March 26, 2025

Good Governance Day 2024: Know About the Real Good Governance Model

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Last Updated on 18 December 2024 IST: Good Governance Day (Birth Anniversary of India’s former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee) India celebrates Good Governance Day on December 25, on the account of Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s Birth Anniversary. First announced in the year 2014, The Day aims to make citizens conscious of good governance, particularly accountability in government. Through this blog, the readers would get knowledge about the ideal governance in the Eternal Abode – The Satlok. 

Good Governance Day 2024: Highlights

  • On Sunday, December 25, the nation commemorates Good Governance Day.
  • The Day was founded in the year 2014 to honor and mark the Birth Anniversary of India’s former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
  • The Day aims to make citizens conscious of good governance and government’s accountability.
  • The Indian government launched the ‘Good Governance Index’ in 2021.
  • The Nation-wide campaign for Redressal of Public Grievances and Improving Service Delivery is being  held in all Districts, States and Union Territories of India. 

Good governance is a cornerstone of democratic nations, ensuring that administration is effective and adheres to principles such as accountability, transparency, responsiveness, and inclusivity. Throughout his terms as Prime Minister (1996, 1998–2004), Vajpayee embodied these ideals. His leadership approach, policy initiatives, and focus on ethical governance provided the groundwork for this annual observance.

In 2014, Vajpayee was posthumously honored with the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian award, alongside Madan Mohan Malaviya. Following this accolade, the government designated his birthday as Good Governance Day to motivate both citizens and governmental bodies.

Good Governance Day: Aims and Objectives

The aim of GGD is to make citizens conscious of good governance, particularly accountability in government. The objectives of this Day’s celebration are :

  • To make citizens aware of transparent and accountable administration by the government.
  • Governance focuses on enhancing the welfare of the people.
  • Highly effective and accountable governance for the citizens by standardizing the government functioning.
  • Implementation of Excellent and Effective policies to achieve Good Governance in the country.
  • Good Governance enhances growth and development of the country.
  • To establish strong connections between the government and the citizens.
  • To ensure active participation of the citizens in the process of fair governance.

Good Governance Day Celebrations

In order to strengthen Good Governance, various events and activities are organized on this occasion of Good Governance Day. The citizens, through seminars, discussions, and conferences are made aware about the significance of Good Governance and ways to attain Good Governance.  

On this Day people remember the teachings of Atal Bihari Vajpayee statesmanship. Atal Bihari ji was the only political leader who ran a coalition government with different ideological political parties. Under his able leadership, the nation excelled after the Pokhran Nuclear Test sanctions. Atal Bihari Vajpayee presented qualitative governance to gain the trust of citizens with varying interests.

Good Governance Day is a functional day for government offices, featuring a range of activities aimed at increasing public awareness and improving institutional effectiveness:

1. Public Awareness Campaigns: Nationwide seminars and workshops are conducted to enhance the understanding of effective governance principles.

2. Good Governance Index (GGI): Initiated in 2019, the GGI evaluates the quality of governance across various states and union territories, aiding in the formulation of development policies based on concrete data.

3. E-Governance and Digital India: Emphasis is placed on advancing e-governance and digital literacy, reflecting Vajpayee’s vision of leveraging technology to unify and empower the nation.

4. Community Outreach: Programs are implemented to support marginalized communities, ensuring fair access to public services.

Good Governance Week Campaign Theme 2024 

Union Minister for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Dr. Jitendra Singh inaugurated the Good Governance Week 2024, “Prashasan Gaon Ki Ore” from 19 to 24 December 2024. “Prashasan Gaon Ki Ore” is a nationwide campaign Theme for the year 2024.

■ Read in Hindi: Good Governance Day (Hindi): सुशासन दिवस पर जानिए कैसे आएगा सुशासन?

“3,120 New Services have been added for Online Service Delivery during the 5-day “Prashasan Gaon ki Ore campaign”. During the Preparatory Phase of the Good Governance Week 2024 held from December 19-24, 2022, District Collectors have also identified 81,27,944 applications for Service Delivery to be disposed, along with 19,48,122 Public Grievances to be redressed in State Grievance Portals. Secretary, DARPG, Shri V. Srinivas informed that 373 Best Good Governance Practices were identified for discussion in District Level Workshops. 

The Nation-wide campaign for Redressal of Public Grievances and Improving Service Delivery will be held in all Districts, States and Union Territories of India. Over 700 District Collectors will be participating in the Campaign and officials will be visiting Tehsils and Panchayat Samiti Headquarters.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s contributions to politics and his exemplary leadership leave a lasting legacy, motivating countless individuals. His tenure was characterized by notable accomplishments that prioritized good governance:

1. Economic Reforms: Vajpayee opened up India’s economy, setting the stage for sustained economic growth.

2. Infrastructure Advancements: Projects like the Golden Quadrilateral and Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana transformed India’s road infrastructure.

3. Education and Social Welfare: Initiatives such as the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan aimed to universalize elementary education, while various social programs targeted rural and disadvantaged communities.

4. Nuclear Deterrence: Under his leadership, India conducted the Pokhran-II nuclear tests in 1998, demonstrating strategic autonomy.

5. Diplomatic Efforts: Vajpayee sought to build better relations with neighboring countries, exemplified by the Lahore Declaration and the establishment of the Delhi-Lahore bus service.

Despite its noble objectives, the establishment of Good Governance Day on Christmas has sparked debate. Critics contend that it diminishes the cultural and religious importance of the holiday, particularly for Christian communities. However, the government asserts that the day aims to promote inclusivity and honor a national leader.

Essential Considerations of Good Governance Day in India?

The following are the primary considerations to remember on this Day:

Make the Nation a Cordial and Prosperous Place

On this special occasion we should work together to make our country a better place to live for all. With effective leadership and economic development, prosperity can be achieved within the country.

Effective Leadership for Good Governance

Good leadership forms a government that makes the right policies and creates a competitive, growth-oriented environment. It is possible by making a more robust democracy to navigate the system towards the country’s bright future.

Corruption Should Have No Place in a Growing Society

Good governance has no place for corruption. It is the Day when the citizens and the leaders should take a pledge to eliminate the roots of corruption, so as to achieve a free and fair society for everyone to prosper and live with dignity.

Ideal Governance Exists in the Eternal Abode Satlok

Supreme God Kabir Dev (also called Kabir Saheb or Allahu Akbar) presents idealistic governance in the Eternal Abode – The Satlok. He is eternal, the Supreme Father of all the souls. He is the real companion and Guru of loyal devotees who bestows true worship process according to the Holy Scriptures. He is the Creator of all the universes (brahmands), nature, and anything that one can imagine. He does justice and is compassionate towards all living beings. He promotes honest livelihood without any hypocrisy.

How to Reach the Eternal Abode (Satlok)?

Jagatguru Rampal Ji Maharaj is a True Spiritual Leader and an Incarnation of the Supreme God Kabir Sahib Ji on the earth. He is a Spiritual Guru and Social Reformer, and Founder of Satlok Ashram. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj aims to provide knowledge of the True Almighty to the people. More importantly, He teaches His disciples to live life free from vices and social evils like intoxication, meat consumption, corruption, bribery, dowry system, untouchability. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj teaches Humanity to mankind  through Right Spiritual Knowledge.

How to Take Initiation (Naam Diksha) From Enlightened Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj?

The seekers must come to the refuge of the enlightened Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj and take Naam Diksha (Initiation). There are no initiation fees levied on the disciples. Book “Jeene Ki Raah (Way of Living)” written by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is worth keeping in every home. By reading this book people will be saved from sins. The unrest in the house will end, and prosperity will prevail. 

Good Governance Day 2024 Quotes

  • “We cannot be mere consumers of good governance, we must be participants; we must be co-creators.” – Rohini Nilekani
  • “Be the change you want to see.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development, and building good governance.” – Kofi Annan
  • “Corruption is the enemy of development, and of good governance. It must be gotten rid of. Both the government and the people at large must come together to achieve this national objective.” -Pratibha Patil
  • “Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals” – Adrian Cadbury
  • “No man is good enough to govern another man without the other’s consent” – Abraham Lincoln
  • “Do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world” – Desmond Tutu

FAQS About Good Governance Day 2024

Question: When is Good Governance Day celebrated?

Answer: Good Governance Day is celebrated on 25th December every year.

Question: Why is Good Governance Day celebrated on December 25?

Answer: The Good Governance Day is celebrated on December 25 on the Birth Anniversary of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

Question: What is the significance of Good Governance Day ?

Answer : The Day aims to make citizens conscious of good governance and government’s accountability.

Question: What is at the core of Good Governance?

Answer: Accountability is at the core of Good Governance.

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