September 20, 2024
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Saint Rampal JI News

International Daughters Day 2024: How Can We Attain Gender Neutral Society?

On September 26, 2024, every year, International Daughters Day is observed. Every year on the last Sunday of September, a special day for daughters is seen. This is a unique day that commemorates the birth of a girl and is observed around the world to eradicate the stigma associated with having a girl child by honoring daughters. Daughters have fewer privileges in this patriarchal society than sons. Daughters are an important element of any family, acting as a glue, a caring force that holds the family together. 

Jitiya Jivitputrika Vrat 2024 [Hindi]: जीवित्पुत्रिका या जितिया व्रत करने से नहीं होती संतान की रक्षा

Last Updated on 19 September 2024 IST | Jitiya Jivitputrika Vrat: हिंदू धर्म में जीवित्पुत्रिका व्रत का विशेष महत्व है। इस व्रत को जितिया या जिउतिया व्रत के नाम से भी जानते हैं। हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार, आश्विन मास के कृष्ण पक्ष की सप्तमी...

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A Deep Insight into the Reforms of Unparalleled Social Reformer Sant Rampal Ji

Social Reforms by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj: Can you imagine a world where the...

God Has Descended on Earth as Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj on 8 September 1951: The Prophecies Revealed

8 September Avaratan Diwas: In this prime time of attaining salvation being declared by Kabir Saheb ji, God has descended in the form of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj so that our welfare can be done.

8 सितंबर, संत रामपाल जी का अवतरण दिवस – नास्त्रेदमस ने 466 वर्ष पहले ही कर दी थी भविष्यवाणी

नास्त्रेदमस की भविष्यवाणियां व अन्य भविष्यवक्ताओं जैसे फ्लोरेंस,कीरो और बोरिस्का की अचूक भविष्यवाणियां जो की संत रामपाल जी महाराज पर खरी उतरती है.

Misconceptions and Reality in the Path of Spirituality and Worship Revealed by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Ever since the beginning of life on earth humans have been following various spiritual...

74वें अवतरण दिवस पर जानिए संत रामपाल जी महाराज के संघर्ष के बारे में

संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी का संघर्ष: 8 सितंबर 1951 को भारत की पावन...

संत रामपाल जी महाराज की अगुआई में लगाए गए 50,000 पौधे, 1 लाख पौधारोपण करने का बनाया लक्ष्य 

पंजाब के विभिन्न जिलों में वृक्षारोपण का एक अनोखा दृश्य देखने को मिल रहा...

Know the Aim of Sant Rampal Ji on 74th Avataran Diwas (Incarnation Day)

The Aim of Saint Rampal Ji: It is a general belief that whenever unholy and evil activities such as religious anarchy, hatred, killing, perversion, unrighteousness, corruption, social unrest, casteism, poverty, dowry, gender inequality, rape, illiteracy etc reaches its peak, the Supreme Power reincarnates Himself on the earth to save His pious souls/devotees. What is the aim of the incarnated Saint for mankind? What is the evidence of His claims? The answers of all these questions are covered in this blog.

74th Avataran Diwas (Incarnation Day) of Jagatguru Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj: The Dawn of the Golden Era

Last Updated on 22 July 2024 IST | On 74th Avataran Diwas (the day...

Avataran Diwas (Incarnation Day): The Selfless Struggle of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

The struggle of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj: In the discussion about struggle, if one goes down the lane of history books one can find a lot of real-life heroes with heroic struggles around the globe that have made marvelous contributions for the globe and mankind in numerous fields. But if one looks closely and observes accordingly one can easily come to a conclusion that these struggles were just for a purpose even if they appear to us or not at the moment. 

संत रामपाल जी महाराज का समाज पर किया गया उपकार

कहते हैं जब- जब धरती पर जुल्म बढ़ता है तब- तब परमात्मा कोई न...

Know About the Social Reforms by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj on 74th Avataran Diwas (Incarnation Day) 2024

Social reform is generally a movement undertaken by an individual who is a part of a certain society with an aim to change the ongoing unjust and oppressive practices focused towards a certain segment of the society. There have been many social reforms throughout the world, but India in particular, has witnessed a few socially and economically important social reforms such as abolition of the practice of Sati and emancipation of women, uprooting untouchability, eliminating casteism.

8 सितंबर 2024 संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी के 74वें अवतरण दिवस पर जानिए उनके अनूठे समाज सुधार के बारे में

8 सितंबर 2021 संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी का 71 वां अवतरण दिवस: जब भी कोई महापुरुष समाज में व्याप्त बुराईयों को दूर करने (समाज सुधार) का बीड़ा उठाते हैं तो वह समाज के तथाकथित ठेकेदारों की आँखों में चुभने लगते हैं। ऐसे ही एक संत हैं सतगुरु रामपाल जी महाराज जिन्होंने धर्म के नाम पर हो रहे धंधे को उजागर किया।

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International Daughters Day 2024: How Can We Attain Gender Neutral Society?

On September 26, 2024, every year, International Daughters Day is observed. Every year on the last Sunday of September, a special day for daughters is seen. This is a unique day that commemorates the birth of a girl and is observed around the world to eradicate the stigma associated with having a girl child by honoring daughters. Daughters have fewer privileges in this patriarchal society than sons. Daughters are an important element of any family, acting as a glue, a caring force that holds the family together.