March 18, 2025

World Science Day For Peace And Development 2024:In a World Created by God, Is Science Truly Manmade?

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Last Updated on 9 November 2024 IST | World Science Day for Peace and Development is commemorated to bring out the relevance and significance of science in our daily lives. This day gives prominence to the importance of science in society. As science is closely related to every aspect of society, hence it also emphasises the importance of engaging the general public in discussions about how science can benefit the society

World Science Day for Peace and Development: Highlights

  • World Science Day for Peace and Development is observed every year on the 10th of November.
  • It emphasizes the importance of scientists in broadening our understanding about daily scope of science and technology in our day to day lives.
  • On November 10, 2002, the first World Science Day for Peace and Development was observed.
  • World Science Day 2024 theme is ‘Why Science Matters- Engaging Minds and Empowering Futures’
  • The theme aims at encouraging sustainable development at the level of the general public by the application of science and technology in their lives.
  • Despite our immense dependence on science around us, still Spirituality is capable of giving  us benefits which science cannot even dream of.

World Science Day for Peace and Development 2024: Date & Timing

Every year on the 10th of November, World Science Day for Peace and Development is observed.

It brings out the importance of scientists in widening our understanding of the amazing, fragile earth we call home and in making our civilizations more sustainable.

World Science Day for Peace and Development 2024 Theme

World Science Day 2024: The theme for World Science Day 2024 is ‘Why Science Matters – Engaging Minds and Empowering Futures’. The theme revolves around the theme symbolising the role of science in our day to day lives. Science plays a key role in developing our minds by providing growth opportunities and empowering our futures as well.

History & Background

Under the auspices of UNESCO, The first World Science Day for Peace and Development was observed on the 10th of November, 2002. Since its inception in 2001 by UNESCO, World Science Day for Peace and Development has emerged in a plethora of concrete programs, funding, and projects for science around the planet.

■ Also Read: National Technology Day | Date, Aim, History, Quotes, Significance

World Science Day for Peace and Development is an opportunity to demonstrate the importance of science in people’s lives and engage them in debate. The event was a successful result of the 1999 World Conference on Science in Budapest. Every year, it was seen as an opportunity to reaffirm the commitment to achieve the goals outlined in the Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific Knowledge.

World Science Day: Significance & Aims

The commemoration of World Science Day for Peace and Development honors the journey that has been made as well as the path that will be taken in the future. The bricks of purpose that make up the path are just as important as the path itself. This day’s goals include emphasizing the role of science in creating a sustainable society, promoting scientific methods and their application to achieve peace, and facing the challenges of the journey with commitment and focus.

World Science Day honours the fact that development of science is the root cause of development and establishing peace. It is because the development has reduced chaos and led to the establishment of harmony among people. Despite such facts, factors like terrorism still continue to haunt people and their eradication has still been a major issue for some developed countries like the USA. While the desire for ultimate peace can only be attained by aligning your life spiritually with true spiritual knowledge outlined in our sacred texts.

Science, as we all know, is the foundation of information and knowledge. As a result, one of the goals of commemorating this day is to increase societal awareness and knowledge. After 2 decades of acknowledging the day, the planet was hit by a pandemic, and the day’s goals became an essential culmination. As a result, the theme for the 2020 World Science Day for Peace and Development has been chosen as ‘Science for and with Society in dealing with the global pandemic.’

Although the pandemic is still there, its effect is not on such a large scale, hence this year’s theme focuses on bringing in Sustainable development by encouraging the application of science and technology among common people.

World Science Day 2024: UNESCO has organised an online web seminar grouping science experts from across the globe and from different fields of basic science. This virtual event will highlight the role of science in society and our daily lives. It will be in two languages: English and French. A webinar has been organised by UNESCO.

■ Also Read | National Science Day: Know about the Knowledge that Connects Science and Spirituality

The one who wants to register can continue here. However one can participate in World Science Day at their own level by organising motivational lectures and visits to laboratories or showing regular ways to encourage sustainable development through volunteers. As science is involved in our day to day lives. Hence understanding it is vital and important for us.

Science, Man-made or God Given?

Presently when we are standing in the 21st century and we have gone past 20 centuries. In these 20 centuries we haven’t witnessed such a development in science and technology that we are witnessing now. Out of our grave ignorance we have considered that this is our creation and we think of it as a man-made asset. But we are heavily mistaken. 

Science is a gift of Supreme God Kabir to us so as to identify Him in this cage of Satan (Kaal Brahm), which will help us in attaining salvation with ease through His Complete Saint. Have you ever wondered that man has been here since centuries and hasn’t been able to develop such technology before? Why? It is because of the fact that it is to be given at that point of time when humanity will be on the verge of extinction and people will understand the value of God. Therefore the discovery and the development in science and technology is not man-made, it’s predetermined by Supreme God Kabir.

Only Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Can Ensure Global Peace and Development

Only under the refuge of a Complete Saint, Who is currently Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, can one expect peace. It is because as described in verse 62, chapter 18 and verse 34, chapter 4 of Holy Geeta ji, only by seeking refuge of Supreme God Kabir through His Complete Saint the destination to ultimate peace and the everlasting abode is achieved. Our Holy Scriptures are paths to attain God, and Holy Geeta ji is considered to be one of the most sacred ones, therefore it should be taken into consideration.

To learn more about the true spiritual knowledge of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj watch His spiritual discourses at His YouTube channel ‘Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj’ or order a free copy of His written book ‘Gyan Ganga’ from His website

World Science Day Quotes

  1. Science is incomplete without spirituality.
  2. “Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.” – Immanuel Kant
  3. “Science does not know its debt to imagination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  4. “Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.” – Carl Sagan

World Science Day For Peace And Development FAQ

Question: UNESCO is headquartered in?

Answer: Paris, France

Question: Who is the only Indian to win the Nobel Prize in Physics?

Answer: Dr. C.V. Raman

Question: How Science is used in Sustainable Development?

Answer: It is because of the interdependence of other factors like healthcare and education, science plays a key role in sustainable development as well.

Question: Is Science man-made or God Given?

God given.

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