पुनर्जन्म की सच्चाई: पहले मनुष्य जन्म मिला, फिर जीवन शुरू हुआ। फिर संभलना और चलना सीखा, पढ़ाई की, नौकरी की तलाश की, शादी हुई, बच्चे हुए, घर गृहस्थी संभाली, वृद्धावस्था व बीमारी का दुख सहा और फिर एक दिन स्टोरी एंड यानी खत्म। सभी...
Smoking is a practice in which a substance is burned and the smoke is inhaled and released. Many substances are used for smoking. It may be tobacco, patches, lozenges or gums. Most common substance smoked is Tobacco. Nearly one - fourth of the world...
In this era of modern technology, everyone is aware about Kabir Saheb and His contributions in the field of spiritualism. And every other religious sect (for example, Radha Saomi sect, Jai Gurudev Sect, etc) firmly believes in the sacred verses of Kabir Saheb and often uses them in their spiritual discourses as well. Amidst such a strong base and belief in the verses of Kabir Saheb, we are still not known to His exact identity. Let us unfold some of these mysteries about the identity of Kabir Saheb (kabir Das) one by one.