March 28, 2025

Kabir Prakat Diwas 2021: True Story of God Kabir: Kabir Sahib’s Appearance in Kalyuga

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SA News: Last Updated on 29-5-2021: 4:52 Pm: On the occasion of Kabir Sahib Prakat Diwas (the Appearance Day of Kabir Sahib), know the True story of Kabir sahib Ji about whether Kabir Sahib was born from a Hindu Brahmin widow, from the Muslim couple Neeru-Neema, or He manifested Himself in the Lahartara lake. Also, know about the current Incarnation of Kabir Sahib Ji, and the 2021 celebration of Kabir Sahib Prakat Diwas.

Did Kabir Sahib Take Birth From a Brahmin Widow?

Those who say that Kabir Sahib was born from a Brahmin widow should also tell her name, her father’s name, and her husband’s name along with the other details if they could really find out that it was indeed a Brahmin widow who gave birth to Kabir Sahib. The purport of saying this is that: Yes, He didn’t take birth from a Brahmin widow. It’s just a hearsay story fabricated by some unknown personality and accepted by many ignorant saints and the general public.

Here is another version of this story: “Kabir Sahib was born from an unwed Brahmin woman.” This story is as false as the former one.

The True Story of Kabir Sahib Ji’s Incarnation (Avtran) on Earth

The True Story of Kabir Sahib: As stated in Holy Vedas, Almighty God Kabir is never born from a mother’s womb. He is self-proclaimed. He meets a childless couple who serve Him by raising Him in child-form. In Kalyug on the full moon day in Jyeshta month, Samvat 1455 (1398 A.D.), Supreme God Kabir Sahib Ji came from Satlok and acquired the Form of an infant child. 

Rishi Ashtanand Ji Witnessed Divine Play

The water of Ganga, splashing through waves, used to fill a big lake named “Lahar Tara” in Kashi, Banaras. It used to remain filled with very pure water. Lotus flowers were growing in it. On the morning of Jyestha Poornima , a very bright mass of light (Parmeshwar Kabir Ji had come in form of a child with a very bright body; because of the distance, it appeared only as a mass of light) came from above (from Satyalok) and lain in the lotus flower, by which the entire Lahar Tara Lake started dazzling, and then going in one corner, it disappeared. One of the disciples of Ramanand Ji, Rishi Ashtanand Ji was seeing this spectacle with his own eyes and his eyes were dazzled by the bright light which dissolved in a lotus flower. Sage Ashtanand Ji eyewitnessed the manifestation of God Kabir.

Later that day, Neeru and Neema, a childless Muslim weaver (Julaha) couple, brought Him home from there. Kabir Sahib had chosen Neeru and Neema as their parents. This was a divine spectacle of Almighty Kabir Ji. Neeru-Neema were Brahmins in that life earlier and were devotees of Shri Shiv Ji. They used to narrate the glory of god Shiv from Shiv Puran selflessly to devout souls. They did not use to make money from anyone. As a result of the conspiracy of wicked and jealous Brahmins at that time they were forcibly converted into Muslims. They started earning their living by working as weavers.

People of Kashi Were Mesmerized by Child Kabir

Everyone in Kashi was amazed to see the beautiful face of Kabir Sahib. No one had seen such an attractive child earlier. People of Kashi used to say, ‘we have never seen such a beautiful body, such a bright child before’. Kashi’s men and women who came to see the child said that He appears to be some god. Someone said that He is someone among the trinity (Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh). While the tridevs said that this is some power that has come from the upper loks (farther abodes).

Story of Kabir Sahib: Divine Plays of God Kabir as an Infant

God Kavirdev (Supreme God Kabir) in a newborn child’s Form didn’t eat anything for 25 days. Seeing the state of the child, Neeru and Neema got worried. On the commands of God Kabir, Shiv Ji came there disguised as a Sadhu. God Kabir in the infant Form said:

“God Shiv Ji, ask them to bring a maiden cow. It will give milk with my blessings.”

The same was done by Neeru. By the Orders of Supreme God Kabir Ji, Shiv Ji patted the back of the maiden cow, and it started giving milk immediately. A clean earthen pot was kept underneath. The milk stopped when the pot filled completely. After this, the maiden cow started giving milk daily. God Kabir Ji used to drink it. The testimony of this divine play has been mentioned in the Vedas (Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 1 Mantra 9). 

Miracle in Naming Ceremony 

The Kazis from Kashi city had come for the naming ceremony of God Kabir as an infant. As per the ritual, the Quran is opened randomly and any word is randomly picked for naming. As they inspected the Quran and opened a page randomly, the word appeared was ‘Kabir’. They thought that Kabir is the name of Allah, we can’t name a weaver’s child with this pious name. They tried again with a different page but this time, surprisingly they found the word “Kabir” in the place of every word that was written in the Quran. Then Lord Kabir in the form of an infant said,

 “Oh Kazis of Kashi, I am Allah, Allahu Akbar. ‘Kabir’ is going to be my name in Kalyug”

Miracle in the Ritual of ‘Sunnah’

When Kazi of Kashi city came to know that a child had come to Neeru and Neema, they came to their home to perform the ritual of ‘Sunnah’. Then Kabir Parmeshwar showed them many Phallus, and they fearfully returned. The account of this divine spectacle performed by Lord Kabir Ji has been mentioned in Holy Kabir Sagar. 

Propagating the Spiritual Knowledge

Because of being raised in a weaver’s home, Supreme God Kabir Ji worked as a weaver on growing up. He started propagating His true spiritual Knowledge at the age of five and acquired Swami Ramanand as His worldly Guru (In reality, Swami Ramanand Ji was His disciple. He acquired him His worldly Guru just to maintain the Guru-disciple boundary of Worship for us). Along with Swami Ramanand Ji, He met Respected Dharamdas Ji and Respected Nanak Dev Ji. All of these Saints, including the Supreme God Kabir Ji, sang the Glory of the Satpurush to the people.

Supreme God Kabir Ji says:

“Chaaron yug mein Mere Sant pukaare, kuk kahya Hum hel re.

Heere maanik moti barse, ye jag chugta dhel re.”

Meaning: God Kabir is Eternal Supreme God. He is beyond old age and is immortal. The same Supreme God comes Himself as a guest for limited time in this world to bestow His way of Eternal Devotion (Sat-Bhakti).

The True Story of Kabir Sahib: Many of His beloved souls took His Shelter. There were 6.4 million devotees of God Kabir Ji then. However, being misled by the contemporary religious leaders of both Hindu and Muslim religions many people opposed Him to the full extent. The ignorant religious leaders along with the misled people tried killing God Kabir Ji 52 times. But, He didn’t die. He is the Supreme God.

Also Read: Kabir Prakat Divas 2020 (Kabir Jayanti): Kabir Sahib Death Mystery?

Yes, KABIR SAHIB, whom the world ignorantly considers merely a mystic Poet or just a Saint, is the Supreme God in reality. When He descended on Earth 624 years ago, He performed every Leela (Divine Act) that our Holy Books say that God performs during Incarnations — as you have already seen some of them discussed in our Articles. The World believes that no saint like Kabir has ever been born or incarnated on earth. But no one could recognize Him as the Absolute Almighty God. The only reason is ignorance. We didn’t get the correct Knowledge about Him.

It is said that “Chamatkar ko Namaskar” (A miracle is greeted). Kabir Sahib has done such Great Miracles during His Stay in Kashi 600 years ago that you can never expect from your Gods. Some of them are listed below:

  • Kabir Sahib Ji brought a dead cow back to life.
  • Kabir Sahib Ji made a buffalo chant the Veda Mantras.
  • Kabir Sahib Ji ended the drought in Maghar by making it rain there.
  • Kabir Sahib Ji was pretending to be a common person on earth. Because of the conspiracy of ignorant religious leaders, all of a sudden 1.8 million Sadhus gathered in Kashi to have the Bhandara about which the religious leaders misled that Kabir Sahib Ji was organizing for 3 days. Just then, Kabir Sahib Ji went to Satlok and brought food and tents from there and fed the 1.8 million Sadhus for 3 days.
  • He also delivered spiritual Discourses because of which hundred-thousands of people renouncing their wrong way of Worship, took His Shelter. 
  • Kabir Sahib Ji revived a dead boy and kept him as His son. He was named “Kamaal” (Miracle) because of getting life from the Miracle.
  • Kabir Sahib Ji revived a dead girl buried in the grave and kept her as His daughter. She was named “Kamaali”(Miracle) because of the Miracle.
  • Kabir Sahib Ji revived Seu, who was persecuted by his father Samman as an act to save the prestige of Satguru Kabir Ji. 
  • Kabir Sahib Ji stopped an intense sea storm to save his devotee Damodar Seth with his ship and many people.
  • Kabir Sahib Ji stopped the ocean from destroying the Jagannath temple in Puri, Odisha. 
  • Kabir Sahib Ji cured the incurable disease of King Sikandar Lodhi.

Departure to Satlok

There are other Miracles too that you can read from this article Miracles of God Kabir. After preaching His spiritual Knowledge for 120 years, God Kabir Ji departed to Satlok on the Ekadashi (Eleventh day) of Magh month with His Body in 1518 A.D. (Vikram Samvat 1575).

Holy Vedas also prove that the Satya Purush Param Akshar Brahm Kavirdev Himself appears on earth. He comes in His body and returns with His body and performs this divine act in two ways:

1. In every yuga: He appears in an infant form on a lotus flower in a pond in a forest. A childless couple takes Him from there. Then performing His divine act, He grows up, and propagating spiritual knowledge destroys unrighteousness. Because of descending on a lotus flower in water, the Supreme God is called Narayan (Naar = water, Aayan = one who comes i.e. one who appears on the water is called Narayan).

2. Whenever He wishes, He comes on earth from His Satlok in a Sadhu-Saint Jinda form and imparts knowledge to His virtuous souls. Then those pious souls also by disseminating knowledge destroy unrighteousness. They are also incarnations sent by the Supreme God.

Story of Kabir Sahib: Other Incarnations of God Kabir Sahib

The True Story of Kabir Sahib: As per the second way, even before and after His Manifestation in Kashi, God Kabir Sahib Ji kept (and keeps) coming on earth to meet His beloved Souls who can stay firm on His Knowledge and preach that to the world. Some of them were: Respected Dadu Ji; Respected Saint Garibdas Ji, from Chhudani, Jhajjar, Haryana; Respected Malook Das Ji; and, Respected Gheesa Das Ji. All of these Saints, including the two Respected Dharamdas Ji and Respected Nanak Dev Ji, were also the Incarnations of God Kabir Ji.

The meaning of “Incarnation (Avtar)” is “to descend from a higher place to a lower place”. This auspicious word is especially used for those supreme souls who perform some remarkable activities on earth; who are considered to be sent by God or are considered to be God themself. 

In reality, there are infinite incarnations of Almighty God Kabir. He descends on earth numerous times in a day. Saint Garibdas Ji says:

Garib Anant Kot Avtar Hai nau chitve buddhi naash |

Khalik Khele Khalak mein chhe ritu barah maas ||

The Current Incarnation of God Kabir Sahib Ji

According to the second way written above, God Kabir Sahib Ji came from Satlok and met Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj in March 1997, on the Shukl Pratham of Falgun month at 10 AM. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj was already disseminating God Kabir’s true spiritual Knowledge following the correct Guru Pranaali (Spiritual Lineage) connected straight with God Kabir, but He expresses His encounter with God Kabir Sahib Ji as this:

Avataran Diwas 2020 Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

 “After the departure of my Venerable Gurudev Swami Ramdevanand Ji to Satlok in January 1997, I became very nervous fearing that I might make any mistake, I might give the third Naam at the wrong time. Seeing this, God Kabir Ji came from Satlok in a Jinda attire on the Shukl Pratham of Falgun month at 10 AM in March 1997 and after telling me the correct time to give the third Naam to the Sangat, He disappeared.”

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

Although He always calls Himself a Das (Servant) of God Kabir Ji, we want to tell the readers that Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the Supreme God Kabir Ji Himself. God Kabir Sahib Ji says:

Aape Aarti Aape saaje| Aape kingar Aape baaje||

Aape taal jhanjh jhnkara| Aap nache Aap dekhanhara||

Keh Kabir Aisi Aarti gau| Aapa Madhya Aape samau||

In the abovementioned couplets of Supreme God Kabir Ji, He says that He Himself sings His own true Glory. Because of course, the world doesn’t know about Him.

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj imparts the same Scripture-based spiritual Knowledge with the same firmness that the Supreme God Kabir Ji used to tell. He is performing the same Leela that He did 600 years ago. His true spiritual Knowledge is still opposed by ignorant religious leaders. They and the misled general public, including misled politicians, tried killing Him and stopping the spread of His Panth. But, He didn’t die nor did His Panth stop. He is the Supreme God Kabir Ji Himself. Yes, God is on Earth. Recognize Him and get your welfare done. Take His Shelter.

Kabir Prakat Diwas Celebration

To celebrate the Appearance of the Supreme God Kabir Sahib Ji in Kashi 624 years ago on the full moon day of Jyeshtha month, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj organizes a grand Kabir Bhandara, often in Rohtak city of Haryana, every year along with a 3 hour-long Satsang on the Leela of God Kabir Sahib Ji during the celebration. This year, because of the pandemic only a 3-hour long Satsang will be telecasted on Sadhna TV Channel from 9:20 a.m. to 12:20 noon on 24th June 2021. Kindly do watch that. If you wish to take Initiation from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, kindly fill the form.

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