

Sheesh diye jo Guru mile, To bhi sasta jaan||

Kabir Panth

The followers of God Kabir Ji are known as Kabir Panthis (the seekers following the Path of Kabir Saheb). There are a number of different sects in India who all claim to be a Kabir Panth. Even the other sects (almost every Indian sect) follow the teachings of God Kabir Saheb Ji. All the sects either revere Him as a Satguru or just a Saint. Out of them, only Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj tells Kabir Saheb to be the Supreme God.

Kabir Prakat Diwas (Kabir Jayanti) 2024 Celebration

On every Kabir Prakat Diwas, the followers of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj celebrate Kabir Prakat Diwas. Their Kabir Prakat Diwas celebration includes holding a 3 to 5-day long Paath and a grand Bhandara on the last day of the celebration. This year Kabir Prakat Diwas (Kabir Jayanti) will be commemorated by organizing a 3-day long Paath from June 2-4 in Satlok Ashrams at different locations viz. Rohtak (Haryana), Kurukshetra (Haryana), Bhiwani (Haryana), Mundka (Delhi), Shamli (Uttar Pradesh), Khamanon (Punjab), Dhuri (Punjab), Sojat (Rajasthan), and Indore (Madhya Pradesh).

The Paath will be broadcasted on official YouTube Channels and through official Facebook pages for the devotees who are unable to attend it in the Ashrams personally. Many new devotees take Naam Diksha (Initiation) on this occasion and step towards making their human birth successful. The special SatSang will be telecasted on Sadhna TV at 9:15 AM on 22 June. Must watch that precious SatSang. 

Kabir Prakat Diwas? or Kabir Jayanti? 

Many people get confused with the terminologies. The fact is that God Kabir didn’t take birth (Janam) from any mother when He appeared in Kashi more than 600 years ago — this shows that celebrating His Jayanti (Birth anniversary) is incorrect. He appeared (Prakat) Himself on Earth. Therefore, His Prakat Diwas is celebrated rather.     

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Kabir Prakat Diwas (Kabir Jayanti) 2024

When is Kabir Saheb’s birth anniversary celebrated?

Kabir Saheb, descended from Eternal Abode Satlok and appeared in the form of an infant on a lotus flower in the Lahartara pond at Kashi city of Uttar Pradesh India on full moon day of the Jayestha month, Vikrami Samvat 1455 (1398 AD). He was not born from the womb of a mother. In the year 2024 , Kabir ji’s Prakat Diwas (Kabir Birth Anniversary or Kabir Jayanti) is on 22 June. In the years 2021, 2020, 2019 this event was celebrated on June 24, June 5, and June 28 respectively.

What is Kabirdas Jayanti 2024?

Kabir Saheb, descended from Eternal Abode Satlok, appeared in guise of an infant on a lotus flower in the Lahartara pond at Kashi city of Uttar Pradesh India on full moon day of the first month, Vikrami Samvat 1455 (1398 AD).  He was not born from the womb of a mother.  In the year 2024 , Kabir Prakat Diwas (Kabir Jayanti) is on 22nd June.

What is the language of Kabir Das Ji?

The languages of Kabir Das Ji are Sadhukkari and Panchmel Khichdi. His language includes words from all dialects of the Hindi language. There are a number of words from several dialects and regional languages such as Awadhi, Brajbhasha, Khari-Boli, Rajasthani, Haryanvi, Punjabi, and Gujarati.

When and where was Kabir Das Ji born?

Kabir Saheb Ji was not born. He descended from His Eternal Abode Satlok and appeared in the form of a newborn baby on a lotus flower in the Lahartara pond in Kashi city of Uttar Pradesh, India on full moon day of the Jayeshtha Hindu month, Vikrami Samvat 1455 (1398 AD).

What are Kabir Das ji’s works? 

Kabir Bijak, Kabir Granthavali, Kabir Shabdavali, Kabir Sakhi Collection, Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Partial), Kabir Sagar etc . Sant Rampal Ji has given a simple explanation of Kabir Sahib’s teachings in His books like Gyan Ganga, Way of Living, Kabir Sagar Ka Sarlarth, Kabir Parmeshwar, Gita Tera Gyan Amrit, and MuktiBodh, etc.

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