February 25, 2025


कुरान की आयतों से जानिए पुनर्जन्म की सच्चाई

पुनर्जन्म की सच्चाई: पहले मनुष्य जन्म मिला, फिर जीवन शुरू हुआ। फिर संभलना और चलना सीखा, पढ़ाई की, नौकरी की तलाश की, शादी हुई, बच्चे हुए, घर गृहस्थी संभाली, वृद्धावस्था व बीमारी का दुख सहा और फिर एक दिन स्टोरी एंड यानी खत्म। सभी...

How to Quit Smoking?: Get The Ways To Quit Smoking

Smoking is a practice in which a substance is burned and the smoke is inhaled and released. Many substances are used for smoking. It may be tobacco, patches, lozenges or gums. Most common substance smoked is Tobacco. Nearly one - fourth of the world...

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Revisiting Kalpana Chawla’s Life, First Indian Woman into Space

Last Updated on 31 January 2024 IST: Kalpana Chawla died on February 1 in...

Good Governance Day 2024: Know About the Real Good Governance Model

Last Updated on 18 December 2024 IST: Good Governance Day (Birth Anniversary of India's...

National Constitution Day 2024: Know How Our Constitution Can Change Our Lives

Every year 26 November is celebrated as National Constitution Day in the country, which commemorates the adoption of the Constitution of India

Kartik Purnima 2024: कार्तिक पूर्णिमा पर कैसे पाएँ सद्भक्ति और सुख समृद्धि

Kartik Purnima 2024: कार्तिक मास (Kartik Month) की शुक्ल पक्ष पूर्णिमा को कार्तिक पूर्णिमा...

International Men’s Day 2024: Empowering Men’s Health And Wellness

Last Updated on 13 November 2024 IST: International Men's Day 2024 falls annually on...

World Kindness Day 2024: How To Be Kind Every Day?

World Kindness Day 2024: Every year World Kindness Day is observed on November 13th,...

World Vegan Day 2024: Know Why Turning Vegan Is Important 

Every year on November 1st, vegans around the world celebrate World Vegan Day. Louise Wallis, then-Chair of The Vegan Society in the United Kingdom, founded the event in 1994 to commemorate the organization's fiftieth anniversary. In honor of World Vegan Day, here is an overview of how veganism is becoming a trend in the entire world. 

All Saints’ Day 2024 (Halloween): Who Is the Present Real Saint?

Last Updated on 28 October 2024 IST |  All Saints' Day is the day...

Police  Commemoration Day 2024: A Day of Reflection and Remembrance

Every year Police Commemoration Day is observed by every police department in the nation. The basic reason for observing such a day was to remember the sacrifices of all those individuals who put their lives on the line to serve the nation. Let us go on and read about the same in detail.

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2024 (Hindi): संसार में दुख और गरीबी कैसे दूर होगी?

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty: कोरोना काल में भारत में गरीबों की तादाद बहुत अधिक बड़ गई है। कोरोना महामारी के दौरान दुनिया भर में गरीब हुए लोगों में 60 फीसदी भारतीय हैं। एक रिसर्च के मुताबिक बढ़ी बेरोजगारी के चलते भारत के मिडिल क्लास में 3.2 करोड़ लोग कम हुए है और गरीबों की संख्या साढ़े सात करोड़ बढ़ी है। विश्वबैंक ने कहा कोविड-19 के कारण 2021 तक 15 करोड़ लोगों के गरीबी के दलदल में फंसने के आसार बन गये हैं।

International Day of Rural Women 2024: Understand the Role of Rural Women to Attain Gender Equality

International Day of Rural Women recognizes the significant role and involvement of rural women. Know its theme and history.

International Day of Girl Child 2024: Girls’ Vision for the Future Empowered By Equality & Spiritual Enlightenment

The International Day of the Girl Child celebrated on October 11, is an attempt to raise awareness about the issues that girls face. This year's events range from seminars to the launch of a campaign to end child marriage. To commemorate the occasion, the United Nations stated that this year they will advocate for equal access to the Internet and digital devices for girls, as well as targeted investments to provide them with meaningful opportunities to use, access, and lead technology.

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कुरान की आयतों से जानिए पुनर्जन्म की सच्चाई

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