Last Updated on 26 March 2025 IST | Eid al-Fitr 2025: Eid is the festival which the entire Muslim community waits for to arrive. On this Eid, let us make ourselves aware about the Eidi of True Spiritual Knowledge arranged for us in this prime time of attaining salvation by the AllahTala and explore its spiritual significance according to the teachings of the Quran.
Eid al-Fitr Meaning
Eid al Fitr, the ‘festival of breaking the fasts’ is a festival very popular among muslim community as it concludes the fasting rituals in the month of Ramadan (from dawn to dusk). Because of the lack of true spiritual knowledge, they consider it as a way of purifying their souls and seeking forgiveness for their sins which will be helpful on the path of attaining Allah but it is not so. The meaning of the word Eid is festival and that’s why they named this day as Eid.
When Is Eid al-Fitr 2025 After Ramadan?
Eid al-Fitr in 2025 is expected to be observed on Monday, March 31, in India, marking the end of Ramadan. However, since the Islamic calendar follows the lunar cycle, the exact date may vary depending on the sighting of the moon.
Also known as Ramzan Id or Eid-ul-Fitr, this festival is a gazetted holiday in India, celebrated with special prayers, communal meals, and various cultural traditions. It signifies the conclusion of the month-long fasting period of Ramadan and is a time of joy, gratitude, and charity.
Why Do Muslims Celebrate Eid al-Fitr?
Muslims are celebrating all such festivals due to ignorance of the Quran. According to Islamic belief, fasting during Ramadan cleanses a person of all sins and paves the way to attaining Heaven (Jannat). Eid al-Fitr is celebrated as an expression of gratitude to the Almighty for granting strength and endurance throughout the month-long fast.
Muslims believe that fasting and abstaining from sinful activities help purify the soul. During Ramadan, they refrain from food, drink, and vices like alcohol, observing self-discipline for one month each year. Through fasting and charitable deeds, they seek spiritual purification and a closer connection with Allah. But this is not the correct way to get blessings from Allah Kabir.
What Happens During Eid al-Fitr?
People generally follow the ritual as prevalent but still it varies to some extent from place to place. Eid al Fitr marks the end of the month of Ramadan (ninth month as per Islamic calendar, a month to keep fasts). But it is forbidden to keep fasts on the day of Eid. People generally do following activities on the day of Eid:
- The day begins with the prayers called Salat and a big meal is served for the people there.
- There is a special Eid tradition which is to give charity or Zakat al Fitr at the end of the month of Ramadan. It is preferred to give Zakat in advance so as to help the people. People greet each other by saying Eid Mubarak which means blessed Eid. And usually people hug each other while saying Eid Mubarak.
- It is general practice to prepare delicious food and sweets for the day as it comes after a month of long fasts. And people arrange social gatherings too.
- People seek to demand forgiveness from AllahTala on this day.
- Countries with a huge percentage of muslim population tend to declare this day as a public holiday. And there is a rush seen in markets on the day before the festive day.
What Food Do Muslims Eat on Eid al-Fitr?
Eid al Fitr is sometimes designated with the name as Sugar feast because a lot of sweet items are prepared for this day. Every country has their own dishes and hence are unique in their own ways.
Baklava and Turkish delight with Seker Bayrami (Turkey), Kleichas are baked with rose flavored biscuits with fillings of nuts (Iraq and Saudi Arabia), Bint al sahn (Yemen), Manti (Russia) , You Xiang (China), Sweet Korma (Bangladesh), Sheer Khurma and Biryani (India) are the dishes which are made and distributed among friends and family on the occasion of Eid. Remember It is important to recall that Allah has stated in the Quran that He desires for humans to adopt a vegetarian diet.
Eid al-Fitr 2025 Quotes For Sharing
- Eid is known for its spiritual connectivity with AllahTala. Let this Eid be the opportunity to know about the identity of Allahu Akbar.
- The festival of Eid is the opportunity to recognize the Bakhabar Saint and do worship as given by Him.
- Let us take a pledge to give up things like eating non veg, having alcohol etc as they are against the Constitution of Allah Kabir.
- This is the prime time of attaining Allah Kabir and that’s why He has sent a Bakhabar in the form of Saint Rampal ji Maharaj to distribute the wealth of True Spiritual Knowledge for His pious soals.
- Giving up sinful activities for our whole lives is a way to celebrate Eid from now on.
- It is after acquiring the True spiritual knowledge, one cannot dare to commit a sin and thus remains pure in the eyes of his Allah Kabir.
Importance of Eid al-Fitr
Understanding the significance of a festival like Eid is essential, as it is celebrated by a vast community. Muslims rightly believe that God is one, referring to Him as Allah. According to their belief, Allah revealed the Holy Quran Sharif as the book of supreme knowledge.
Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, which is considered sacred by Muslims. They believe that during this period, the Holy Quran Sharif was revealed to Prophet Muhammad by the angel Jibrael (Zibrael). This raises an important question-who was Jibrael?
History of Eid al-Fitr
Everything has its own history. Like the history of Ramayan and Mahabharat is related to Lord Rama and Pandavas respectively, the history of Eid al-Fitr is connected to the Battle of Badr.
Which Place is known as Jung-e-Badar and Why?
Approximately 200 km from the city of Medina, Saudi Arabia, there is a well located at the site where the Battle of Badr (Jung-e-Badr) took place in 624 AD. This historical battleground is known as Jung-e-Badr in history books.
The battle was fought between Hazrat Muhammad and Abu Jahl. Prophet Muhammad led an army of just 313 soldiers, while Abu Jahl commanded 1,300 troops.
Despite having fewer soldiers, Hazrat Muhammad emerged victorious in the battle. He wholeheartedly congratulated each soldier for their bravery and rewarded them with sweets, clothes, and fitra.This victory led to the first celebration of Eid al-Fitr, which took place 1400 years ago in 624 AD (Hijri Samvat 2). Hazrat Muhammad initiated this festival to commemorate the triumph in battle. Since then, Eid al-Fitr has been observed as one of the most significant festivals in Islamic tradition.
Who Helped Hazrat Mohammad Ji During the War?
In the war of badar i.e. “Jung-e-badar” Hazrat Mohammad ji was helped by a youngster named Ali. Ali was met with Supreme God Kabir by the name Al-Khidr and gave him the true mantras for recitation for destroying one’s sins. Before the battle, Ali sought blessings from Al-Khidr. Kabir Saheb, appearing in the form of Al-Khidr, bestowed upon him the True Mantra (Shabd). With the power of this mantra, Ali emerged victorious, securing the war in favor of Hazrat Muhammad.
Later, Ali revealed to Hazrat Muhammad that Al-Khidr had given him the True Mantras, which he recited during the war. In response, Hazrat Muhammad told him, “It was indeed Allah who bestowed those True Mantras upon you.”
Garib, Ali Allah ka sher hai, Sina Swaaf Sharir|
Krishan ali ekae kali, nyari kala Kabir ||
Saint Garibdas ji has told in His sacred verse that Ali who always stayed with Hazrat Mohammad ji was the pious soul sent by God Kabir Himself. It was said that when Ali used to raise his sword, it used to cross the stars by the blessings of the Almighty. In reality it is Supreme God Kabir who comes and descends Himself from His eternal abode to help His pious soul at the time of their hardship. Every soul here whether in the form of animal or human being are the sons of the Almighty God Kabir.
Who is the Narrator of the Holy Quran Sharif?
Muslims believe that the Holy Quran was narrated by Allah, with Jibrael as His messenger. However, this is not the case. Jibrael was actually sent by Satan (Kaal Brahm – the devil) to Prophet Muhammad to mislead him about the true identity and Constitution of the Almighty AllahTala. As a result, the teachings and practices mentioned in the Quran are incomplete and do not lead to ultimate salvation.
■ Read in Hindi | Eid al-Fitr [Hindi] | ईद–उल–फितर पर जानिए कौन है वह कादिर अल्लाह जिसकी इबादत से सभी गुनाह नष्ट हो जाते है?
This is how Satan (Kaal Brahm) has been deceiving people by taking advantage of their faith. The reason for humanity’s suffering today is that we are unknowingly worshiping Satan instead of the True AllahTala.
Allah created the universe in six days and then returned to His eternal abode, Satlok, on the seventh day. After that, Satan (Kaal Brahm) took control and began deceiving souls to keep them away from AllahTala.
Kaal Brahm traps beings in the cycle of karma, ensuring they remain bound to this world. He has misled the entire Muslim community, causing them to follow practices that go against the Constitution of the Supreme Almighty and leading them away from true salvation.
Why Satan Sent Zibrael to Deliver Quran?
This is because Kaal Brahm (Satan) has been cursed to consume the filth from the souls of 1 lakh humans daily while creating 1.25 lakh new beings. As a result, souls remain trapped in the endless cycle of birth and death, experiencing suffering in various forms, lifetime after lifetime.
By imposing practices that go against the Constitution of the Supreme God, Kaal Brahm (Satan) ensures that souls remain trapped in this world, ultimately serving as his food after death.
Through the Holy Quran Sharif, Kaal Brahm has done everything possible to keep humanity away from attaining the True God and His blessings. Commands such as animal sacrifice, fasting, and other rituals are not the decrees of AllahTala but the manipulations of Kaal Brahm, designed to satisfy his own hunger.
Entire muslim community believes that the speaker of Quran Sharif is Supreme and he has knowledge above all about the creation of universe. In Holy Quran Sharif, surat furqan 25 ayat 59, narrator of Holy Quran Sharif is telling us to go in refuge of a Bakhabar or Ilamwala for receiving the knowledge about the Almighty. The narrator himself is unaware of the true path to salvation. If he were truly Allah, how could he not know the method of attaining Him? This clearly proves that he is not Allah.
What Does the Muslim Community Believe About Salvation and the True Path to Allah?
People from the Muslim community have read the Holy Quran Sharif, but many struggle to understand its true meaning. They perceive Bakhabar as an intelligent scholar, priest, or Maulvi who can explain the Quran to them. However, extracting the true essence from Holy Scriptures is not an easy task.
Priests and sages who lack adequate spiritual knowledge can be misleading for devotees, as they themselves are unaware of the true method of worship. Following their incomplete guidance can keep a seeker away from the path of true salvation.
■ Also Read: Almighty Immortal God (Allah Kabir) in Quran Sharif (Islam)
A Bakhabar/IIamwala Saint is the sole representative of Allahu Akbar who will provide a devotee with the true method of worship which will give benefits that God gives to His devotees. As per Holy Quran Sharif in Surat Furqani 42:1 (Ain Seen Qaaf) and similar to Holy Srimad Bhagavad Geeta chapter 17:23 (Om-Tat-Sat), there is a mantra for salvation in which the words are indicative that are to be revealed by a Bakhabar or a Tatvdarshi Saint. (Holy Geeta ji chapter 4 verse 34). Thus, Satan (Kaal Brahm) has divided us into different religions, keeping us trapped in his web of worldly problems and temporary pleasures. His goal is to distract us, making us forget our true purpose attaining the Supreme God (Supreme Allah).
It is being written in Holy Suksham Ved or Kabir Sagar:
Wahi sanak sanandana, Wahi chaar yaari |
Tatvgyan jane bina, Bigdi baat saari ||
Saint Garibdasji from Haryana says about the prime goal of this human life in His sacred verses which is attainment of Almighty Allahu Akbar:
Manush janam paye kar, jo nahi rate Hari Naam |
Jaise kuua jal bina, fir banwaya kya kaam ||
Can Celebrating Eid al-Fitr 2025 Lead to Salvation?
The celebration of any festival can never lead to salvation, as salvation is attained only when one is pardoned from all sins. True liberation is possible only by following the correct way of worship as per the Constitution of the Supreme Almighty.
During Eid, many practices directly oppose God’s commands, such as preparing meals with animal flesh, giving money as charity, and exchanging festive wishes. Consuming animal flesh is a grave sin. Think about it: you take the life of God’s creation for food and still expect His blessings for yourself and your family. Does that seem justified?
Moreover, exchanging festive wishes results in the loss of one’s good karma. These actions keep a person trapped in the cycle of karmic bondage, preventing them from attaining true salvation.
Eid al-Fitr 2025 Who Is Allahu Akbar?
People from Muslim community consider Allah to be formless which is completely false. It is clearly mentioned in Holy Quran Sharif Surat Furqan 25 Ayat 59 that Allah has created the entire universe in six days and sat on His throne on the seventh day, the one ‘who sat on His throne’, can’t be formless? He is definitely in form. Even the Holy Bible says the same that God has created man in His own image, thus, He is definitely in form (Genesis 1:27). Now the question comes: who is that Allah?
Kabir Saheb or Allah Kabir or Lord Kabir is that Supreme Power who descended upon the Holy land of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India 600 years ago. He was initially considered as a weaver but He revealed via His acts that He is indeed the Supreme Power. He taught humanity to people and had many hindu and muslim followers.
Kabir Saheb is mentioned in Holy Quran Sharif Surah Furqan 25 Ayat 52 to Ayat 59, Holy Fazail-E-Amaal, Fazail E Zikr Ayat 1 mentioned Allah as Kabir.
Surat Furqan 25 Ayat 52:
Translation: The narrator of Holy Quran Sharif is saying to Mohammad that you should not believe in Kafirs (one who considers that Kabir is not God) because they don’t consider Kabir as Allahu Akbar. You should remain firm on your decision and should struggle for God Kabir.
Holy Fazail-E-Amaal Fazail E Zikr Ayat 1
‘Wallat Kabir Ballah Aala Maha dakoobwala Allah kumdar guru’
Translation: You should praise Almighty Allah Kabir. Kabir Allah is present everywhere i.e.Omnipresent for His pious souls and can save us from every sin and forgive all the sins of His devotees.
A Name Cannot Be Substituted with Its Meaning
Just like in the holy books of Islam, Kabir Saheb’s name is also mentioned as the Supreme God in the scriptures of every other religion. He alone has the power to destroy sins and grant true happiness, He is Allah Kabir.
Even the narrator of the Holy Quran Sharif urges Prophet Muhammad and all Muslims to seek refuge in Allah Kabir. However, the Muslim community misinterprets Kabir as merely meaning “big.” This translation is incorrect, as a name cannot be replaced with its meaning without altering the entire context of a sentence.
For a Muslim, it is not easy to accept the truth that Lord Kabir is the Allah they have always worshiped and prayed to. It is because of the lack of True Spiritual Knowledge or Tatvgyan. Allah Kabir descends Himself to distribute the wealth of true spiritual knowledge for His pious souls. And He does it by playing the role of a Bakhabar Saint. So accept the Eidi of True Spiritual Knowledge on this Eid-al-Fitr 2025 from ALLAH KABIR.
Who is That Bakhabar Saint?
At present, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only Bakhabar (Enlightened Saint) and Tatvdarshi Saint on this planet the sole representative of Allah Kabir. He has revealed the true essence of all Holy Scriptures, unveiling the unique identity of Allah Kabir and the correct method to attain Him.
Additionally, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has successfully explained the creation of the universe by Allah Kabir as described in various Holy Scriptures. These profound revelations serve as undeniable proof of His authenticity as the true representative of Allah Kabir.
He has unveiled the hidden mantras for attaining God and His blessings, as mentioned in Holy Scriptures using coded words. Through His devotees, He has demonstrated that these mantras are indeed authentic and effective in realizing God and receiving His grace.
By spreading His vast spiritual knowledge across the globe through His discourses, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has drawn seekers from all religions and regions. Inspired by His teachings, people are now taking initiation from Him to understand the true process of attaining divine benefits.
Observing the unpredictable changes in the world and the unparalleled spiritual knowledge of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, a true seeker should not delay in making the right decision. Without wasting time, one should take Naam Diksha (Initiation) from Him to secure eternal welfare and salvation.
FAQs on Eid al-Fitr 2025 and the Path to Salvation
No, mere festival celebrations do not lead to salvation. True liberation is possible only by following the correct method of worship as per the Constitution of the Supreme Almighty.
Yes, taking the life of any living being for food is a grave sin. Killing God’s creation and expecting His blessings contradicts true spiritual principles.
While charity is encouraged, giving Fitra as part of a ritual does not erase sins or lead to salvation. True spiritual charity is guiding others toward the correct way of worship.
Yes, as per spiritual law, exchanging wishes results in the loss of good karma, keeping one entangled in the cycle of karmic bondage.
The only way to receive Allah’s true blessings and attain salvation is by following the worship method prescribed by a Bakhabar (Enlightened Saint), as sent by Almighty Allah.