World Population Day 2023: India’s population will surpass China by the end of 2023


Last Updated 11 July 2023, 1:16 PM IST | World Population Day 2023: Today on July 11, the world community is observing the ‘World Population Day 2023’ under the umbrella of the United Nations. In the Coronavirus outbreak situation UN has come out with a theme for 2023 as “A world of 8 billion: Towards a resilient future for all – Harnessing opportunities and ensuring rights and choices for all”. The readers will know many meaningful aspects of it.

World Population Day 2023 Highlights

  1. On July 11, the ‘World Population Day’ is celebrated as an annual event.
  2. Theme for World Population Day 2023 “Unleashing the power of gender equality: Uplifting the voices of women and girls to unlock our world’s infinite possibilities”.
  3. World Population Day is to create awareness among the people on various population issues.
  4. The world population is the total number of humans living in the demography.
  5. Vatican City is the lowest population country.
  6. China is the highest population country with 1.45 billion and India is second highest with 1.40 billion.
  7. Amid COVID-19 UNFPA critical to achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
  8. Population growth due to people surviving to reproductive age, major changes in fertility rates, urbanization, and migration.

Meaning of World Population

The world population is defined as the total number of humans currently living in the demography. As per the estimate, total living humans on the earth is about to cross 8 billion (800 Crore) as of June 2023. Currently the total world population is about 7.96 billion. 

The objective of World Population Day is to expand awareness among the people on various population issues such as the significance of reproductive health, family planning, gender equality, poverty, maternal health, and rights of humans. Dr. K. C. Zachariah, who is the Sr. Demographer at the world bank, recommended observing the day to check the rising population.

The Theme of World Population Day 2023

The United Nations decided the theme of World Population Day 2021 as “Unleashing the power of gender equality: Uplifting the voices of women and girls to unlock our world’s infinite possibilities” for ‘World Population Day’ in the year 2022. As the theme implies, there are currently 8 billion people on the planet, but not all of them have equal opportunities and rights. 

Celebration of World Population Day

World population day is celebrated at the international level by combining a variety of activities and events to draw the attention of masses to work together on the issues of the growing population. There are main issues such as, how we can control the population and how we can stop population explosion in certain territories.

Why is the Population in India Exploding?

These are the reasons why India is so populated. In India, the fertility rate is much higher compared to other countries although it has been falling due to the population policies and other measures. With the rapid advancement in medical sciences, the death rate has fallen which has safeguarded the population growth. India must exercise measures to control its population otherwise all its natural resources will become short and disproportionate.

Population Scenario in the World 2023

At present there exist 2.08 billion young people under 15 years old with 1.07 billion boys and 1.006 billion girls, 5.08 billion people between 15 and 64 years old with 2.56 billion males and 2.51 billion females whereas 0.59 billion above 64 years old with 0.26 billion males and 0.32 billion females.

India will become Number 1 in Population in 2023

China is the highest population country with nearly 1.45 billion people even after exercising many population control measures. India secures the second position with 1.40 billion population. With only 50 million numbers behind, India is likely to surpass its neighbor soon.

The Vatican has the lowest Population

Vatican City is a special purpose country developed to assign a nation’s head status to the pope. Its population is 1,000 (as per the 2017 census) with the smallest land occupation 0.44 square km area. Here it will be interesting for the readers to know Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church, is head of the sovereign of the Vatican City State. This country does not have any hospital and therefore no one can take birth here. Cardinals, diplomats, and who work and reside in the Vatican are granted citizenship.

World Population Explosion

The United Nations forecast confirms that the world population will touch the number 8 billion in 2023. The world’s population may approach 11 billion by the end of the century (2100).

The world population reached the 1 billion mark in hundreds of thousands of years. But it took just another 200 years or so to grow sevenfold. In 2011, the world population reached the 7 billion mark, and today in 2023, it jumped to about 7.96 billion. The population is expected to grow to around 8.5 billion in 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050, and 10.9 billion in 2100.

This extraordinary growth has been driven mainly by

  • Rising numbers of people surviving to reproductive age
  • Complemented by major changes in fertility rates
  • Expanding urbanization and
  • Accelerating migration

These developments will have far-reaching consequences for generations to come.

Reasons for Worldwide population Rise

World Population Day 2023: There are enormous changes in fertility rates and life expectancy. In the early 1970s, on average the women had 4.5 children each; by 2015, total fertility for the world had dropped to below 2.5 children per woman. In the meantime, average global life spans have climbed, from 64.6 years in the early 1990s to 72.6 years in 2019.

■ Also Read | World Environment Day: Know How can Environment be Made Better?

Also, the world is witnessing high levels of urbanization and fast-tracking migration. 2007 was the first year in which more people resided in urban areas than in rural areas, and by 2050 about 66 percent of the world population will be dwelling in cities.

These megatrends have far-reaching consequences. They affect economic growth, employment, income sharing, poverty, and social securities. They also influence efforts to ensure universal access to health care, education, housing, sanitation, water, food, and energy. It will be a bigger responsibility to address the needs of individuals more sustainably. The policymakers must recognize the people living on the planet in demography, their age, and the death and birth pattern.

World Population Day 2023 Quotes & Slogan

  • “Urgent need to control the population, nature cannot take care for huge numbers of people”.
  • “Are you worried about the population explosion? start from yourselves”
  • “For a better future, let us pledge to effectively control population measures”.
  • “Earth is the beautiful planet to live, let it be spacious”
  • “Let us save our environment from over plowing of resources”
  • “Control the population to maintain a happy life”
  • “Control overpopulation to remain away from starvation”.

How to Control & Preserve the Entire World Population?

The entire world population can be easily preserved by the supreme entity. The creator of the entire universe and all the living souls, our forefather Almighty God Kabir is omnipotent. Almighty God Kabir has the power to preserve all living creatures that exist. All the resources on the planet can only be preserved sustainably by the blessings of God Kabir. The supreme abode ‘Satlok’ has unlimited resources which can last forever and can serve infinite living beings. 

Presently, God Kabir has incarnated in the form of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji who is showing scripture based worship to the society. By taking naam initiation (Naam Diksha) from Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj one can attain Complete Salvation and can go to the supreme abode ‘Satlok’. In Satlok everyone gets an immortal and imperishable body which never gets old. Download Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Android app from Google Play Store to know more about it 

FAQs ( Frequently Asked Questions) about World Population Day

Why is World Population Day celebrated?

World Population Day is observed to celebrate human progress by raising awareness about population issues such as the importance of family planning in the face of increasing population, maternal and baby health, gender equality, right to health, poverty, sexuality education, human rights, use of contraceptives and safety measures such as reproductive health, condoms, girl child education, adolescent pregnancy, child marriage, sexually transmitted infections, and so on.

When did World Population Day begin?

World population day was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989.

What do people do on World Population Day?

People learn about population issues such as the importance of family planning in the face of increasing population, maternal and baby health, gender equality, right to health, poverty, sexuality education, human rights, use of contraceptives and safety measures such as reproductive health, condoms, girl child education, adolescent pregnancy, child marriage, sexually transmitted infections, and so on.

When is World Population Day? 

World Population Day is an annual event that takes place on July 11 each year to raise awareness of global population issues.

What is the theme of World Population Day 2023?

“Unleashing the power of gender equality: Uplifting the voices of women and girls to unlock our world’s infinite possibilities”

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