September 20, 2024


International Daughters Day 2024: How Can We Attain Gender Neutral Society?

On September 26, 2024, every year, International Daughters Day is observed. Every year on the last Sunday of September, a special day for daughters is seen. This is a unique day that commemorates the birth of a girl and is observed around the world to eradicate the stigma associated with having a girl child by honoring daughters. Daughters have fewer privileges in this patriarchal society than sons. Daughters are an important element of any family, acting as a glue, a caring force that holds the family together. 

Jitiya Jivitputrika Vrat 2024 [Hindi]: जीवित्पुत्रिका या जितिया व्रत करने से नहीं होती संतान की रक्षा

Last Updated on 19 September 2024 IST | Jitiya Jivitputrika Vrat: हिंदू धर्म में जीवित्पुत्रिका व्रत का विशेष महत्व है। इस व्रत को जितिया या जिउतिया व्रत के नाम से भी जानते हैं। हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार, आश्विन मास के कृष्ण पक्ष की सप्तमी...

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World Food Day was first established in November 1979. The idea was suggested by former Hungarian Minister of Agriculture and Food Dr Pal Romany. Since then, the day has been celebrated by more than 150 countries around the world. It is an initiative by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations. 

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25 सितंबर को विश्व फार्मासिस्ट दिवस मनाया जाता है। 1912 में इंटरनेशनल फार्मास्युटिकल फेडरेशन की स्थापना हुई थी। FIP ने इस साल विश्व फार्मासिस्ट दिवस की थीम 'Pharmacy: Always Trusted for Your Health' यानी फार्मेसी: हमेशा आपके स्वास्थ्य के लिए फायदेमंद रखा गया है।

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International Daughters Day 2024: How Can We Attain Gender Neutral Society?

On September 26, 2024, every year, International Daughters Day is observed. Every year on the last Sunday of September, a special day for daughters is seen. This is a unique day that commemorates the birth of a girl and is observed around the world to eradicate the stigma associated with having a girl child by honoring daughters. Daughters have fewer privileges in this patriarchal society than sons. Daughters are an important element of any family, acting as a glue, a caring force that holds the family together.