Global Hunger Index 2020: Covid-19 Pandemic has affected the world tremendously. Most of the countries are in financial hardship since the CoronaVirus outbreak. Almost every sector in the country is affected due to the Pandemic, mostly laborers and farmers. These two are witnessing their worst nightmare ever. The Global Hunger Index just came out, and it left the world in trauma. India is ranked 94 out of 107 countries.
Today, the readers will know about the history, criteria, measurement system, and many other fun facts about the GHI. Most importantly, the following lines will provide a guaranteed solution to bring down the Global Hunger Index to zero.
Global Hunger Index 2020 Highlights
- Only 107 countries out of 132 got qualified for Global Hunger Index 2020.
- Global Hunger Index 2020 theme is One Health procedure for associating health and sustainable food networks to achieve Zero Hunger by 2030.
- India ranked 94 out of the 107 countries qualified for the Global Hunger Index 2020.
- In the previous year, India ranked 102 among 117 countries.
- India is under the “Serious Hunger” category, which is termed low by experts.
- 14℅ of India’s population is undernourished with a 37.4% stunting rate, 17.3℅ wasting rate, and a 3.7% mortality rate for children under 5.
- Permanent Solution to Global Hunger is True Worship of Almighty God Kabir.
What Is the Global Hunger Index (GHI)?
The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is a mechanism that tracks and measures hunger globally and by nation and by region. The GHI is evaluated and calculated yearly, and its outcomes appear in a report published in October each year. Introduced in 2006, the Germany-based Welthungerhilfe and US-based International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) issued GHI. In the year 2007, the Irish NGO Concern Worldwide, too, served as a co-publisher.
The 2020 Global Hunger Index report illustrates a multi-dimensional calculation of regional, national, and global hunger by allotting a numerical score based on various hunger elements. It then indexes nations by GHI score and distinguishes prevailing scores with past results. Furthermore, illustrating GHI scores, each year, the GHI report comprises a briefing dealing with one specific hunger facet. The 2020 report considers a One Health procedure for associating health and sustainable food networks to achieve Zero Hunger by 2030.
How Is the Global Hunger Measured?
The Global Hunger Index calculates hunger on a 100-point scale, with zero standing as the best score meaning no hunger and Hundred standing the worst; however, neither of these peaks is achieved in practice. The stringency of hunger attributed with the expanse of possible GHI scores is as follows
- Low: ≤ 9.9
- Moderate: 10-19.9
- Serious: 20-34.9
- Alarming: 35-49.9
- Extremely alarming: ≥ 50
The Global Health Index Integrates Four-Element Pointers
- The fraction of the undernourished as a proportion of the population.
- The fraction of kids under the age of 5 suffering from wasting as an indication of critical undernutrition.
- The fraction of kids under the age of 5 suffering from restraining as a sign of persistent undernutrition.
- The mortality rate of kids under the age of 5.
In the year 2020, data were evaluated for the 132 nations that fulfilled the criteria for inclusion in the Global Health Index, and GHI counts were assessed for one hundred and seven of those nations based on data from 2015-2019. Data for evaluating GHI scores come from issued United Nations sources like the World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, UNICEF, Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation, and the World bank.
Out of Health and Demographic Surveys of the 132 countries evaluated, twenty-five did not have adequate data to authorize for the analysis of a 2020 GHI score. Still, interim nominations of hunger stringency were appointed to only eighteen of those nations based on additional known data. For the remaining seven countries, data were insufficient and inadequate to authorize for either measuring GHI scores or appointing interim categories.
Global Hunger Index 2020 Outcome
India is ranked 94 amongst the 107 nations which were qualified for the Global Hunger Index 2020. India is in the “serious hunger” category, probably due to lack of effective monitoring, poor implementation processes, siloed approach tackling malnutrition, and poor performance by large states. In the previous year, India ranked 102 among 117 countries.
Our neighboring countries like Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Pakistan are also categorized under “serious hunger” but are ranked higher than India in this year’s hunger index. Myanmar ranked 78, while Bangladesh and Pakistan are in the 75th and 88th position. In comparison, Nepal and Sri Lanka have retained their place in the “moderate hunger” category, sustaining 73 and 64, respectively.
Seventeen countries, including Belarus, China, Belarus, Turkey, Ukraine, Kuwait, and Cuba, shared the top rank with GHI scores of less than 5, as per the Global Hunger Index website tracks malnutrition and hunger.
Global Hunger Index 2020: India’s Report
According to the Global Hunger 2020 report, India recorded a 37.4% stunting rate among children under the age of 5 with a wasting rate of 17.3%, while their mortality rate stood at 3.7%. It also showed that 14% of the country’s population is undernourished. Stunting refers to the problem in kids under the age of 5 who have low height for their age, indicating persistent undernutrition. Wasting refers to the issue in kids who have low weight for their height, indicating critical undernutrition.
Data from 1991 to 2014 for India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nepal showed that stunting is potent among kids from families facing numerous forms of deprivation, including low maternal education, poor dietary diversity, and household poverty.
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Himanshu, an associate professor of economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University, said the advantages of India’s financial growth were not fulfilling the population.
‘Growth does not indicate everyone is profiting in the country. There is massive unevenness because selected domains of society relish the fruits of development. The advantages can appear to more population if the government expands more to enhance health care, public education, social security, nutrition, and gender empowerment. There is no sign of an improvement in involvement and investment in these areas, and The neighboring nations are subsidizing more in health care, education, and so on for the last few decades. This report has correctly brought up the issue.’
— Himanshu said.
Importance of the GHI India’s Report
The GHI report illustrated a case study on Nepal, bringing up the landlocked nation’s alarming hunger levels as recently as 2000. Interventions to enhance kids’ health have accomplished a tremendous deal to lessen child mortality and raise kids’ nutritional status. In August 2019, India had enacted a law to assure workers do not get paychecks less than a minimum limit level instructed by the Centre.
Still, the regulations are yet to be concluded. The financial compression attributed to the epidemic could heighten the number of children who encounter wasting in low and middle-income nations by 6.7 million.
The report has importance for India since its GDP for the initial quarter of this financial year was minus 23%. The mortality rate of kids under the age of 5 in South Asia as of 2018 was 4.1%. India experienced a decline in the same, ridden primarily by declines in deaths from neonatal infections, birth asphyxia or trauma, pneumonia, and diarrhea. Nevertheless, child mortality caused by low birth weight and prematurity increased, especially in rural and lower states.
How Can the Hunger Index Be Improved?
Hunger Index will improve globally by going into the refuge of an enlightened spiritual leader who knows the Almighty Lord’s authentic way of worship. Only true worship mentioned in our holy scriptures can guarantee a permanently zero Global Hunger Index. Almighty powerful God, Himself comes in the form of an enlightened Saint and resolves all humanity’s issues. But one must take initiation from That enlightened Saint to get rid of their problems.
Today, only Jagatguru Tattavdarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is an enlightened Saint showing a real way of worship from our holy scriptures. No one can starve or can stay undernourished after performing the True Worship of Almighty God Kabir. Because our sufferings are an outcome of our sins from our previous lives, and Almighty Lord ends our woes by destroying our sins.