October 18, 2024

World Heart Day 2024: Know How to Keep Heart Healthy

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Last Updated on 27 September 2024 IST | World Heart Day 2024: World Heart Day is celebrated on September 29 every year to make people aware of heart health. This year, the theme is “Use Heart for Every Heart”. By these international days emphasis has been made to generate awareness about health of the heart. But the permanent remedy of Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is none other than the SatBhakti given by a Complete Saint.

World Heart Day 2024 Highlights  

  • On September 29, World Heart Day is celebrated every year
  • The purpose is to make people aware of Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
  • World Heart Day 2024’s theme is “Use Heart for Action”.
  • 17.9 million patients die of Cardiovascular disease (CVD) worldwide
  • People with CVD are more at risk of severe coronavirus forms.
  • COVID-19 pandemic has alerted the healthcare professions, systems, and individuals.
  • Improving lifestyle changes is worthy of a healthy heart
  • The permanent remedy of Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is SatBhakti or True Worship given by a Complete Saint.

History of World Heart Day

Both the World Heart Federation and World Health Organization are the backbone of the creation of this international observance of World Heart Day. World Heart Day is celebrated on September 29 every year to make people aware of heart health. The first year to commemorate this special day was 2000. At the same time it was decided to celebrate World Heart Day every year on the last Sunday of September. The year 2014 witnessed a fixed date of September 29 to commemorate this special day. 

What Is the Significance of World Heart Day? 

The purpose of celebrating this day is to make people aware of heart-related diseases. Today, people from all age groups from young to adults and to old age people, all face heart disease. All over the world, heart disease is becoming a severe illness nowadays. 

What Is the Theme of World Heart Day in the Year 2024? 

In 2024, the theme is “Use Heart for Action”, emphasizing the importance of taking deliberate and impactful steps to improve cardiovascular health.

The theme “Use Heart for Action” is a call to individuals, communities, and leaders worldwide to prioritize heart health. This theme underscores the need for:

  • Collaboration: Highlighting the importance of collective efforts in combating cardiovascular diseases.
  • Empowerment: Encouraging individuals to take proactive steps in caring for their hearts.
  • Advocacy: Urging leaders to implement and support national cardiovascular health action plans.

When is World Heart Day?

Every year World Heart Day is celebrated by default on the same date of 29th September worldwide. Initially the date was the final Sunday of the every September month annually but later it was fixed to 29th September in the year 2014.

Who was the founder of World Heart Day?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) and Antoni Baie de Luna, the previous head of the World Health Federation, collaborated to create World Heart Day in 1999.

What are cardiovascular diseases (CVD)?

Cardiovascular diseases include conditions such as heart disease and stroke, which affect the heart and blood vessels.

What is the Significance of World Heart Day?

World Heart Day is observed to promote awareness about cardiovascular diseases, which are the leading cause of mortality worldwide each year. Because these diseases are preventable, the WHO established World Heart Day to raise awareness about them.

What Is the Aim of World Heart Day?  

In May 2012, global leaders pledged to lessen worldwide death from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by 25% by 2025. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is liable for nearly 50 percent of all NCD deaths. This way, CVD has become the world’s number one killer of humans. World Heart Day is a platform for the CVD community to fight against CVD to reduce the disease internationally.

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Established by the World Heart Federation, World Heart Day enlightens people worldwide about the CVD. It aims to push action to alert people to reduce at least 80% of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke by controlling risk factors such as unhealthy diet, tobacco use, and physical inactivity. Because use of tobacco (directly or indirectly) results in various sorts of diseases  that include heart related diseases too and eventually an early death, also poses a great barrier onto the path of attaining God.

Who Contributes to World Heart Day?

World Heart Day is a worldwide movement by the communities, families, individuals, and governments to participate in heart health-related programs. Through this movement, the World Heart Federation brings together people from all nations and environments to struggle against the CVD obligation. It encourages and pushes international action to promote heart-healthy living across the planet. The World Heart Federation takes good heart health as a fundamental human right. WHF considers Heart health as a critical component of worldwide health justice. 

  • Sign the Petition: Add your signature to the global petition to advocate for stronger heart health policies.
  • Participate in Local Events: Join community events and activities to learn more about heart health and support the cause.
  • Spread the Word: Use social media to share information about World Heart Day and encourage others to take action.
  • Adopt a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle: Make personal commitments to improve your heart health by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking.

Global Partners of the World Heart Federation (WHF) 

WHF works tirelessly in the movement to reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD) around the globe. With the global partners’ support, the World Heart Federation is boosting consciousness and inspiring governments, families, communities, and individuals to drive the CVD agenda and help people live longer, better, more heart-healthy lives.

What Is the Present-Day Scenario of Heart Disease?

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a grouping of illnesses of the heart and blood vessels and includes cerebrovascular disease, coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, and other conditions.

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About 20 percent of the population in India is a heart patient. According to the World Heart Federation, approximately 17.9 million patients die of Cardiovascular disease (CVD) worldwide. About 80 percent of CVD deaths are due to heart attacks, and strokes, 30 percent of deaths happen in people under 70.

What Are the Leading Causes of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)?

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one reason for death on earth. It develops in the human body for various reasons like from glucose and lipid disorders, high blood pressure, smoking, and obesity, rare and neglected conditions such as cardiac amyloidosis and due to air pollution. The timely diagnosis and treatment can prevent premature deaths in primary health care facilities.

Key Initiatives and Activities

1. Global Petition for Heart Health:

A major highlight of World Heart Day 2024 is the global petition aimed at securing 1 million signatures by December 2024. This petition calls on leaders to develop and strengthen National Cardiovascular Health Action Plans and support a bold Political Declaration on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) at the United Nations High-level Meeting on NCDs in 2025.

2. Awareness Campaigns:

Various campaigns will be conducted globally to educate people about the importance of heart health. These campaigns will focus on promoting healthy lifestyles, including balanced diets, regular physical activity, and avoiding tobacco use.

3. Community Events:

Local events such as heart health screenings, educational workshops, and fitness activities will be organized to engage communities and spread awareness about cardiovascular health.

4. Monument Lighting:

Iconic landmarks around the world will be illuminated in red on September 29th to symbolize the global fight against cardiovascular diseases.

5. Social Media Campaigns:

The World Heart Federation will leverage social media platforms to spread the message of heart health. Hashtags like #UseHeart and #WorldHeartDay will be used to create a unified global voice.

How to Keep the Heart Healthy?

People must improve their lifestyles to maintain their heart health.  

  • Exercise or yoga for at least 30 minutes daily until sweating. Regular exercise keeps the person’s immunity good and protects the person from any infection.  
  • Include a healthy diet, including the fruits and salads in the food.
  • Reduce the intake of salt and sugar in your diet to maintain heart health. High sugar consumption makes the person diabetic, and high salt consumption leads to iron deficiency in the body. Both excess sugar and salt consumption affect heart patients.
  • Keep weight controlled. It is essential to maintain the health of the Heart. For this, control oily and fast foods diets and try to refrain from eating.
  • No stress is ideal. The more stress a person takes, the more stress hormones his body has to fight. Because of this reason, the Heart becomes weak and leads the person to become a heart patient.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol and tobacco. If one wishes to keep the Heart healthy, one must make a distance from alcohol and tobacco consumption. It is awful for health and increases the risk of a heart attack.
  • Regularly keep your heart checkups like ECG-ECO-TMT-CAT.

What Is the Permanent Remedy of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)?

With such a large number of people suffering from heart related diseases it has become the need of the hour for mankind to find a solution for the problem. But unfortunately we are not able to achieve success in doing so. It is rightly said― where man loses hope, God generates scope. Supreme God Kabir Saheb Ji has initiated His True worship (Sat Bhakti) through His Truly Enlightened Saint in this period of Kaliyug when every home is encircled with medicines and diseases. 

And Satbhakti is the only solution to every problem whether physical, mental or financial. Amidst these falling circumstances where heart related problems are encircling humanity and decreasing life expectancy to an unexpected level one should not be late in taking Naam Diksha (Guru Diksha) from God Kabir through His Complete Saint and should abide by the rules given by Him for the rest of their lives.

Abiding by the rules makes the devotee automatically reduce its expenses to a very low level as they prohibit use of tobacco, alcohol and other intoxicants completely. Moreover it makes sure that devotees’ expenditure on things like marriage are reduced to small amounts as useless exchange of money as dowry is a strain for a financially weaker father in marriage. Therefore He gives a physical, mental and financial stable life to His devotees. Hence vital for a pious soul.

Take Naam Diksha (Initiation) From Enlightened Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the Truly Enlightened Saint present for the welfare of the entire mankind through the method of worship given by Him. A devotee should take Naam Diksha (initiation) from Him to attain every sort of comfort here and by His method of worship a devotee also paves his/her way to the everlasting abode Satlok (The first place ever created). At Satlok everything is immortal including us and we attain ultimate peace. There are no diseases there and we become immortal forever. For thorough understanding, listen to His Sermons at Satlok Ashram Youtube Channel and read His Spiritual Book Gyan Ganga.

World Heart Day 2024 QUOTES 

  • “A good heart is better than other comforts on this entire globe.”
  • “Get ready for #WorldHeartDay by finding out about the many causes and conditions of #CVD.”
  • “Make #WorldHeartDay such an incredible force for positive change.”
  • “A healthy life can be attained through a healthy heart.”
  • “The global pandemic has had catastrophic consequences for heart health.”

FAQ on World Heart Day

Question: Who has the largest heart?

Answer: The Blue Whale has the largest heart weighing over 680 kgs.

Question: Which animal has three hearts?

Answer: Octopus

Question: What is the size of a human heart?

Answer: It is about the size of your fist.

Question: How many times does a human heart beat during a day?

Answer: A normal heart on a common day beats around 100000 times a day.

Question: What is the division of a human heart?

Answer: A human heart is divided into 4 portions. The upper two chambers are called Atria and the bottom two chambers are called ventricles.

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