October 25, 2024

On This Makar Sankranti 2024 Know About the Method to Get Ultimate Benefit From Supreme God!

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Last Updated on 12 January 2024 IST: Makar Sankranti 2024: India is known as the land of agriculture and diversity where people celebrate festivals with delight. The harvest festival Makar Sankranti is renowned for its diversity of celebrations and its religious significance. Go on to read about the right way to approach Makar Sankranti 2024. 

What Is the Speciality of Makar Sankranti?

The word “Makar” refers to Capricorn, according to Hindu mythology the day when the sun enters into Makar Raashi or in Zodiac sign from Sagittarius to Capricorn is known as Makar Sankranti (Sun’s zodiac change is called Sankranti). This change occurs once. The importance of the Sun moving from Sagittarius to Capricorn is more important because at this time the Sun becomes Uttarayan from Dakshinayan.

Which God Is Worshiped on Makar Sankranti?

This day is dedicated to the Sun Deity. As the day has a seasonal observance and marks the beginning of harvest season and end of winter season. From this day onwards due to the shifting of the sun, days start getting longer and nights become shorter. 

Makar Sankranti Festival 2024 Date

Every year Makar Sankranti is by default celebrated on the same date of 14th January except for certain years. As per the Hindu calendar, it falls in the month of Magh and coincides with the month of January as per the Gregorian calendar. But this year 2024, since the sun is entering in capricorn at 8pm on Jan 14, Makar Sankranti festival will be celebrated on Jan 15, 2024

What Is the Other Name of Sankranti?

11 different names of Sankranti are listed below: 

  • Makara Sankranti- Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
  • Sakraat or Khichdi- Bihar and Jharkhand
  • Sakraat- Delhi and Haryana
  • Uttarayan- Gujarat
  • Magha Saaji- Himachal Pradesh
  • Suggi- Karnataka
  • Ghughuti or Kale Kauva- Uttarakhand
  • Maghi- Punjab
  • Pongal- Tamil Nadu
  • Poush Parbon- West Bengal
  • Maghe Sankranti- Nepal

Why Is Makar Sankranti Celebrated?

Being a harvest festival, farmers celebrate the huge harvest of winter crops and seek blessings from Surya deity.

What Is the History of Makar Sankranti?

Makar Sankranti is named after the deity Sankranti. As per the legends, It is believed that on this day Sankranti killed a demon called Sankarasur. 

■ Also Read: Know About the Right Way to Attain Complete Salvation & Supreme God on Lohri Festival

How Is Makar Sankranti 2024 Festival celebrated?

Makar Sankranti in different states is celebrated with different traditions and names. Along with this the festival is also known for its spiritual importance. People prefer to take a dip in the holy rivers of Ganges, Godavari, Kaveri, Yamuna to cleanse their sins. However, this practice is not in accordance with Holy Scriptures. Other celebrations include kite flying, organizing fairs or melas, feast arts (traditional sweets from sesame and jaggery), cow pooja etc. While in many parts of the country people fly kites on this day. owever, these activities are futile as the Holy Bhagavad Gita clearly prohibits them in Chapter 16, Shlok 23, and Chapter 6, Shlok 16

Mythological Belief Is Contrary to Scriptures

Practices involved in the celebrations of Makar Sankranti do not obey our Holy Books. Like the practice of taking a dip in holy rivers with the belief that it will wash away our sins is not what our scriptures suggest. Although we have indulged ourselves in practices against our Holy Scriptures, still it is our right to know about the right method of worship. 

Holy Bhagavad Gita chapter 16 verse 23:-

YaH, shastrvidhim’, utsrjya, vartte, kamkaratH, na, saH,

Siddhim’, avapnoti, na, sukham’, na, paraam’, gatim’ ||

Translation:- The one abandoning the injunctions of the scriptures, acts according to his whimsical desires, neither attains siddhi, nor supreme state, nor happiness.

Which Practice Can Clear off Sins?

We bear the hardship of our bad karmas just because we don’t know how to wash away our sins. Contrary to our belief it can be made possible only by the power of spirituality. Holy Geeta ji in chapter 17 verse 23 suggests that we recite the mantra OM-TAT-SAT for attaining peace and happiness. Anything except that is useless. TAT and SAT are indicative words to be revealed by a Tatvdarshi Sant (as per Holy Geeta ji chapter 4 verse 34). By the recitation of these mantras one’s sins can be completely washed away.

Supreme God Kabir mentioned about Satnaam mantra in His sacred verses which is also mentioned indicatively in Holy Geeta ji. In the above said mantra OM-TAT together makes up Satnaam mantra to be revealed by a Tatvdarshi Sant (True Saint). The power of these mantras cannot be said in words. It is beyond the imagination of a normal person. Supreme God Kabir says:

Jab hi Satnam hriday dharo, Bhayo paap ko naash | 

Jaise chingari agni ki, Padi puraney ghaans || 

Meaning: – Just like a heap of crores of leaves can be turned into ashes by lighting a single matchstick and by the action of wind ashes are taken away. Similarly with one recitation of Satnaam your crores of sins will be washed away if you agree to not commit a sin in the coming future.

Let This Makar Sankranti 2024 Be the Change

There are some other misconceptions involved with the festivals in the form of rituals which are not at all necessary as far as the constitution of Supreme God Kabir is concerned. Some of those misconceptions are listed below:

1.Tradition of Charity:  It is a common misbelief that donations in the form of food , clothes etc. or any other meritorious deeds are considered very fruitful to be done on this day.

Kabir Saheb ji has said in His sacred speech :

Kabir, Guru bin maala ferte, Guru bin dete daan |

Guru bin dono nishfal hain, Chahe poochchho ved puraan ||

Meaning: – Without acquiring a Guru, if someone recites any mantra and gives donation; both of these are futile.

2. The one who dies on this day attains salvation: It is yet another misbelief prevailing with the festival. According to Hindu belief, it is considered that one who dies on the day of Makar Sankranti goes to heaven directly and never takes birth again. Whereas, without doing True-worship of the mantras mentioned in Holy Geeta ji chapter 17 verse 23 to be taken from a Complete Saint will give salvation in complete respect. Therefore the belief of dying and attaining salvation on this day is pointless. 

Read in Hindi: मकर संक्रांति पर जानिए शास्त्रानुकूल साधना के बारे में!

People have forgotten the identity of God and salvation. We live in a place of Satan, our soul does not belong to this place and that’s why we have to bear the hardship and sorrows. Our stay in this place is like a dream and by attainment of Supreme God Kabir and salvation, we can reach a place called Satlok where Supreme God Kabir resides and we attain the state of immortality with every comfort one can desire for.

There Is a Place Above, That Is Immortal 

The sufferings of birth-death, heaven-hell and 84 lakh births of various living beings will continue until one finds the True Guru who will give the real Naam Diksha (initiation) i.e. Satnaam and Saarnaam of the Supreme God Kavir Dev or Kabir Saheb which has the power to destroy all the sins. True Guru can only tell the way to reach the eternal heaven i.e. Satlok or Sachkhand. Satlok is the eternal place of the immortal God Kabir.

Makar Sankranti Festival 2024 Quotes

  • On this occasion of Makar Sankranti let’s find out can we really become happy by worshipping Sun god.
  • Makar Sankranti is also known as the festival of Kites. But can flying kites really bring good luck?
  • Makar Sankranti signifies the advent of the harvesting season. Let’s enlighten ourselves with true spiritual knowledge.
  • Makara Sankranti is one of the most auspicious days for Hindus but does following the rituals of Makar Sankranti guarantee happiness?

Presently, Who Is Giving True Spiritual Knowledge?

Presently only Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj from Haryana is the only Complete Saint mentioned in Holy Geeta ji chapter 4 verse 34 who is presenting us with actual mantras to attain salvation in accordance with our Holy Scriptures. And, by observing the benefits attained by His devotees one can firmly believe that He is the one to rely upon in this world full of uncertainties to attain salvation and to get benefits more than one’s destiny. To know more, order Free Sacred Book Gyan Ganga written by Him or you can visit His Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj youtube channel for more details.

FAQ about Makar Sankranti Festival

When will Makar Sankranti be celebrated in 2024?

Ans: This year 2024, Makar Sankranti festival will be celebrated on Jan 15 

What is Makar Sankranti also known as?

Ans: Makar Sankranti festival is also known as Uttarayan, Khichdi, Festival of Kites, Pongal and Sagrant. 

Which is the most famous mela of Makar Sankranti?

Ans: The most famous mela of Makar Sankranti is the Kumbh Mela held in every 12 years.

What does the festival of Makar Sankranti signify?

Ans: The festival of Makar Sankranti marks the beginning of the harvesting season.

What do people eat on Makar Sankranti? 

Ans: People eat Til (sesame) laddu, Chikki, gajak and Khichdi

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