October 25, 2024

World Earth Day 2024- How To Make This Earth Heaven?

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Last Updated on 19 April 2024 IST: World Earth Day 2024: Earth is a mother to all of us. But on the other hand, like a bad child, we are degrading our mother earth every other day. This blog will make us realize and make us aware about how we can turn our mother earth into heaven for all of us to live happily. Let us know in depth how to attain happiness here and turn this place into heaven.

What is the Date of World Earth Day 2024?

World Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22 to express our gratitude towards the Earth by promoting peace and environmental protection. Every year worldwide it is celebrated with rallies, conferences, outdoor activities, and service projects. World Earth Day is celebrated by more than 192 countries every year.

What is the Theme for World Earth Day 2024?

This year’s World Earth Day 2024 theme is “Planet vs. Plastics”. This is time to encourage people to take action for the improvement of the climate — the business climate, the political climate. This is the time to exercise the efforts together to preserve and protect health, families, livelihood.

A green future is a prosperous future therefore act boldly, innovate broadly, and implement equitably. Businesses, governments, and citizens should make partnerships for solving the climate crisis, make a prosperous and sustainable future, restore nature and build a healthy planet for children without loss of time. In order to achieve the aim, find information on Earth Day events, activities, and involve individuals and organizations.

History of World Earth Day

The idea of celebrating Earth Day was born from the massive Oil Spill in Santa Barbara, California in 1969 that took the lives of more than 10,000 aquatic animals. This incident inspired many activists along with Gaylord Nelson to raise awareness among people about environmental protection. The first Earth Day was, then, celebrated on April 22, 1970.

This concept of celebrating Earth Day was founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson. At that time, it was announced as a “National Teach-in on the Environment” in America only though. Subsequently, as 1990 approached, Earth Day went global. Now, it is celebrated in more than 192 countries.

Take Action: Fight Today For A Better Tomorrow

Change begins with action. Even better, an action that affects the world around you. Billions of acts take place worldwide. From students in the classrooms to facilitators in their communities to government officials there are ways for anyone of any background to make a difference. Start small and get bigger – or start bigger and stay bigger.

Also Read | International Mother Earth Day: Way Of Living Given By True Devotion Can Preserve Our Mother Earth

Either way, keep coming back, keep taking action and join the movement to change the world. Add your action, watch the Billions grow, and join the movement to change the world.

Who created the Earth?

Earth which is home to all of us is just a part of so many universes around us whose knowledge is still not known to us. Scientists have discovered galaxies and spaces around but it is much more beyond that. By the awareness of true spiritual knowledge one can get to know about the extent of universes and realms around us. This place in which we are living belongs to 21 universes of Satan(Kaal Brahm) but he was not the creator of it. Our Earth is just a part of one universe owned by Satan(Kaal Brahm). 

These were given to Satan(Kaal Brahm) by Supreme God Kabir(creator of the entire universe) for his ‘Hathyog’ done in God’s place Satlok. And Satan(Kaal Brahm) was kicked out of Satlok for his bad habits and we managed to hang on to him by mistake. And that’s why we say we are entrapped here and attain freedom and salvation should be our ultimate goal. Our mother Earth that bears so good fruits and vegetables to eat is created by the Supreme God Kabir as testified by our Holy Books:

  • Holy Bible Genesis Verse 1:20 to 2:25
  • Holy Quran Sharif Surah Al Furqan 25:52-59
  • Holy Atharvaveda Kand 4 Anuvak 1 Mantra 1-7
  • To know more, kindly see:- Creation of Nature

How will Peace be established on the Earth?

Earth Day also promotes establishing peace on Earth. For this, Holy Gita Ji Chapter 18 Verse 62 states that the correct way of worship of the Supreme God Kabir gives us contentment and peace here and also leads us to the peaceful place i.e. Satlok, where there is no death and no work, but ultimate peace.

Similarly, Holy Yajurveda Chapter 5 Verse 32 says that the Supreme God Kabir is the Giver of peace.

It has been mentioned in Holy Geeta ji chapter 4 verse 34 about recognition of a Tatvdarshi Saint who is the knower of all Holy Scriptures and will establish peace on Earth for the attainment of salvation and establishing brotherhood. Supreme God Kabir indicated about His Complete Saint in His holy verses and also mentioned He will come to light in the year 1997. 

Because Holy Geeta ji chapter 16 verse 23 states that only scripture-based way of worship can lead to accomplishments, else one cannot attain peace. Hence following the scriptures is mandatory. 

God Has descended in Haryana to Make This Earth Heaven 

The Glory of this Earth lies with the Incarnations of God and His beloved Saints. The sacred Speech of Saint Garib Das Ji Maharaj says:

Purav paschim uttar dakshin, firta dane dane nu|

Sarv kala Satguru Saheb ki, Hari aaye haryane nu||

Similarly, God Kabir Ji prophesied in His Vani:

Kabir, Panch sahans aur panch sou, jab kaliyug beet jaaye| 

Mahapurush pharmaan tab, jag taaran ko aaye||

Here are some more predictions by other renowned foretellers about Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj to make you further believe this:

  • French astrologer Mr. Nostradamus in 1555 A.D. has written in His prophecies: The Great Chyren Selin will neither be a Muslim nor a Christian, He will be Hindu only. The mother of the Chyren Selin would be three sisters. He will have four children – 2 sons and 2 daughters. His wisdom and power are ultimate and the world will bow before him. He will be the most powerful spiritual leader who will bring the Golden Age not only in India but on the entire Earth.
  • American Foreteller Jeane Dixon: The Great Soul has already taken birth in a rural family in India and He will direct, control, and manage a Great Spiritual Revolution.
  • Lady Florence: The great Saint from India will be fair-skinned, with white hair and without a beard/mustache. His spiritual thinking will be so revolutionary that its spark will turn into an inferno that will spread in every nook and corner of the world and will eliminate the darkness from the world.

Only Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Fits On All These Prophecies

As declared by Supreme God Kabir and being testified in our scriptures Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj stands on all the identifications of being a Complete Saint as He has been successful in explaining the creation of universe to us in accordance with Holy Geeta ji chapter 15 verse 1-4. 

Also, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj was born on 8th September 1951 in village Dhanana, a rural area of Haryana state of India. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj was born in a Hindu family. His mother had two sisters and He has 2 sons and 2 daughters. He stands on all the foretellings listed above. Hence He is the one humanity has been looking for since ages to attain salvation. Only by the method of worship given by Him one can attain peace and happiness here and in Satlok too. For more information, kindly read:- God descended on Earth

World Earth Day 2024 Quotes

  • “The earth will become like heaven when everyone only worships the Almighty Kabir Saheb JI” ~ Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj
  • This is the fortunate time for all beings as the Supreme Lord is descended on earth”.
  • “Earth revolves around sun and soul revolves around Supreme God”.
  • “Earth is the only planet that has life because the Almighty has blessed it”.
  • “Our mother Earth nurtures us; it deserves being taken care of by us”.
  • “The Earth provides enough to satisfy every Human Body ‘s needs, but the Supreme God satisfy the human soul”

FAQ about World Earth Day 2024

Question: What is the theme for Earth Day in 2024?

Answer: The theme of World Earth Day 2024 is Planet vs. Plastics.

Question: What is World Earth Day?

Answer: Each year on April 22 people celebrate World Earth Day to protect the planet from adversaries like deforestation and pollution. 

Question: How is World Earth Day celebrated?

Answer: By performing environmental friendly activities like planting trees and waste management and making awareness of the same.

Question: When was the first Earth Day observed?

Answer: 1970

Question: Who is called the father of Earth Day?

Answer: Gaylord Nelson

Conclusion of World Earth Day Blog

Like, it has been discussed above that the correct way of worship along with abiding by the code of conduct of worship is the way to attain peace and contentment. The true way of worship also forbids the killing of animals for food and leather that promotes the aim of celebrating World Earth Day.

Saint Rampal Ji alone has the authority to give that correct way of worship today. In order to get that way of worship, you need to learn the True spiritual knowledge that Saint Rampal Ji tells. He is the only one Who is being sent to make this Earth heaven. For in-depth knowledge you must read the sacred books by downloading Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj App. Take online initiation from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj now and kindly fill this Naam Diksha form

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