March 26, 2025

Pongal Festival 2025: Know How Pongal Is Spiritually Special

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Last Updated on 9 January 2025 IST: Pongal Festival 2025: Pongal is one of the biggest harvest festivals observed by Hindus in India. It is majorly observed by the people of Tamil Nadu with great felicity and joy. Read on further to check its religious significance and other important details associated with Pongal.

Pongal 2025 Festival: Highlights

  • Pongal means ‘spilling over’. It is known after the tradition of cooking freshly harvested rice in milk along with jaggery in a clean vessel and allow it to boil until it spills over
  • The four days of the Pongal festival starting from first till the last day are named as Bogi Pandigai, Thai Pongal, Mattu Pongal and Kaanum Pongal
  • Thai Pongal is the second and the most significant day which coincides with Makar Sankranti festival, observed in the Northern part of India.
  • Despite its immense religious popularity, Pongal still lags on educating us about the prime goal of our human life, salvation.
  • On this Pongal festival 2025, let us know about the scriptural method to worship the Supreme God.

When and How Long Is Pongal Celebrated?

Pongal is observed all the span of four days. According to the Tamil calendar, the festivity begins on the last day of the month of Margazhi and ends on the third day of Thai. In 2025, Pongal celebrations will commence on 14th January and end on 17th January, 2025.

What Is the Significance of the Pongal Festival?

The four day long Pongal festival marks the onset of Uttarayan, which is the beginning of the sun’s movement from southwards to northwards. It also marks the start of spring and the end of the harvesting season. Thai Pongal is the most auspicious day as on this day Tamil people wake up early. On this day people decorate their cattle and worship them for being the essential part of their farming.

The last day of Pongal, Kaanum Pongal, is observed by doing family gatherings. However, all these religious activities are nowhere mentioned in our sacred texts, still people follow it by tradition.

Pongal is observed with different names and diverse customs & traditions in other states of the country. In Punjab and Haryana, Pongal is observed as Maghi. The day before Maghi, the festival of Lohri is observed. In Gujarat , Maharashtra and Rajasthan, the day is known as Makar Sankranti. On the day of Makar Sankranti, devotees take a dip in holy water and worship Sun god. People of Gujarat laud this day by flying kites with paper lamps filling the sky with light. Again, all of these activities are not outlined in our holy scriptures.

Worship of God Surya Dev, Lord Indra – Is This the Correct Way of Worshipping?

The worship of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv and other deities is not at all fruitful. It is completely futile. The readers can get the evidence in our Holy Book Shrimad Bhagavad Gita chapter 7 verse 12-15.

It has been said that those, whose knowledge has been stolen by the Trigun Maya (those who are limited to the worship of Brahma Ji, Vishnu Ji, and Shiv Ji), such “low men with demoniac nature, evil-doers and fools, do not worship me, Brahm” who is above these three.

Even Brahm or Kaal, is not a complete God. He is the owner of twenty one realms (brahmands) and we are living in one of them. Holy Gita ji gives evidence about the identity of Supreme God, as outlined in verse 46 of chapter 2, named as Param Akshar Purush.

Sat-Bhakti Has No Substitute

The only relief in this world can be obtained by doing eternal devotion or sat bhakti of Supreme God (Puran Parmatma) Kabir Saheb, Who is the sustainer of all.

In Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Adhyay no. 15 Shlok no. 17 

UttamH, purushH, tu, anyaH, Parmatma, iti, udahrtH,

YaH, loktryam , aavishya, bibharti, avyyaH, iishwarH (Gita15:17)

Translation: The Supreme God is, however, someone else other than the two aforesaid Gods, Kshar Purush and Akshar Purush, who by entering the three loks, sustains everyone and is called as the Eternal Parmeshwar Parmatma (Immortal Supreme God). (Source)

Here, the indication of ‘Uttam Purush’ is towards Param Akshar Purush or the Supreme God. The identity of that God is disclosed in verse 9 of chapter 8 of holy Shrimad Bhagwad Gita ji. The verse is given below:

Kavim, puraanm, anushaasitaarm, anoH, aniyaansam, anusmaret,

YaH, sarvasya, dhaataarm, achintyaroopam, aadityavarnam, tamasH, parastaat ||9||

Translation: Kavirdev i.e. Supreme God Kabir who becomes famous as a poet, He is immemorial, controller of all, subtler than the subtlest, inconceivable, perpetually radiant like the sun. He who (does sumiran of) remembers that Sachchidanandghan Parmeshwar (the true happiness-giving Supreme God) beyond the darkness of ignorance. (Source)

However, to attain the Supreme God and ultimate peace, one should seek the refuge of a Tatvdarshi Sant as mentioned in verse 34 of chapter 4 of Holy Gita ji. The verse is listed below: 

Tat, viddhi, prnipaaten, pariprshnen, sevya,

Updekshyanti, te, gyaanm, gyaaninH, tattavdarshinH ||34||

Translation: God, the narrator of the Holy Gita, is saying that the various types of above-mentioned sadhnas are arbitrary practices. It is a hypothetical knowledge of sadhna upto my level but even I do not know the path of complete liberation of the Supreme God. Regarding that it is said in this mantra 34 that understand that Tatvgyan.

By properly prostrating before those saints who know the true knowledge and solution of the Supreme God, by serving them, and by giving up deceit, asking questions with simplicity, they, who know the Supreme God in essence i.e. Tatvdarshi, knowledgeable Mahatmas, will instruct you in Tatvgyan/True Spiritual Knowledge. (Source)

The identity of Tatvdarshi Sant has been revealed in Holy Gita ji itself. Let’s explore the blog further to know about Him.

Sant Rampal ji has explained in His satsang (spiritual discourses) that real bliss in life can be obtained by reciting the name of True God, Kavir Dev. After obtaining the refuge of a Tatvdarshi Sant (Complete Saint), and doing the method of worship abiding by Him, the hassle of birth and death ends. One can easily attain supreme peace and divine eternal abode Satlok as outlined in verse 62 of chapter 18 in holy Gita ji.

Sant Rampal ji is the only Tatvdarshi Sant at present in the entire universe. Recognise Him and obtain Naam Diksha (Initiation) from Him to get your welfare done. To learn more Read The Sacred Book The Way of Living or Download ‘Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj’ App from play store.


When will Pongal be celebrated in 2025?

Answer: Pongal will be observed from 14th January to 17th January, 2025.

In which state Pongal is celebrated?

Answer: Pongal festival is widely observed in Tamil Nadu and other southern states of India. It is a popular harvest festival.

What Does Pongal festival stand for ?

Answer: The term ‘Pongal’ is derived from the Tamil literature which means ‘to boil’. It is an ancient festival observed in the beginning of the year after harvesting crops like rice, sugarcane, turmeric, etc.

Which crops grow in Pongal?

Pongal festival is celebrated when the rice crop is ready to ripen. According to its meaning ‘to boil’, newly grown rice with sugar is boiled in milk.

Which God is worshiped on Pongal?

Pongal is a harvest festival of the Tamil community. It is observed to worship and honour lord surya and mother nature. However, worshipping these deities for happiness is useless as these are not capable of blessing us with any.

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