Last Updated on 3 March 2025 IST | International Women’s Day 2025: It has been more than 100 years since this day is reminding the whole world that till date gender inequality has proved to be a curse for the entire globe. There is still discrimination seen at some point between men and women. Supreme God Kabir has given us two different bodies in the form of men and women but we are equal as a soul in His eyes. Hence this discrimination stands incomplete. Let’s explore how we can overcome the boundaries of gender inequality in our lives from this detailed article.
What is International Women’s Day?
International Women’s Day is an international event observed annually on 8th March in the entire globe to shed light on the problem of gender inequality practiced across the globe. Also, this day is special for women across the globe as this day acknowledges their empowerment and contribution in different fields.
Theme of International Women’s Day 2025
The theme for International Women’s day 2025 is ‘For ALL Women and Girls: Right. Equality. Empowerment’.
When is International Women’s Day
International Women’s day 2025: Women’s Day was first observed in America on 28th February 1909 when the Socialist Party went onto streets protesting against the uncomfortable working conditions for women in the previous year. On 19th March 1911, Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland observed the first official International Women’s Day. More than 1 million people were observed there to highlight the need for women’s rights in front of the globe in the form of rallies, representations etc.
International Women’s Day Colors
Over the next few years, European countries marked 8th March as International Women’s Day but it became official by the United Nations in 1975. Moreover, As per the International Women’s Day website, Purple, Green, and White are the official colors which some people wear on this day. Purple signifies justice and dignity. White symbolizes purity. Green signifies hope.
International Women’s Day 2025 Events
Every year International Women’s Day is observed through various means. Global Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Webinars, Community gatherings, awards, exhibitions, and through many other ways.
The UN is observing International Women’s Day, you can join them on 7th March, 10 AM at UN YouTube channel. The UN is observing it with inspiring women leaders from across the globe.
Need for International Women’s Day
Although since 1911, the situation has changed very much but it is still not upto the mark as desired. Hence, IWD is pivotal and is a must in improving the condition of women. Numbers speak louder than words in magnifying the extent upto which the problem has been dominating us. Let’s go through them—
- Two thirds of the children who are deprived of education are girls. And around 75 percent of the illiterate adults worldwide are women.
- Currently women acquire 21% of the world parliamentary seats, and only 8% of cabinet ministers are women.
- One amongst three women are found to be a sufferer of gender parity and violence.
- The 30 percent target of female decision makers by the UN is being fulfilled by only 46 countries.
- 21 female deaths are reported every day for dowry in India.
- Almost 2.5 lakh cases of rape or attempted rape are reported by the Police worldwide annually.
Although the Government frames various policies to safeguard women’s rights, the improvement in the condition of women is still a matter of concern. And this day reminds the globe that there is still more work left to be done in the race to attain gender equality.
Significance of International Women’s Day — Understanding the Solution of Gender Parity
International Women’s day 2025: The true meaning of significance of any such day is adopting the solution to eradicate this curse completely. The roots of gender inequality can be traced from our ancient times as well but the reason for the cause is still not taken into consideration. The reason is the lack of awareness about our internal identity, the eternal we, the identity of our soul, holding no discrimination at all. We have been discriminating among ourselves but Supreme God Kabir, our Father and our Creator, doesn’t differentiate between His souls on the basis of gender.
■ Also Read: International Women’s Day-An Inspirational Story of the Draupadi
Our good karmas make us unique and vice versa. The Almighty has instructed that by seeking refuge in His Complete Saint one can ensure a righteous way of living while performing good deeds throughout the life. At present, His Complete Saint is none other than Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. He has manifested through His teachings and initiatives that He is continuously trying to establish humanity in the society while promoting gender equality. Also, He has been tirelessly working towards His mission and His efforts are explained in the explanation below.
What Are the Efforts of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj for Women?
Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj’s efforts towards building up a clean society especially for upgrading girls condition are:-
- The devotees of Saint Rampal Ji perform their marriage without taking dowry.
- The devotees never consume drugs. It avoids a lot of crimes as it is the habit of people to cause nuisance after consuming drugs and alcohol.
- The devotees never consume drugs. It avoids a lot of crimes as it is the habit of people to cause nuisance, especially with women, after consuming drugs and alcohol.
- Upon the birth of a boy or a girl, a family cannot differentiate between them on any basis after taking Naam Diksha (Initiation) from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.
- Not even a single devotee takes or gives bribes & dowry and never accumulates false money. And it gives a positive atmosphere for a girl to live in her family before and after her marriage.
Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is contributing a lot in creating an evil free society where girls would be no more a burden for a family. They always say #BetiAbBojhNahi (Daughter is not a burden).
Every Soul Is Equal for God Kabir, Whether a Man or a Woman
International Women’s day 2025: In this educated world, in most of the regions, people still distinguish between a girl and a boy considering girls as a burden. On the contrary, for Supreme God Kabir all are equal, whether a girl or a boy.
Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only representative of Kabir Sahib Ji. And He is continuously preaching His (Kabir Sahib Ji’s) ideologies. He is the only saint Whose devotees are not practicing any sort of inequality especially based on gender. Moreover, only by seeking His refuge, the agony of birth and death can finally end, which means a devotee can attain salvation. And a soul can move to its native place Satlok where everything is everlasting and immortal, making this human life successful. Therefore, one should not delay in holding Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj’s support as He is the only one extending His hand to save humanity.
Kabir Saheb Ji says:-
Manush janam paye kar, Jo nahi rate Hari Naam |
Jaise kuua jal bina, Fir banwaya kya kaam ||
International Women’s Day 2025 Quotes
- A soul can connect to God and it doesn’t matter whether it is a male or a female.
- The right way of worship can ensure gender equality throughout the entire globe.
- Society lags in the awareness of True Spiritual Knowledge to overcome gender inequality.
- Gender inequality is yet another way by Satan (Kaal Brahm) to make us entangled in his web.
- Supreme God Kabir is unbiased for a pious soul who does worship, abiding by His rules to achieve every desire.
Gift for International Women’s Day
On this International Women’s Day, you can give a very promising and inspiring book to anyone as a gift. The name of the book is ‘Way of Living’, written by Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. This book is free and you can order this from the website
International Women’s Day FAQ
Answer: Clara Zetkin, a women’s right advocate and activist.
Answer: 63%
Answer: On the occasion of International Women’s Day in 1917.
Answer: She is the woman with the highest recorded IQ with the score of 228.