March 13, 2025

World Day Against Child Labour 2023: SatGyan Evolves the Children Perfectly

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Last Updated on 10 June 2023: 4:51 PM IST: World Day Against Child Labour 2023: International days are reinforced to educate the public on issues of concern and to address global problems. Every year 12th June is celebrated as World Day Against Child Labour. Child labour falls in the category of crime and there is a provision of severe punishment for those who promote it. Cases of child labour are increasing continuously in the country and the world. This day is celebrated to make people aware of child labour and it highlights the rights of children to have a normal life.

World Day Against Child Labour [WDACL] 2023 Theme

2023 Theme: Social Justice for All. End Child Labour!

June 12, World Day Against Child Labour, aims to raise awareness about the fight against child labor all over the world. Regarding the link between justice and child labour, the theme of World Child Labor Day 2023 is “Social Justice for All”. End Child Labor!”.

  • The UN experience in addressing child labor over the past three decades shows that child labor can be eliminated if the principles are addressed. The need for all of us to help solve humanity’s daily problems is more urgent than ever, and child labor is the most obvious of these.
  • That’s why we see World Day Against Child Labour, 2023, as a testament to all of us who, when willpower and determination come together, are committed to change and end child labor.
  • The coronavirus Pandemic has changed the scenario completely and increased child labour as millions have become vulnerable worldwide. The ILO and UNICEF have released reports on global trends and estimates, that indicate reversal in progress of child labour downward trend that had fallen by 94 million from 2000 to 2016.

History of World Day Against Child Labour (WDACL)

In 2002, the United Nations body that regulates the world of work, the International Labour Organization (ILO), launched the World Day Against Child Labor, to stop the children used for employment. 

Significance of World Day Against Child Labour

  • The reason June 12 is marked as Child Labour Day is to bring attention to the problem of child labour and to find ways to eradicate it or fight against it.
  • The day is used to spread awareness about the harmful mental and physical problems faced by children forced into child labour, around the world.

The Child Labor Problem is not New to India

The problem of child labor in India has been prevalent for decades. The Government of India has taken steps to end the problem of child labor. Article 23 of the Indian Constitution prohibits the employment of children in hazardous industries.

As per the Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, amended in 2016 (“CLPR Act”), a “Child” is defined as any person below the age of 14, and the CLPR Act prohibits employment of a Child in any employment including as domestic help.

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Children between the age of 14 and 18 are defined as “Adolescent” and the law allows adolescents to be employed except in the listed hazardous occupation and processes which include mining, inflammable substance, and explosives related work and any other hazardous process as per the Factories Act, 1948. In 2001, an estimated 1% of all child workers, or about 120,000 children in India were in a hazardous job.

The Constitution of India prohibits child labour in hazardous industries (but not in non-hazardous industries) as a Fundamental Right under Article 24. UNICEF estimates that India with its larger population, has the highest number of labourers in the world under 14 years of age, while sub-Saharan African countries have the highest percentage of children who are deployed as child labourers. (Source: Wikipedia)

World Day Against Child Labour Quotes

  • ”Children are nation’s future, let them grow”
  • “Child’s hands are to learn not to work”
  • “Know child labour is illegal”
  • “Childhood is the time to learn, not to earn”
  • “Every day we need to send children to school”
  • “It is a criminal offence to employ a Child for any work”
  • “Child labour is humanity abuse say no”

Spiritual leader Saint Rampal Ji’s views to eradicate child labour

Great spiritual Sant Rampal Ji says that both sons and daughters should be given equal love and education. Both should not be discriminated against and raised equally. Here all the relations are related according to karma.

God has given you children, you should serve them in the same way that a servant serves his master. If we will follow the Thoughts of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and love children, then the entire world will be free from child labour. SatGyan evolves the children for the right human life purpose, therefore the children should be given refuge of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj right from 3 years of age. 

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