Last Updated on 12 January 2025 IST | Army Day (Indian Army Day 2025) is an annual observance observed so as to highlight the contributions of the Indian Army in building up the nation. The day is also dedicated to honor all those army...
Last Updated on 12 January 2025 IST | Army Day (Indian Army Day 2025) is an annual observance observed so as to highlight the contributions of the Indian Army in building up the nation. The day is also dedicated to honor all those army...
Story of Kabir Saheb Prakat 2D Animation Video | ज्येष्ठ मास की शुक्ल पूर्णमासी विक्रमी संवत् 1455 (सन् 1398) को कबीर परमेश्वर सतलोक से सशरीर शिशु रूप में काशी के लहरतारा नामक तालाब में प्रकट हुए थे। नीरू-नीमा निःसंतान दंपति प्रतिदिन सूर्योदय से पूर्व...
On September 27 World Tourism Day is celebrated. The theme of World Tourism Day 2024 is "Tourism for Inclusive Growth. Read quotes and know about the Spiritual Journey.
Climate Change Report: Climate change's impact on India, as well as similar impacts on ten other countries, four of which are in South Asia, could increase risks to American national security interests, according to a report prepared by the US intelligence community.
The Holy Ganga river is one of the world's most ancient & famous rivers of all time. Ganga is such a river whose water is different from any other river on the Earth. Ganga is such a river that flows not only on the earth but also in the expression of the public in the form of proverbs and idioms. People believe that sins get destroyed by bathing in the Ganga river ―which is not true however.