March 29, 2025

World Health Day 2024: Get Cure of All Your Health Problems by doing This

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Last Updated on 6 April 2024 IST: World Health Day 2024: World Health Day is an international event observed annually throughout the entire globe. Every year World Health Day aims at drawing worldwide attention to those global health related issues which are important for all. The theme for this year is My Health, My Right. This is to provide sufficient and proper health services to all, irrespective of the color, caste, status or background. Year 2024 World Health Day campaign is My Health, My Right.

World Health Day 2024: Highlights

  • World Health Day is an annual international event which aims at bringing in front the ongoing health challenges for the globe and the solution for the same.
  • World Health Day was first celebrated on 7 April 1950. Since then every year it is celebrated as World Health Day. 
  • World Health Day also coincides with the founding day of the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Year 2024 World Health Day theme is My Health, My Right.
  • Year 2024 World Health Day campaign is My Health, My Right.
  • Man made technology to combat health related issues limits itself upto a certain point and stands helpless. But with the true worship of Supreme God Kabir, one can find the remedy to every sort of health problem. 

What Is World Health Day?

World Health Day is one of those international events which is focused upon the well being of every individual along with the well being of our environment. The importance of health and maintaining good health is not hidden to anyone. But the facilities provided to a common individual for maintenance are not up to the mark, especially in the developing nations. And that’s why minor health problems develop into something major over the period of time. To combat these, World Health Day is observed annually and reminds the entire globe about the value of one’s health for the development of the nation and globe.

What Is the History of World Health Day?

World Health Day has existed for years now. The formulation of this day was one of the primary acts of the World Health Organization after coming into existence. After the official launching of the constitution of the World Health Organization on 7th April 1948, one of the first tasks was the formation of World Health Day to highlight the value of health every year in front of the entire globe. 

The day was first observed on the day of April 22, 1949 but it was later decided to change the date to April 7 and let it coincide with the founding date of the World Health Organization. Hence since April 7, 1950 the day is celebrated every year and aims at keeping everyone healthy.

What Is the Date of World Health Day 2024?

World Health Day is by default observed on the same date of 7th April every year that coincides with the founding day of the World Health Organization.

What Is the Theme of World Health Day 2024?

The speciality of this vital day is that it is observed with a new and dedicated theme every year. The meaning of this theme is to highlight the current health scenario globally. For the year 2024 the theme is “My Health, My Right‘. The theme highlights importance of providing equal healthcare benefits to all the sections of the society, irrespective of the background or status. It also aims at improving the implementation of one of the major rights of the people – The Right to Proper Healthcare Facilities. 

What Is the Campaign for World Health Day 2024?

My Health, My Right” is the campaign for World Health Day 2024. WHO’s 76th anniversary year is appropriate to appraise public health successes that have improved quality of life during the last seven decades. Take this year as an opportunity to motivate action to tackle the health challenges of today  ̶  and tomorrow.

■ Also Read: World Heart Day: Know How to Keep Heart Healthy

How Is World Health Day Celebrated?

World Health Day is observed globally with various events and programmes at different places. It is observed by doing the following acts: 

  • The day is observed by various Government and Non Government Organizations (NGOs) at a global level to highlight the topic of the day through different acts and tries to transmit the message to the common public.
  • Medical and health care institutions with health care officials are often seen to celebrate this day by taking pledges to provide best health care solutions to the needy. And thus motivating the common people.
  • Various debates, competition, quizzes, essay writings, art competition, sports competition, exhibitions, award ceremonies to motivate people are organised for bringing the day into the limelight. 
  • The participation of organisations for World Health Day in collaboration with the World Health Organization are highlighted by the power of the media to let everyone know how vital the value of health is.
  • Schools, seminars, colleges, discussion forums and workshops shall remain dedicated to highlight the theme by conducting plays, events, eco-friendly activities and shall raise the awareness for the same. 
  • Various outdoor activities that include hiking and cycling along with charity shall be organized to highlight the dedicated theme through various posters and flex.

World Health Day 2024 Quotes

  • “Sickness is the vengeance of nature for the violation of her laws.”- Charles Simmons
  • “It Is Health That Is Real Wealth and Not Pieces of Gold and Silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Keep your vitality. A life without health is like a river without water.” – Maxime Lagace
  • “He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.” – Arabian proverb

True Worship Can Cure Any Life Threatening Disease

Health is the utmost priority of the people. People spend a lot of money to maintain and achieve good health but still lose their precious lives and succumb to death at their last time. But, as a remedy, it can be avoided by the path of true worship of Supreme God Kabir. After understanding the true spiritual knowledge given by Supreme Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj and performing true worship abiding by the rules given by Him, one will not lose this human life without attaining its prime motive of salvation. 

This human birth is given to us after undergoing the lives of 84 lakh species of animals.The soul purpose of this human birth is to attain salvation and avoid the experience of being an animal further. But inspite of doing this, we are wasting our precious lives in arranging temporary comforts that will not be with us  after our deaths. The wealth of true worship remains with the soul, even after the death.  This Kalyug is the prime time for attaining salvation. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj from Haryana is giving us the true mantras to attaining salvation, so being wise we must make the most out of it. Saint Garibdas ji Maharaj from Haryana says: 

Garib, Samjha hai to sir dhar paav, 

Bahur nahi re aisa daav| |

So it’s a request to all to kindly take Naam Diksha (Naam Initiation) from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj and perform the true worship of Supreme God Kabir Saheb Ji to attain salvation. For more knowledge, listen to the spiritual discourses on Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj YouTube Channel and read the sacred books ‘Gyan Ganga’ and ‘Jeene Ki Raah’ written by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

FAQS on World Health Day 2024

Question: What is the significance of World Health Day?

Answer: World Health Day is celebrated to promote awareness about physical, mental and social well-being of the people.

Question: Which birth anniversary World Health Organization celebrates in 2024?

Answer: On 7th April 2024, World Health Organization will celebrate its 76th Birth Anniversary. 

Question: What is World Health Organization? 

Answer: UN’s World Health Organization deals with the various health concerns around the globe.

Question: What is the theme of World Health Day 2024?

Answer: The theme for World Health Day 2024 is My Health, My Right‘.

Question: Which Saint has the power to cure life threatening diseases? 

Answer: Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has the power to cure life threatening diseases. Take naam initiation from Him immediately.

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