October 28, 2024

Know About Our True Parent on Global Day of Parents 2024

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Last Updated on 30 May 2024 IST: Global Parents Day is an annual observance observed to appreciate the efforts of parents for nurturing their children and keeping the family intact. The role of parents in a family cannot be explained in words because of their gigantic role in bringing up a family further. But this day is observed with such importance just to let them know that their efforts are being recognized globally. Let us know about the Global Parents Day 2024 in great detail.

Global Day of Parents 2024 Highlights

  • Global Parents Day is observed annually to admire the role and value of parents in keeping a family together.
  • Every year this day is celebrated on 1st June by default.
  • This day came into existence in the year 2012 by the United Nations (UN). 
  • Every year the day is observed with a dedicated theme which highlights a particular perspective for that year.
  • The United Nations urges every parent around the globe to spend time with their children so as to avoid communication gaps in families.
  • Realising the importance of parents is incomplete without knowing who our actual parents are. There cannot be a parent above Supreme God Kabir who nurtures everything everywhere without asking for anything in return.

What is Global Day of Parents?

Global Day of Parents 2024 is a day celebrated annually to cherish the efforts of parents in keeping the family bonded. Being a parent and fulfilling the requirements of the family selflessly is all what being a parent is all about. Because the future of all the family members including childrens is completely dependent on how their parents are, hence it requires a lot of sacrifice from the end of parents. Therefore the role of parents in a family cannot be ignored at any stage. And that’s why this day is given such global importance so as to appreciate them for their efforts and motivate others to establish peace among families.

What is the Aim of Global Parents Day?

Global Parents Day aims at praising all the parents at a global level for their efforts in keeping the family together. Further it also aims at encouraging new parents and people who are yet to become parents about the life ahead. Because being a parent is never easy, especially in today’s circumstances when anything can happen anytime. Hence the value of parents and this day automatically takes its place.

When is Global Parents Day 2024?

The United Nations declared Parents Day as an international observance and declared its date of celebration to be 1st June. Hence this day is celebrated by default on June 1 every year. 

What is the History of Global Parents Day?

Global Day of Parents took birth from the recognition of International Day of Families by the United Nations. It was in the 1980s when the UN started to focus on matters that relate to the development of the family. Then after some time through a resolution 15th May 1993 was declared as an international day of family and was decided to celebrate annually. 

■ Also Read | International Day of Family: Only True Devotion Can Ensure the Well Being of a Family

Later, the importance of parents in a family is also recognized. And decided to dedicate a day as Global Day of Parents. It was through a resolution A/RES/66/292 in the year 2012, the United Nations decided to keep June 1 as this day. That is how this day came into existence.

What is the Theme of Global Day of Parents 2024?

Global Parents Day 2024: Every year Global Day of Parents is observed with a dedicated theme. This is done so as to highlight a particular fact that can enhance the development of a family with respect to parents. The theme for this year is based on “The Promise of Playful Parenting”. This is a playful message, suggesting that humor, lightheartedness and fun are all an important aspect of being raised or raising kids. Experts should also be on hands to provide advice and support to parents in all things related to playful parenting, UNICEF said. This covers everything from the science of play to family-friendly tips and hints for different games — as well as advice on making sure our kids are playing safely and positively together online.

What is the Significance of Global Parents Day 2024?

Global Parents Day 2024: Global Parents Day every year plays a very significant role in encouraging parents and families to keep their effort going while doing their duties. All these international days are marked so as to motivate every role inside a society that can enhance the physical, mental and social well being of the environment and people around. Celebrating these days is always a gem to be around. It is a day to fully understand how important parents are in their children’s lives.

Mothers and fathers offer the elements of love, care, guidance and support which are required for a child to grow up happily and contentedly. This day not only honors parents, but it places the family itself as the bedrock of a healthy society. To Raise awareness of the family and its role in societal development, Global Day of Parents was set up. That can result in more financial assistance and family support. This day is actually a time to appreciate and acknowledge the position that our parents hold in all walks of our lives.

How is Global Parents Day Celebrated?

Every year Global Parents Day is celebrated because it holds a great importance in the development of a family and a nation. This day ensures that the parents and children within a family are growing up with appropriate aid as required. Some of the major celebrations of this day are: 

  • Children give valuable gifts to their parents on this day. 
  • Some people try to arrange some get together for their friends and family on this day.
  • It has been observed mostly in joint families that people like to arrange picnics to mark this day for their parents.
  • Some families try to give rest to their parents by doing all the household work on their own.
  • Some children try to listen to their parents so that they can feel positive as they have someone to talk to.
  • Some family members celebrate this day by cutting cakes and organising a small party for their parents.
  • Some people would like to see old family albums and remember the old times together.
  • There are parents that feel happy just by the presence of their family with them. For them only being together happily is the repayment of the sacrifice done by them.

Global Day of Parents 2024 Quotes

  • “A parent’s love is whole no matter how many times divided.” – Robert Brault
  • “There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.” – Sue Atkins
  • “There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child.”- Henry Ward Beecher
  • “First your parents, they give you your life, but then they try to give you their life.” ― Chuck Palahniuk
  • “We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves.”—Henry Ward Beecher
  • “The golden rule of parenting is to always show your children the kind of person you want them to be. Remember that children are impressionable.”—Elizabeth Roxas

Supreme God Kabir is our True Parent

It is known to all that God is one and we all including all the animals are the creations of the Almighty. Because we are the creations of Him, our actual and true parent is God Himself. But to our surprise that God is Kabir Saheb who came to the Holy Land of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 600 years ago. It has been proven from all our Holy Scriptures that Kabir Saheb is indeed the Supreme Power we are looking for since ages. 

Like a parent nurtures everything for his child, in the same way Kabir Saheb is nurturing His every soul everywhere. He is the one who is worried for all of us and wants us to come back to His immortal land Satlok (where we came from to this mortal land of Satan by mistake). For this purpose He has sent Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj on the holy land of Haryana, India who will help us in attaining the Almighty God Kabir and become immortal forever. 

 What is Global Day of Parents?

The Global Day of Parents is a day to appreciate all parents throughout the world for their sacrifices and commitment to raising children. It’s celebrated annually on June 1st.

When is Global Parents Day celebrated?

Global parents day is celebrated on 1st of June every year.

 When was the first Global Day of Parents?

The first-ever Global Day of Parents was held in 2012, established by the United Nations General Assembly.

 Is there a difference between Global Day of Parents and International Day of Families?

Yes. International Day of Families, celebrated on May 15th, focuses on the family unit as a whole, while Global Day of Parents specifically honors parents and their contributions.

How can I celebrate Global Day of Parents?

There are many ways to celebrate! You can  write a heartfelt card or letter to your parents, spend quality time together, or do something kind for them. 

Is Global Day of Parents a public holiday?

No, Global Day of Parents is not a public holiday. It’s a day of awareness and appreciation.

What is the theme of Global Parents Day 2024?

The theme for this year is based on “The Promise of Playful Parenting”. 

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