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Shardiya Navratri 2024: Can Goddess Durga Grant Ultimate Salvation According to Hindu Scriptures?

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Last Updated on 3 October 2024 IST | Shardiya Navratri 2024: Navratri is a significant Hindu festival celebrated over nine nights in honor of Goddess Durga. The term “Navratri” is derived from the Sanskrit words “Nav,” meaning nine, and “Ratri,” meaning nights. This festival is observed worldwide by the Hindu community, with devotees worshipping various forms of Goddess Durga, Lord Ram, and other deities in different regions. However, there is ongoing discussion about the true spiritual significance of these practices according to Hindu scriptures.

This blog explores the worth of celebrating the festival from a scriptural standpoint, shedding light on the path to salvation and the authentic form of worship that aligns with holy scriptures.

What Is the Date of Shardiya Navratri 2024?

Sharada Navaratri in 2024 starts from the first day is Pratipada (3rd October), and the last day is Navami (11th October), with Vijayadashami (Dussehra) typically observed on the day after, which is 12th October.

  1. Navratri First Day – Pratipada (Worship of Goddess Shailputri and Ghatasthapana): October 3, 2024 (Thursday)
  2. Navratri Second Day – Dwitiya (Worship of Goddess Brahmacharini): October 4, 2024 (Friday)
  3. Navratri Third Day – Tritiya (Worship of Goddess Chandraghanta): October 5, 2024 (Saturday)
  4. Navratri Fourth Day – Chaturthi (Worship of Goddess Kushmanda): October 6, 2024 (Sunday)
  5. Navratri Fifth Day – Panchami (Worship of Goddess Skandamata): October 7, 2024 (Monday)
  6. Navratri Sixth Day – Shashthi (Worship of Goddess Katyayani): October 8, 2024 (Tuesday)
  7. Navratri Seventh Day – Saptami (Worship of Goddess Kalratri): October 9, 2024 (Wednesday)
  8. Navratri Eighth Day – Ashtami (Worship of Goddess Mahagauri and Durga Mahashtami festival): October 10, 2024 (Thursday)
  9. Navratri Ninth Day – Navami (Worship of Goddess Siddhidatri and Durga Mahanavami festival): October 11, 2024 (Friday)
  10. Vijayadashami (Dussehra): October 12, 2024 (Saturday)

Why Is Navratri Celebrated?

Shardiya Navratri 2024: It is said that Goddess Durga fought a nine-day long battle in order to defeat demon king Mahishasur by taking nine different incarnations and emerged victoriously. 

So based upon this Navratri story, people from the Hindu religion pay tribute by celebrating Navratri over 9 days and the 10th day as Vijay Dashmi, which is NOT in accordance with the Holy Scriptures.

How Do People Celebrate Shardiya Navratri 2024?

There are many scripture-opposed rituals performed on these days. Every year Navratri celebrations are ignorantly carried out with great enthusiasm and people do various sorts of stuff during this season:-

The idol of Goddess Durga is worshipped for 9 days and on the 10th day, it is immersed in running water. Similarly, the various Ramayana skits are performed over 9 days and the effigy of Ravana is burnt on the 10th day celebrating Dussehra. It is nowhere mentioned in the Holy Vedas.

  • During Navratri, people share and listen to the Navratri Katha and exchange festive wishes.
  • Homes are adorned with Navratri images, posters, and vibrant rangoli designs throughout the nine days of celebration.
  • In western states like Gujarat, traditional Garba and Dandiya dances are performed, with Garba being a popular folk dance central to the festivities.

Does Celebrating Shardiya Navratri 2024 Have Any Spiritual Significance?

Navratri 2024: As we already know, this festival (with all the rituals) is celebrated to honour Goddess Durga and the incarnation of Lord Vishnu i.e. Lord Rama. But the question arises: Is worshipping Tridev Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, and Goddess Durga mentioned in our Holy Scriptures?  The answer to this question is NO.

In today’s world, many people are led away from the true teachings of the Holy Scriptures, often misled by priests and false Gurus who have commercialised these rituals for personal gain. However, the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita clearly speak of the one Supreme God, known as Sachchidanand Ghan Brahm, who alone is worthy of being worshipped.

The true spiritual significance lies not in following man-made rituals, but in worshipping this Supreme God, as described in the scriptures. Recognizing and worshipping Him, regardless of specific festivals, is the path to achieving salvation, which is the true purpose of human life.

Manush janam paye kar jo nahi rate Hari Naam |

Jaise kuua jal bina fir banwaya kya kaam ||

Neither Goddess Durga nor the Hindu Trinity can help us achieve salvation because they themselves are entrapped here in Kaal Lok in the cycle of birth and death like all of us. The souls of the Hindu Trinity also move into the 84 Lakh species of animals. Our Holy Scriptures clearly signify about The Supreme Invincible God but due to the ignorant priests and sages that are originating around in huge numbers, this True Spiritual Knowledge or TATVGYAN wasn’t able to reach us. 

Also Read: Shardiya Navratri [Hindi]: इस नवरात्रि पर जाने क्या देवी दुर्गा की उपासना से पूर्ण मोक्ष संभव है?

As per Holy Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta, verse 16:23-24, those worshippers who are doing worship opposite to the Holy Scriptures will neither attain salvation nor any worldly benefits and thus it is useless.

Many rituals associated with festivals in Hindu mythology are completely contrary to what is outlined in the scriptures. Some key examples include:

  1. Navratri Vrat (Fasting): According to the Holy Gita, verse 6:16 states that the devotion of those who either overeat or abstain from food completely (through fasting) is not successful. Similarly, it mentions that excessive sleep and total sleeplessness are also detrimental. Therefore, any form of fasting is forbidden and does not contribute to genuine spiritual progress.
  2. Idol Worship: In the Holy Gita, verse 17:23 declares that the mantra for salvation is “OM-TAT-SAT,” which is to be revealed by a Tatvdarshi Saint (a Truly Enlightened Saint). There is no provision for idol worship mentioned in the scriptures, rendering such practices ineffective for achieving liberation.

Given these discrepancies, a crucial question arises: Who can guide us to true salvation? 

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is recognized as the only True Saint, Guru, or complete Guru on this earth who is imparting authentic spiritual knowledge to His disciples. He provides teachings rooted in the scriptures, guiding followers toward the path of true salvation and helping them navigate away from rituals that lack scriptural foundation. Through His guidance, many have found clarity and understanding in their spiritual journeys.

What Is the Reality About Navratri Rituals? 

There are various sorts of rituals associated with festivals in Hindu mythology that are completely opposite to scriptures. These are mentioned below:-

  • Navratri Vrat (fasting):– As per Holy Geeta, verse 6:16, the devotion of those devotees is not successful who eat a lot or don’t eat at all (i.e. fasting or vrat) and those who sleep a lot, and those who don’t sleep at all. Hence any sort of fasting is forbidden.
  • Idol Worship:- Holy Geeta, verse 17:23 states that “OM-TAT-SAT” is the mantra for salvation to be revealed by a Tatvadarshi Saint (Truly Enlightened Saint). There has been no provision of Idol worship hence it is useless. Kabir Saheb says:-

Bed padhe par bhed na jane, Banche puran atharah|

Pathar ki puja kare, Bhule Sirjanhara||

  • Navratri Katha:– Narration and listening of a Katha is only beneficial if it is being done by the true narrator himself. Currently, the practice is being performed by priests or sages who are not the true narrator. Hence it is useless. Saint Garib Dass Ji says:-

Kanthi mala sumarni, Pehre se kya hoye |

Upar dunda sadh ka, Andar rakhaya khoy ||

The Reality About Worship of Gods and Goddesses in Our Holy Scriptures 

Holy Scriptures in Hindu mythology clearly indicate that worship of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, and Durga is useless and will not lead us to anything. They are themselves mortal and can only give us what we are destined for. Expecting additional benefits from them is far from reality and thus pointless. All those pious souls who met the Supreme God and attained salvation with ease have mentioned the same as mentioned in our Holy Scriptures. Among these was Saint Garibdas (from Village Chhudani, District Jhajjar, Haryana) who mentioned the following in His God-Given knowledge:-

Chalsi brahma vishnu mahesh, Chalsi narad sarad shesha |

Eikees bhramand chalenge bhai, Tab tum rahoge kiski sharanaayi ||

Numerous references from Hindu scriptures clarify the status of deities like Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and Durga, as well as the concept of the Supreme God. Here are key examples:

  • Firstly, in the Holy Shrimad Bhagwad Devi Puran (published by Geeta Press Gorakhpur), Chapter 5, 3rd Skand, on Page 123, it is explicitly stated that Rajoguna Brahma, Satoguna Vishnu, and Tamoguna Shiv are the three sons of Goddess Durga. These three deities are themselves trapped in the cycle of birth and death. They perform their respective duties under the direction of Goddess Durga and are not free from the limitations of the material world.

This scriptural evidence makes it clear that even the Hindu Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) cannot provide true liberation (moksha), as they are not beyond the cycle of birth and death themselves. Therefore, seeking salvation through their worship is contrary to what is prescribed in the Holy Scriptures.

  • Secondly, in the Holy Shrimad Bhagwad Devi Puran (published by Geeta Press Gorakhpur), Chapter 36, 7th Skand, on Page 562-563, Goddess Durga herself advises King Himalaya to reject her worship and instead worship Brahm, the father of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. She instructs him to chant the Om Mantra as mentioned in Holy Geeta, verse 8:13. This Brahm is identified as the narrator of the Holy Geeta (verse 11:32) and is the one who revealed the Holy Vedas.
  • Furthermore, as per Holy Geeta verses 14:3-14:5, this Brahm is also the husband of Goddess Durga and is referred to by several names, including Kaal, Jyoti Niranjan, and Kshar Purush. These verses emphasise that even Brahm (Kaal) is not the ultimate Supreme God, but a powerful entity still bound by death.

This makes it clear that worshipping Goddess Durga or the Hindu Trinity is not the path to true salvation. Instead, following the path that leads to the worship of the Supreme God—who is beyond Kaal and the cycle of life and death—is what the scriptures actually prescribe.

Now, Brahm (Kaal) himself tells Arjun in the Holy Geeta that he is also subject to the cycle of birth and death, i.e., he is perishable. This is clearly stated in:

  • Verse 2:12, where Brahm mentions that all beings, including himself, have been through many births.
  • Verse 4:5 and 4:9, where Brahm acknowledges that both he and Arjun have taken many births.
  • Verse 10:2, where he further reveals that even the gods and sages do not fully know his origin, as he is also bound by time.

Despite his power, Brahm acknowledges his limitations. In Verse 18:62, he advises Arjun to seek refuge in a higher, Supreme God (Imperishable God), who alone can lead the soul to eternal salvation and grant immortality. This Supreme God is beyond the material world and the cycle of birth and death, unlike Brahm, who is perishable.

Along with this, the worshippers of Tridev are regarded as demons in the form of humans as per Holy Geeta verse 7:12-15. From the above set of proofs, it is evident that Holy Geeta is also pointing towards the Supreme God who can help us attain salvation. Kabir Saheb also says:-

Maya or brahm kaal aru, Raj sat tam hai tridev |

In sabhi ko chodkar karo, Neeh Akshar ki Sev ||

Who Is the Supreme God and How Can We Attain Salvation? 

The prime objective of human life is to worship The Almighty who is the Father of all the souls and has created the entire universe as revealed by our Holy Scriptures, by worshipping whom, one can get completely liberated from the brutal cycle of birth and death into 84 lakh species and can achieve salvation and thus move to the eternal place Satyalok.

By worshipping this Almighty God, as prescribed in the scriptures, one can achieve salvation and move to the eternal abode of Satyalok—the place beyond Kaal Lok and the material world. Unlike the deities in the Hindu Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva), the Supreme God is beyond time and imperishable. He offers a path to true immortality and liberation, as indicated in Holy Geeta, where Brahm directs Arjun to take refuge in this Supreme God.

To attain salvation, it is crucial to follow the spiritual practices and mantras as revealed by a Tatvadarshi Saint (a Truly Enlightened Saint), who alone can guide souls toward the correct method of worship, leading to liberation.

Lord Kabir or Kabir Saheb is that Everlasting God who is worthy of being worshipped and being remembered at the time of crisis. He is the One who can end all our karmic debts and help us attain salvation. That is the reason why He comes in all four ages so as to expose the false religious sects and leaders and reveal the TATVGYAN (True Spiritual Knowledge). By this, He depicts His Actual Identity and does a divine play in the Form of a Satguru or a Tatvdarshi Saint (Holy Geeta verse 4:34). The same is revealed in His verses:-

Jaati Humari Jagatguru, Parmeshwar hai Panth | Garibdass likhat pade, Mera Naam Niranjan Kant ||

Ae swami Srishta Main, Srishti Mere teer | Dass Garib adhar basu, Avigat Sat Kabir ||

Gota maru swarg mein, Jaa paithu patal | Garib Das dhundat firu, Hire manik lal |

Kabir Saheb is the only Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Indestructible God mentioned in our Holy Scriptures irrespective of all the religions which firmly prove that He is the only God.

  • He is mentioned in Holy Geeta verse 2:17, 7:29, 8:1, 8:3, 8:8-10, 15:4, 15:17, 18:62,64,66 with the names Param Akshar Purush and Kavir Dev. 
  • And in Holy RigVeda, Mandal no 9: Sukt 1 Mantra 1-9, Sukt 20 Mantra 1, Sukt 86 Mantra 26-27, Sukt 94 Mantra 1, Sukt 96 Mantra 16-20 and in Holy YajurVeda in Chapter 29 Verse 25 and in various other verses, Lord Kabir is mentioned as Kavir Dev.

Attainment of salvation can only be possible by doing devotion as per our Holy Scriptures in accordance with Holy Geeta Ji verse 17:23 ( OM-TAT-SAT) in which Tat and Sat are indicative words, actual words are to be revealed by a Tatvadarshi Saint ( Holy Geeta verse 4:34) along with their method of recitation who can help us attain salvation.

Who Is the Tatvadarshi Saint Who Can Help Us Attain Salvation?

According to the Holy Geeta Ji, salvation can only be attained by seeking refuge under a Tatvdarshi Saint (a Truly Enlightened Saint). Currently, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is recognized as the only Tatvdarshi Saint who is imparting spiritual knowledge in strict accordance with the Holy Scriptures. He provides the correct recitation of mantras and spiritual practices as laid out in sacred texts, guiding His followers toward true salvation.

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only saint who has successfully explained the true meaning of Holy Geeta Ji, verses 15:1-4, which relate to the creation of the universe and the identification of a Tatvadarshi Saint. These verses urge one to take refuge under such a saint to break free from the material world and achieve salvation.

Kabir Saheb also says:-

Kabir, Guru bin mala ferte, Guru bin dete dan |

Guru bin dono nishfal hain, Chahe pucho ved puran ||

To learn the correct methods of worship and to understand the identity of the true Supreme Almighty, it is essential to listen to the Spiritual Discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. His teachings reveal the hidden truths within the scriptures and guide seekers on the path of righteousness.

For those interested in receiving Naam Initiation from Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, you can click here to fill the initiation form. You can also download the sacred book Gyan Ganga for more in-depth knowledge about the journey to salvation and the path to the true Almighty.

FAQs about Shardiya Navratri 2024

The Festival of Navratri is dedicated to which God?

A: It is dedicated to Goddess Durga.

Is it right to celebrate Navratri?

A: No. This practice is not mentioned in the Holy Shrimad Bhagwat Gita or Holy Vedas, making it contrary to the teachings of the holy scriptures.

Is fasting during Navratri acceptable according to the scriptures?

A: No. According to Holy Geeta Ji, verse 6:16, extreme fasting or excessive indulgence in food is not conducive to true devotion, which means fasting during Navratri is not supported by the scriptures.

Is idol worship practiced during Navratri in line with the Holy Scriptures?

A: No. Holy Geeta Ji, verse 17:23, prescribes the mantra “OM-TAT-SAT” for salvation, which should be revealed by a Tatvadarshi Saint. Idol worship is not mentioned as a valid practice for attaining salvation.

What is the significance of the rituals performed during Navratri?

A: Many rituals associated with Navratri, including idol worship and fasting, are not supported by the Holy Scriptures like the Holy Geeta and the Vedas. These practices have evolved over time but are not the path to salvation as outlined in the sacred texts.

Who should we worship to attain salvation, according to the Holy Scriptures?

A: The Supreme God, referred to as Param Akshar Purush and Kavir Dev in the Holy Geeta and the Vedas, is the one who should be worshipped to attain salvation. Following the guidance of a Tatvdarshi Saint is essential for true spiritual knowledge and salvation.

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