February 17, 2025

Satlok Ashram: The Mini Satlok Where the Devotees Get the Feeling of Their Actual Home

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Updated on 11 August 2023 IST: Dear pious souls, among the creations of that Supreme God Kabir one of the creations is us. However, the need of the hour, while living in this cruel world of Satan, is to identify the prime motive of this human birth and allow our soul to move to Satlok by doing worship as per Holy Scriptures, which is being given by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. For that purpose, Satlok Ashram has been established by Him so as to educate the world about the True Spiritual Knowledge given by Supreme God Kabir 600 years ago. Let us know about Satlok Ashram in great detail. 

Satlok Ashram is a non-profit organization established by the registered Bandi Chhod Bhakti Mukti Trust in the year 2000 in Rohtak, Haryana, India. The main aim of Satlok Ashram is to uplift the decreasing level of humanity in the society by propagating the True Spiritual Knowledge given by Supreme God Kabir 600 years ago and to make everyone aware about the correct path of worship to attain salvation and end our agony of birth into 84 lakh species of animals again and again. 

Satlok Ashram has been directed and started under the divine guidance of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. He took initiation from His spiritual guru Swami Ramdevanand Ji Maharaj on 17th February 1988. He thereafter received the orders of giving Naam Diksha (initiation) in the year 1994. Upon increase in the number of devotees, He had to leave His job in the year 1995 and dedicated His life on the orders of His Spiritual Guru. He, initially, used to deliver the spiritual discourses by going to the house of His devotees. In the year 1999, His followers successfully established Satlok Ashram to have a common place for Him to deliver Satsang. Satlok Ashram has the aim of uplifting humanity above any sort of discrimination with the slogan of Sant Rampal Ji: 

Our Race is Living Being, Mankind is our religion,

Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, there is no separate religion

Before understanding the meaning of Satlok Ashram, let us know about the word Satlok which will automatically define what Satlok Ashram is all about. As told by Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, Satlok is a place where the Supreme God Kabir resides and we are currently living in one of the 21 realms of Satan (Kaal Brahm). Now the question that arises automatically is: Why do we need Satlok? The answer to this is being told by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj through His True Spiritual Knowledge as He is the Tatvdarshi Saint (Bakhabar) mentioned in Holy Geeta ji chapter 4 verse 34 and Holy Quran Shareef Surat Furqan 25 Ayat 59.

The answer to this question is quite simple and lies in the knowledge of the Creation of the Universe. As told by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj from all the Holy Scriptures, all souls are the children of the Supreme God Kabir and came from Satlok initially to this cage of Satan (Kaal Brahm) by choice which eventually proved to be our biggest mistake. 

We came here and are living in the middle of thousands of problems that can either be physical, mental or financial or maybe in some other form. Even the richest of us are living in tons of tension. Along with this, the biggest agony of birth and death is still unheard to most of the humans present on this planet. Whereas in Satlok there are no such problems, there is no difference in individuals, there are no diseases, we are equipped equally with everything we need, moreover there is no old age and there is no birth and death. In short, it can be termed as heaven amongst heavens. Respected Shri Nanak Dev Ji referred to that place as Sachkhand in his sacred verses in Holy Guru Granth Sahib Ji. 

Charity by Satlok Ashram published on sa news

Hence Satlok is the eternal place which is referred in Holy Scriptures as the place for ultimate peace and the methodology to attain salvation (end birth and death) so that a pious soul can easily move to Satlok is being given at Satlok Ashram by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj which is also the prime goal of a human life. Hence the name stands complete and appropriate in all manners. Kabir Saheb says:

Manush janam paye kar jo nahi rate Hari Naam |

Jaise kuua jal bina fir banwaya kya kaam ||

Under the leadership of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, Satlok Ashram directly aims at the propagation of True Spiritual Knowledge or Tatvgyan in the best interest of humanity so as to establish brotherhood. Satlok Ashram has always its eyes upon a promising future for the entire globe. Some of its aims are listed below:

  • The first and foremost goal that it fulfils is giving a devotee the knowledge about the right path of worship so as to attain salvation. Along with that it also makes mankind aware about the identity of the Supreme God who is none other than Kabir Saheb. All this is done under the divine guidance and leadership of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.
  • It aims at removing all the social evils that include intoxication, gender inequality, corruption, etc from the society with the aid of True Spiritual Knowledge from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. Because after getting knowledge about it, one cannot even think of committing a sin, forget about performing it. 
  • It aims at abolishing the biggest social curse primarily existing in the society which is dowry. Through the successful initiative of a Dowry free marriage event called Ramaini initiated by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Himself, the marriage is completed in 17 minutes without any extravagance. 
  • One of the things that is putting society backwards is the interest of the people in superstition. Because we haven’t received true spiritual knowledge uptill now, that’s why we were believing in these kinds of false acts. Satlok Ashram aims at derooting all these superstitions from the society under the divine guidance of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. 
  • Discrimination is yet another problem prevailing in the society which is also a pain in the neck of quiet a large number of people. By the divine guidance of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, Satlok Ashram aims at terminating every type of discrimination whether it is based on caste, color, society, religion, country, financial status or of any sort. The ideology which supports behind its success is to purify the soul not the body hence discrimination automatically looses its way. 

As we already know that the Satlok Ashram has its base from India itself led by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, it has its branches in different parts of the country. Currently there are five main branches of Satlok Ashram that are in operation namely Satlok Ashram Bhiwani (Haryana), Satlok Ashram Rohtak (Haryana), Satlok Ashram Mundka (Delhi), Satlok Ashram Betul (Madhya Pradesh), Satlok Ashram Dhuri (Punjab). Apart from these, there are other Ashrams that are under construction and will soon be operational. 

Along with the facility of Ashrams, devotees are also facilitated with 500+ Naamdan centres internationally in various districts. Willing pious souls from abroad also can contact their nearest Naamdan centre to take initiation. Working in the interest of the devotees for more than 20 years, Satlok Ashram has proved to be a trademark of trust for people and the Government as well. 

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Satlok Ashram is the only place in the entire globe where scripture based worship for attaining the Supreme God Kabir and salvation is given by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj to a devotee so that his/her soul can move to its native eternal abode Satlok after its death to make their human life successful. The pious deeds for accumulating virtues in addition to worship as per holy scriptures to attain salvation are the tasks a devotee is taught about at Satlok Ashram. However the regular tasks performed at Satlok Ashram upon the instructions of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj are given below:

  • Free of cost Naam Diksha(initiation) is provided by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. Anyone from any caste, religion, sect, country or of any other sort can come up and take initiation from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj 
  • Spiritual discourses of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj are organised via offline and online modes.
  • Paath of Holy SadGranth Sahib Ji of Saint Garibdas ji Maharaj of Haryana, India are also organised upon the directions of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. 
  • Dowry free marriage initiative called Ramaini is organised for those devotees who are willing to perform marriage under the guidance of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. 
  • The facility of free food and free accommodation is given to those devotees staying there for listening to the spiritual discourses of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. 
  • Free Blood donation camps are also organised and willing devotees donate blood which is donated free of cost to the needy people.
free blood donation by saint rampal ji devotesss

Under the divine guidance of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, some of the important annual days are observed. The activities involved in these important events/days are strictly performed under the word of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj with a lot of discipline. However the major of them being the organisation of Spiritual Discourses (Satsang) of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. While other events like Ramaini, Paath, etc are also organised upon the directions of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. Important Days at Satlok Ashram are:

71st Avataran Diwas (Incarnation Day) The Selfless Struggle of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj
  • Bodh Diwas of Saint Garibdas ji Maharaj which falls on the 12th day of Shukl Paksh in the month of Falguna as per Hindu calendar and it coincides with the month of February-March as per Gregorian calendar annually. This year it was on 26th March 2021. 
Saint Garibdas Ji Bodh Diwas 2021 | Satlok Ashram | SA News
  • Kabir Saheb Prasthan Diwas, its date is not fixed as well per the Gregorian calendar, but it falls on the Ekadashi of Shukl Paksha in the Magh month of Hindu calendar which coincides with the month of January-February as per Gregorian calendar. This year it was on 23rd February, 2021.
23 February कबीर परमेश्वर जी का सशरीर सत्यलोक गमन दिवस (1)
  • Kabir Prakat Diwas, its date is also not fixed per Gregorian calendar but it falls on the full moon day of Jyeshtha month as per Hindu calendar, which coincides with the month of May-June as per Gregorian calendar. This year it was on 24th June 2021.
Kabir Prakat Diwas Kabir Jayanti 2021 Celebration, History, Teachings

The most recent event organised was an Akhand Paath of Holy SadGranth Sahib Ji of Saint Garibdasji Maharaj from 22nd June to 24th June 2021 at Satlok Ashram Rohtak under the divine guidance of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj on the occasion of Kabir Prakat Diwas. Keeping in mind the surge in the cases of the pandemic, events are not organised as earlier, that’s why there were very limited people who were present in that Akhand Paath. But the Paath was telecasted online from 22nd to 24th June 2021 along with a 3 hours Satsang on Sadhna tv on 24th June 2021 by the grace of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. 

The message from Satlok Ashram is simple, loud and clear, is to spread brotherhood into the entire globe and boost the falling levels of humanity. And for this, by their every platform they urge every citizen of the world to go through the spiritual sermons of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj to know about the reality of what should be done and what should not be done in this world of Satan (Kaal Brahm)

Satlok Ashram The Mini Satlok | Introduction

This is a golden opportunity for every soul because it is the prime time of attaining salvation as already being declared by Supreme God Kabir Ji. And Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only Spiritual Guru who can help you in that process. So it is a request to everyone, not to waste this time as it is very precious and make the most of it. Saint Garibdasji from Haryana says:

Yeh sansaar samajda nahi, Kehnda shaam dupehre nu |

Garibdas yeh vakt jat hai, Rovoge iss pehre nu ||

Willing devotees can contact Satlok Ashram very easily now. With such advancement in technology all the details are made available via online mode. The calling representative will solve your query as per the rules of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. Contact information for which is given below:

  • Phone Number: +91 8222880541, 542, 543, 544, 545
  • Phone Numbers: +91 7027000825, 826, 827, 828, 829

You can email us and can visit the website for more details. Details are given under: 

Email: jagatgururampalji@yahoo.com

Website: www.jagatgururampalji.org, www.satlokashram.org/

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