February 12, 2025

Swami Vivekanand Death Anniversary (Punya Tithi): How Vivekanand’s Timeless Teachings Inspire Youth?

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Last Updated on 2 July 2024 IST | Swami Vivekananda Death Anniversary: Swami Vivekanand Death Anniversary (Punya Tithi): How Vivekanand’s Timeless Teachings Inspire Youth?

Who Was Swami Vivekananda?

Swami Vivekanand ji was born in Calcutta on January 12, 1863. His original name was Narendranath Dutt. He was well known in the field of education. He was a social reformer and a spiritual leader. His birthday is celebrated as National Youth day to honor Swami Vivekanand.

Achievements of Swami Vivekananda Ji

  • Swami Vivekanand made Ramkrishna his Guru but actually he was not a true saint. After the death of his Guru in 1886, he started travelling to almost every part of the world. 
  • He founded the Ramakrishna Mission in 1897 which, unfortunately, is not the actual way and place of worship. Here, the practices are done against the scriptures.
  • He gave the philosophy of Advait Vedanta. It is based on the concept of non-dualism which is totally a baseless notion.
  • Swami Vivekanand spoke about the essence of India’s religion and spirituality in the year 1893 in Chicago.

Vivekanand correlated ethics with control of the mind, seeing truth, purity and unselfishness as qualities which strengthened it. He advocated his followers to be divine, pious and unselfish. He believed that knowledge is inherent in every person’s soul and the teacher’s role is to help students manifest that knowledge by removing obstacles.

  • “Talk to yourself once in a day, otherwise you may miss meeting an intelligent person in this world.”
  • “You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.”
  • “You have to grow from the inside out.
  •  “The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong.”
  • “Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached.”

Swami Vivekananda Death Anniversary: In the book ‘The Monk as Man’ by famous Bengali writer Mani Shankar Mukherjee, it is said that Swami Vivekanand had to struggle with 31 diseases including sleep, liver, kidney, malaria, migraine, diabetes and heart disease. Shankar has mentioned the illnesses of Swami Vivekanand from a Sanskrit verse ‘Shariyam Byadhikamandiram’. It means that ‘the body is a temple of diseases.’ At the time when Swami Vivekanand was struggling with diabetes, the medicine for this disease had not been invented yet.

Swami Vivekananda Death: Swami Vivekanand died on 4 July, 1902 as his blood vessel ruptured in his brain. He was suffering from 31 diseases including malaria, migraine, diabetes, insomnia, liver, kidney and heart etc. and these diseases became the reason for his death. 

Perception of God According to Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda Ji believed that Atma (SOUL) and Parmatma (GOD) both are equal. There is no difference in both ― which is totally baseless. As the Father can never be equal to his son. Similarly, the Creator of the universe cannot be the same as that of His Creation. 

Vivekananda’s Knowledge of Vedas

It is said that Swami Vivekananda Ji had the knowledge of Vedas and Upanishads, although he was unable to find and know about the true path to be followed.

Kabir Ji said in His verse that one cannot attain the exact knowledge of Vedas, Upnishads and Scriptures without a True Saint ( Satguru/Tatvadarshi ).

Guru bin kaahu na paya gyana|

Jyon thotha bhus chhde moodh kisana||

Gita Ji was read by Swami Vivekananda Ji and his Guru Swami Ramkrishna Ji. They themselves could not understand about Who is the Supreme Power. Fortunately, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj disclosed the secrets of  Vedas, Gita and other religious scriptures. 

  • Gita Adhyay 2 Shloka 17

“Avinaashi, tu, tat,viddhi, yen, sarvam, idam,tatam, 

Vinaasham, avyyasya, asya, na, kashchit, kartum, arhati ||

Meaning: You should know Him to be indestructible/immortal from whom this whole visible world has pervaded. No one is capable of destroying this Immortal.

Also Read: National Youth Day: स्वामी विवेकानंद जयंती पर जानिए विवेकानंद जी को गहराई से

In Atharvaveda also it is mentioned that The Supreme Power is Kabir Sahib Ji Who is the Father of the Universe.

  • Atharvaveda Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no. 7 

“YaH – atharvanm’ – Pitram’ – Devbandhum’ – Brahspatim’ – namsa – av – ch –gachchhaat’ – tvam’ – vishwesham’ – janita – yatha – saH – KavirdevH – na – dabhaayat’ – swadhavan’ “.

Swami Vivekananda Read Vedas but Remained Ignorant

As Swami Vivekananda Ji was known for his profound knowledge of all Vedas and Upanishads, still he remained ignorant of the actual path that leads to devotion and then to salvation. If he could be doing true devotion (bhakti), he wouldn’t have died like this. Those who follow the right path mentioned in our scriptures, die peacefully. In Gita Ji, it is mentioned that the Supreme God is attainable by undivided devotion only and  not by worshipping other Gods.

  • Gita Adhyay 8 Shloka 22 says;

||PurushH, saH, parH, paarth, bhaktya, labhyaH, tu, ananyyaa, 

Yasya, antHsthaani, bhootaani, yen, sarvam, idam, tatam ||

What Is the Form of Supreme Power?

It is stated twice in Yajurveda that God has a body. That Eternal Purush has a body for nurturing everyone. When God comes as a guest in this world for some time to explain Tattavgyan to His devotees, He comes by having a body of lighter masses of lights over His actual effulgent body. 

  • Yajurved Adhyay 5, Mantra 1

Agne TanuH Asi | Vishnve Tva Somasya Tanur’ Asi

Thus, the belief of Swami Vivekananda Ji that both Parmatma and Atma are equal and God is not in form but calls divinity within is baseless.

Who Is the True Saint at Present?

At present, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj only is the True Tatvdarshi Saint (Satguru) Who has in-depth knowledge of all Scriptures. He has revealed and shown the true spiritual path that is mentioned in Holy books. Hence, it is requested to all that please choose your icon wisely. A Guru who has true spiritual knowledge of Vedas and other scriptures is undoubtedly Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj ji. Sant Rampal ji Maharaj ji is establishing our ancient Sanatan Dharma which will uplift the whole society and will educate each one of us with true spirituality. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj ji is eradicating all the evils spread in the society like drug addiction, dowry, bad intentions, fraud, corruption, inhumanity, religious discrimination, difference between son and daughter, female feticide, domestic violence etc.

To know more, watch the video given below and educate yourself with the knowledge of all the Vedas, religious scriptures and Sanatan Dharma to make this world a better place to live together spiritually. 

When and how did Swami Vivekananda die?

Shankar has written in his book that Swami Vivekananda became very ill in 1887 due to excessive stress and lack of food. During that time he also suffered from gallstones and diarrhea. Vivekananda died at the age of 39 on July 4, 1902, after battling several illnesses.

Where was Swami Vivekananda cremated?

His cremation was performed on a sandalwood pyre on the banks of Ganga in Belur. On the other side of the same bank of Ganga, the last rites of his Guru Ramakrishna Paramhansa had taken place sixteen years ago. Vivekananda was 39 years old at the time of his death.

What did Vivekananda say about God?

Swami Vivekananda used to say, only a deity can worship deity. It is not possible for humans to do this. Worshiping anyone above the popular form of God can be disastrous for humans. His theory about God was completely baseless. 

Whom did Vivekananda worship?

Vivekananda ji used to worship Goddess Kali. While the truth is that only the Supreme God is worthy to worship according to all the scriptures.

What is the teaching of Swami Vivekananda?

Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached. He famously said, “You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.” He taught that each person has infinite potential and lacks self-confidence to realize it. This lesson continues to motivate individuals to believe in their abilities.

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