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20 November World Children’s Day 2024: Every Child has the Right to Know Eternal Devotion for a Better Future

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Last Updated on 20 November 2024 IST: World Children’s Day 2024 is observed to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children’s welfare. The children who are deprived of their fundamental right to know the real purpose of human life must be provided with the opportunity to access Eternal Knowledge. Here in this article, the readers would know the real solution to ensure a joyful life for children.

World Children’s Day 2024: Highlights

  • The UN observes World Children’s Day as Universal Children’s Day on November 20 every year.
  • World Children’s Day was first founded in 1954 as Universal Children’s Day.
  • On this day each year, the UN promotes international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide for children’s welfare.
  • Children are the future and this day emphasizes the education of children.
  • All parts of society including parents, government, and professionals play an important part relevant for their locality.
  • It’s time to adopt the right method of worship of the Supreme God Kabir by taking Naam Initiation from Enlightened Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj to avoid all crises starting from childhood.

Why Has the UN Agency UNICEF Stepped in for Children?

Post-World War II, the condition of children in Europe was dangerous, and the United Nations’ new agency stepped in to support those children for food, clothing, and health care.

In 1953, as a permanent part of the UN, UNICEF started a campaign worldwide against scarring disease concerning numerous children. In 1959, the UN General Assembly embraced a Declaration of the Rights of the Child for protection, education, health care, shelter, and good nutrition. UNICEF worked for more than a decade by focusing on child health issues. UNICEF grew its area to speak for the needs of the children and their concern regarding education, support for teacher training, and classroom equipment.

What Is the Aim of World Children’s Day?

On this day each year, the United Nations (UN) promotes international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children’s welfare. UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, encourages and organizes this special day, which also makes efforts towards cultivating children’s welfare.

This World Children’s Day, UNICEF is calling on partners and supporters to share a positive message of equality and inclusion for every child.

World Children’s Day 2024 Theme

The theme for World Children’s Day 2024 is “Listen to the Future: Stand Up for Children’s Rights“. This year marks the 35th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The theme emphasizes the importance of amplifying children’s voices, acknowledging their perspectives, and taking action to uphold their rights globally. UNICEF encourages initiatives like creating platforms for children to express their ideas and priorities to shape a better future​​​​.

When and Why Is World Children’s Day Celebrated?

The UN celebrates World Children’s Day as Universal Children’s Day on November 20 every year. World Children’s Day was first established in 1954. On November 20 in the year 1959 the UN General Assembly approved the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. In 1989, on this date the UN General Assembly accepted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Since 1990, World Children’s Day has been commemorated on November 20 to mark the anniversary of the UN General Assembly’s Declaration and the Convention on children’s rights.

Universal Children’s Day Timeline

  • 1920: Children’s Day was first declared a national holiday in Turkey
  • 1954: The United Nations formally established Universal Children’s Day
  • 1959: The UN General Assembly adopted an extended version of the Declaration of Rights of the Child
  • 2012: Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of the United Nations led the initiative for every child to be able to attend school by 2015

What Are UNICEF’s Achievements?

The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) is the guiding force for UNICEF. The Convention proved to be the most rapidly and widely ratified international human rights treaty. The Convention transformed the way children are regarded and handled as human beings with a definite set of rights rather than mere objects of care and charity. The whole world has shown unprecedented acceptance of the Convention to advance children’s rights. Much has been achieved from falling infant mortality to rising school admission. The convention has much remaining to be performed.

■ Also Read: Children’s Day: Know The Appropriate Way Of Living Every Child Needs To Have

In 1965, UNICEF achieved the Nobel Peace Prize “for the Promotion of brotherhood among nations.” At present, UNICEF is active in more than 190 countries and territories to support the most vulnerable and excluded children.

What Is the Present State of the World’s Children?

Each child must have access to health, education, and protection. Every society should expand children’s opportunities in life. But millions of children in the world are deprived of a reasonable chance due to their birth in a country, gender, or circumstances.

  • Nearly 385 million children living in extreme poverty –  UNICEF study in 2016
  • Around the world, 20 percent of children live in extreme poverty, surviving only on less than US$1.90 a day. 
  • About 45 per cent of children are living in households subsisting on less than $3.10 a day per person
  • In the year 2019, 149 million children under the age of five were underdeveloped worldwide.
  • 175 million children could not be admitted in pre-primary education. 
  • 60 percent of children left primary school without attaining minimum competence levels in reading and mathematics. 
  • Even today, more than 250 million children remain affected by armed conflict.
  • One billion children face emotional, physical, or sexual violence every year.
  • One out of five children die from violence every five minutes.
  • The risk of violence varies with the children’s age, vulnerability, gender, disability, poverty, nationality, or religious origin.
  • Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rates of children living in extreme poverty at just under 50 per cent.
  • South Asia has the second highest share at nearly 36 per cent.
  • 30 percent of extremely poor children live in India alone.
  • Four out of five children in extreme poverty live in rural areas in India. 

How the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Care for Children?

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) prioritizes many matters affecting the lives of children, young people and their families. There is remarkable progress in decreasing preventable child deaths, more admissions of children in schools, lessening extreme poverty and providing safe water and nutritious food.

There remain many pressing issues including tackling inequalities, economic growth, protecting children from violence and preventing climate change that were not satisfactorily included in the MDGs. In September of 2015, the UN adopted the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and pledged to end poverty by 2030. The UN strives to make serious efforts to tackle the following situations:

  • 52 million children may die before reaching their fifth birthday between 2019 and 2030.
  • In Sub-Saharan Africa, the death toll may increase to 16 times as compared to high-income countries.
  • In sub-Saharan Africa nine out of ten children live in extreme poverty
  • More than 60 million primary school-aged children may leave the school.
  • 150 + million girls may marry before their 18th birthday by 2030.

Why Does the UN System Work for Children?

The United Nations is engaged in improving the state of children in a wide spectrum. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) focuses on education; the International Labour Organisation (ILO) works to abolish child labor, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) run the Children and Youth Program, the World Food Programme (WFP)  cares the nutritional work for mothers and young children and the last but not the least the World Health Organization (WHO) campaigns for disease-eradication.

There are a number of observances dedicated to children initiated by the United Nations.

What Can We Do on Children’s Day?

We as, mothers and fathers, educators, health workers, rulers and civil society campaigners, devout and civic elders, corporate tycoons and media authorities, the youth and children themselves, can utilize the November 20 as a day to visualize the children’s future we want to see and the actions necessary to complete their local needs and resources. 

World Children’s Day approaches all of us in a stimulating effort to encourage, boost and commemorate children’s rights, discuss priorities and decide upon actions to build a better tomorrow for children.

How Do Schools and Parents Need to Celebrate World Children’s Day?

To celebrate World Children’s Day at school, teach the students the true purpose of life, moral and spiritual education. The school and the parents should start a special program with telling stories of great saints who visited the Eternal Abode and spoke in poetry form after coming back. To cite a few are Saint Kabir Das, Saint Garib Das, Guru Nanak Dev, Saint Ravidas and Meera Bai, and last but not the least the present day Enlightened Saint, SatGuru Rampal Ji.

Why World Children’s Day Becomes Significant Amid COVID-19 Pandemic?

World Children’s Day gained heightened significance during the COVID-19 pandemic as the crisis exposed and exacerbated challenges faced by children worldwide. The pandemic disrupted education, leaving millions without access to schools or online learning tools, while also increasing vulnerability to child labor, abuse, and mental health issues.

It highlighted inequalities in access to healthcare, nutrition, and safe environments, especially for marginalized children. Celebrating this day became essential to advocate for their rights, amplify their voices, and prioritize their needs in recovery plans, ensuring no child is left behind in the journey toward a sustainable and inclusive future.

What Can Be a Real Solution for Children’s Joyful Living?

World Children’s Day is a valuable time to reflect on the true purpose of life and the upbringing of children in alignment with spiritual knowledge. He emphasizes the importance of guiding children on the path of true devotion and fostering their spiritual growth from a young age. Instead of merely focusing on material well-being, Sant Rampal Ji encourages parents to teach their children about the Supreme God (Kabir Sahib), the importance of righteous living, and the practice of Sat-Bhakti (true worship).

True Upbringing

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj believes that a child’s mind is like a blank slate, making early childhood the perfect time to instill moral values and spiritual wisdom. Teaching children about the importance of compassion, honesty, and devotion can help shape their character and guide them toward a righteous life.

Purpose of Human Life

He teaches that the real purpose of human life, including that of children, is to attain salvation (Moksha) through true knowledge and devotion. By guiding children to understand the reality of life and the existence of the Supreme God, parents can help them avoid the cycle of birth and death.

Kabir Sahib’s Teachings

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj often quotes the teachings of Kabir Sahib, who emphasized the importance of spiritual education over materialistic pursuits. Kabir Sahib’s wisdom highlights that without true devotion, life remains incomplete, regardless of material success.

Role of Parents

He stresses that parents have a significant responsibility in providing spiritual guidance. Instead of focusing solely on academic and physical growth, they should prioritize teaching children about scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita, Vedas, and Guru Granth Sahib, which promote true worship of the Supreme God.

True Devotion for a Better Future

On World Children’s Day, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj encourages everyone to remember that true devotion can lead to a peaceful and harmonious society. By introducing children to Sat-Bhakti, we can ensure a future generation that lives in accordance with divine principles, free from the influence of negative vices.

In conclusion, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj’s teachings offer a spiritual dimension to World Children’s Day, emphasizing the need for true spiritual education that goes beyond worldly achievements. He advocates that nurturing children with spiritual wisdom is the foundation for a life filled with eternal happiness and ultimate salvation.

The children should be encouraged to adopt the True Devotion (Sat-Bhakti) of the Absolute Sat Kabir or Allahu Akbar. True Devotion starts by taking the Naam Initiation from Enlightened Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. The regular practice of Sat-Sadhna and Satguru’s Blessings eliminates the bad effects of accumulated sin and bestows joyful living and ultimately the seeker attains salvation. For more information read Sacred Book Way of Living and listen to SatGuru Rampal Ji Maharaj’s Discourses at Satlok Ashram YouTube Channel.        

World Children’s Day Quotes

  • “Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow.” – Dr APJ Abdul Kalam
  • “Children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured.” — Jawaharlal Nehru
  • “Every child has the right to access Eternal Knowledge to build a better future.” – Jagatguru Rampal Ji Maharaj
  • “Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged by man.” — Rabindranath Tagore
  • “Preach Sat-Gyan to children to know the real purpose of life to lead to Joyful and faultless life.”  – Jagatguru Rampal Ji Maharaj
  • “The secret of genius is to preserve the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.” – Aldous Huxley
  • “We cannot fashion our children after our desires, we must have them and love them as God has given them to us.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • “Salvation is the fundamental right of every child who takes birth on the earth, teach them Sat-Bhakti.” – Jagatguru Rampal Ji Maharaj
  • “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” — Margaret Mead
  • “Not only mine, every child is special. They deserve God’s grace in everything.”

FAQs on World Children’s Day 2024

What is the theme for world children’s day 2024?

The theme for 2024 is “For Every Child, Every Right”. This theme urges people to advocate, celebrate and promote children’s rights by including every child in a strive for a secure future.

Why is it called Children’s day?

On 20 November 1959, The United Nations adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

Which color symbolizes the rights of children?

Blue color is considered a symbol of children’s rights on World Children’s Day. 

Why is World Children’s Day celebrated?

This day is celebrated in every corner of the world with the aim of creating awareness about the problems of children and for the welfare of children.

What is the basic right of every child?

Gaining True spiritual knowledge is the first and foremost right of every child who takes birth on the earth, take them into the shelter of a Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal ji Maharaj.

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