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World Teachers’ Day 2024: Find an Enlightened Teacher to illuminate the Enigma of Birth & Death

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Last Updated on 04 October 2024 IST | World Teachers’ Day 2024: The day presents the chance to applaud the teaching profession worldwide, take stock of successes, and attract attention to teachers’ voices, who always try hard to attain the global education target of leaving no one behind. It is once again the season to unite in recognition of the often-overlooked champions of our community – educators.

World Teachers’ Day, observed annually on October 5th, serves to acknowledge and appreciate the significant impact that teachers have on our lives and society as a whole. This blog will explore the subject in greater detail. 

World Teachers’ Day 2024 Highlights 

  • World Teachers’ Day is observed every year on October 5th to recognize the significant contributions made by educators around the globe.
  • Each year, a specific theme is designated for World Teachers’ Day; for 2024, the theme is “Valuing Teacher Voices: Towards a New Social Contract for Education.” 
  • World Teachers’ Day, is known as International Teachers’ Day and Teachers’ Day
  • Commemorated to respect teachers and teacher organizations
  • To take stock of successes and attract attention to teachers’ voices
  • The Supreme Kabir Saheb and His Incarnation Enlightened Saint Rampal Ji are the True Master (Satguru)
  • On World Teachers’ Day, the humans should realize the Divine Truth from Perfect Master   

What Is World Teachers’ Day? 

World Teachers’ Day, also known as International Teachers’ Day and Teachers’ Day, commemorates teachers and teacher organizations for their crucial role in the education and advancement of forthcoming generations. The day presents the chance to applaud the teaching profession worldwide, take stock of successes, and attract attention to teachers’ voices, who always try hard to attain the global education target of leaving no one behind. 

UN recognized the teachers as key to achieving the Education 2030 agenda by adopting the Sustainable Development Goal 4 on education, and the dedicated target SDG 4.c. World Teachers’ Day became an opportunity to gauge progress and suggest ways to respond to future challenges for promoting the teaching profession.  

When Is World Teachers’ Day 2024? 

Since October 5, 1994, World Teachers’ Day has been celebrated to honor the anniversary of the 1966 adoption of the ILO/UNESCO Recommendations concerning the Status of Teachers. To commemorate this day, UNESCO conducts a campaign every year to allow the world to better understand teachers and their impact on students’ development within society. 

Know about the theme of World Teachers’ Day 2024 and Its Rationale?

Each year, a specific theme is designated for World Teachers’ Day. The theme for World Teachers’ Day 2024 is “Valuing Teacher Voices: Towards a New Social Contract for Education.” This theme emphasizes the necessity of incorporating teachers’ insights into educational policies and fostering a nurturing environment for their professional growth. It brings to light the pressing issue of the worldwide teacher shortage and underscores the vital contribution of educators in influencing the future of education.

UNESCO, ILO and Education International issued a joint message, “Today, on World Teachers’ Day, we celebrate the critical role of teachers in transforming learners’ potential by ensuring they have the tools they need to take responsibility for themselves, for others and for the planet. We call on countries to ensure that teachers are trusted and recognised as knowledge producers, reflective practitioners, and policy partners,” 

UNESCO has tweeted to remind the urgent need of  nearly 69 million teachers to reach quality education for all by 2030. Without them, it is impossible to imagine the desired outcome. The time to act & Invest in teachers is now.

According to Unesco, a series of global and regional events will be held this year to highlight the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the teaching profession, highlight effective and promising policy responses, and establish the steps that must be taken to ensure that teaching personnel develop to their full potential.

It is critical to explore the teachers’ leadership and expedite the teachers’ contribution to provide remote learning, reopen schools, support vulnerable masses, and mitigate learning gaps. World Teachers’ Day is the chance to discuss teachers’ role in building resilience and shaping the future of education and the teaching profession. 

Know how Teachers’ Day Celebrated on World Teachers’ Day 2024?

Every year, UNESCO and Education International (EI) launch a campaign to commemorate World Teachers’ Day. They collaborate with the private sector and several media organizations to educate the world about teachers and the role they play in society’s development.

According to a joint statement issued by Unesco, ILO, Unicef, and Education International, “We are not only honoring all teachers on World Teachers’ Day. We are urging countries to invest in and prioritize them in global education recovery efforts so that every learner has access to a qualified and well-supported teacher. Let us support our teachers!”

  • The UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development is presented on this day to acknowledge exceptional efforts in enhancing teaching methodologies across the globe.
  • Various activities are conducted in schools and communities, including assemblies and student performances, to express gratitude towards teachers and celebrate their contributions.
  • Social media platforms are utilized to disseminate messages of appreciation for educators, with popular hashtags like #WorldTeachersDay and #ThankATeacher facilitates widespread recognition.

On October 5, 1966, UNESCO and ILO organized a conference of governments in Paris to expand teachers’ status. UNESCO and ILO representatives agreed on the recommendation of the forum. The proposal described teachers’ rights, responsibilities, and various other aspects of the teaching profession worldwide. 

■ Also Read: Teachers’ Day India: Date, Quotes, Importance, Special Gift, Message  

On October 5, 1994, UNESCO established the first World Teacher’s Day. The purpose was to emphasize participation and development and highlight issues of teachers and priorities regarding education. The date of October 5 was marked to observe Teachers’ Day globally on the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 ILO / UNESCO recommendation.

The governments realized the importance of qualified, competent, and motivated teachers. On November 11, 1997, during UNESCO’s 29th session, the proposal included teaching and research personnel in higher education. 

Numerous methods exist to express our gratitude towards educators on World Teacher Day 2024. A straightforward approach is to extend thanks to a teacher who has positively influenced your life. Additionally, participating in local events that honor teachers or dedicating your time and resources to enhance educational opportunities within your community can demonstrate your support.

To commemorate this special occasion, you may consider writing personalized thank-you notes, organizing appreciation events, and presenting thoughtful gifts. Public acknowledgment through school newsletters, social media platforms, or assemblies can effectively showcase teachers’ accomplishments and commitment.

Supporting professional development initiatives and volunteering within the classroom are also impactful ways to convey appreciation. Other meaningful gestures include creating an appreciation board, hosting a luncheon for teachers, sharing positive feedback, and celebrating significant milestones.

Teaching is a rewarding yet challenging profession. Educators often face long hours, overcrowded classrooms, and rising expectations from parents and administrators. Many teachers struggle financially, frequently buying their own classroom supplies, yet they remain dedicated to their students’ success.

On World Teachers’ Day 2024, we must acknowledge the significant challenges educators face globally, particularly the urgent shortage of teachers, especially in low-income countries. UNESCO estimates that 69 million new teachers are needed by 2030 to achieve universal education, straining current educators and affecting education quality.

Another major issue is the lack of professional development opportunities, which is crucial in a rapidly changing educational landscape. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for training in online instruction, an area where many teachers were unprepared.

Teachers also deal with increased workloads, including double-shift classes and blended learning, leading to burnout and reduced job satisfaction. Occupational safety is a growing concern, especially in conflict-affected regions, emphasizing the need for secure working conditions.

Low salaries and job insecurity further complicate efforts to attract and retain skilled educators, many of whom work in under-resourced environments with outdated materials and insufficient supplies.

Famous Quotes in English on the occasion of  World Teachers’ Day 2024

  • A Spiritual Teacher can guide mankind to attain salvation and eternal peace
  • Teacher is like a candle, who burn himself and provide a us light
  • Teachers are the ones who teach the art of living well
  • A spiritual teacher will guide us how to worship the supreme Almighty
  • A good teacher in any particular field is the key to success.
  • Without teachers students’ lives are without any directions
  • Teacher is that person, who feels proud when you achieve success.
  • Teacher is like a Potter, who treats you to make you greater.
  • A teacher who teaches the right way of living is the teacher indeed.
  • Spiritual teacher is like a moon, who provides us light in the night.
  • A real spiritual teacher makes a wonderful shift in life from material to eternal.
  • Other professions won’t exist without a teacher
  • A spiritual teacher is like a Sun, who finishes the darkness of your life, and makes your day live with luminosity.

See which organizations will  Celebrate World Teachers’ Day 2024 Globally? 

More than 100 nations observe World Teachers’ Day internationally. Education International, along with its 401 associations globally, perceive and celebrate World Teachers’ Day globally. There are several Professional organizations and Trade unions actively participating in organizing World Teacher’s Day across the globe; some are given below: 

  • The All India Secondary Teachers’ Federation
  • The Australian Education Union
  • The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario at Canada
  • The Canadian Teachers’ Federation
  • The Japan Teachers’ Union
  • The Teachers Council at New Zealand
  • The National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers at the United Kingdom
  • The National Union of Teachers at the United Kingdom
  • The National Education Association at the United States 

Some Facts About World Teachers’ Day 

To observe World Teachers’ Day, the best thing you can do is show gratitude by thanking your Guru or a teacher who made an impact on your life. While celebrating World Teachers Day, everyone should know the following interesting facts

  • According to UNESCO, a trained teacher has the prescribed qualifications and the minimum academic teacher training to teach at a related level
  • October 5, 1994, observed the first World Teachers’ Day
  • 100+ countries celebrate World Teachers’ Day; each state has its unique celebration
  • World Teachers’ Day is to promote the teaching profession
  • On average, primary school teachers spend 782 hours every year
  • Teachers’ day is not a public holiday but a global overview
  • The Teacher is one of the most trusted professions after doctors and nurses.   

Know about Tatvadarshi Sant on World Teachers’ day 2024 

According to Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, the role of a genuine saint, or Satguru, is to direct humanity towards spiritual awakening and liberation. A true saint conveys the authentic teachings of God and the proper methods of worship as outlined in sacred texts. They enlighten individuals about the essence of the Supreme Being and the journey to reach Him, facilitating freedom from the cycle of reincarnation. Moreover, a true saint underscores the importance of living a righteous life, exemplifying high ethical standards and motivating others to follow suit.

They offer spiritual practices and mantras that purify the soul from karmic burdens while fostering mental tranquility and physical health. In addition, a true saint confronts social and spiritual issues, championing equality, justice, and the well-being of all, thereby fostering a peaceful and harmonious community. Their mission is to guide humanity towards spiritual realization and ultimate liberation.

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj explains that a true saint, or Satguru, is defined by key qualities aligned with sacred scriptures. They possess deep knowledge of these texts, guiding others on the authentic path of worship and the essence of God, while teaching methods that promote salvation and avoiding unendorsed rituals.

A true saint lives by high moral standards, free from deceit and greed, and serves as a role model through compassion and love for all, regardless of background. They clarify complex spiritual concepts, making them accessible to others.

Additionally, a true saint guides individuals toward salvation, providing mantras and practices to purify the soul and achieve liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Importantly, they embody their teachings, demonstrating the benefits of genuine worship through their own lives. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj emphasizes that a true saint is not just a preacher but a mentor who leads by example in helping followers attain spiritual liberation.

The humans must go to the Enlightened Teacher Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, to realize the Divine Truth. Read the Book the gyan ganga and visit “Satlok Ashram YouTube Channel.”

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) About World Teachers’ Day 2024

When is World Teachers’ Day celebrated? 

World Teachers’ Day is celebrated on October 5 every year.

Why is World Teachers Day Celebrated?

World Teachers’ Day, also known as International Teachers’ Day, is celebrated to thank and honor teachers for their contributions to their students. 

What is the theme of World Teachers’ Day 2024?

This year’s theme for World Teachers’ Day is “Valuing Teacher Voices: Towards a New Social Contract for Education.”.

Who is a true teacher?

■ Who ensures students’ academic success
■ Who acts as counselor for better understanding of subject matter
■ Helps in solving problems affecting students’ learning
■ Who guides mankind to attain salvation and eternal peace

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