February 9, 2025

Dhanteras Puja 2024: Know on Dhanteras the Method of Accumulating True Wealth

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Last Updated on 26 October 2024 IST | Dhanteras Puja Vidhi 2024: Dhanteras is one of the most anticipated days of the Diwali season in India, celebrated for the belief that performing the Dhanteras Puja invites prosperity and good fortune into the home. Dhanteras rituals and the deities worshipped during the Dhanteras Puja vary from community to community within the country.

But, what do our foundational scriptures say about Dhanteras? This blog uncovers the roots of Dhanteras and guides readers toward the one true path of worship that not only protects devotees against all life’s misfortunes, but is also strongly backed by our sacred scriptures. 

What Is Dhanteras?

Dhanteras 2024 Puja: Dhanteras, also known as Dhanotrayodashi, is a Hindu festival celebrated across India and Indian communities abroad. The word Dhanteras is made up of 2 words, ‘Dhan’ which means wealth and ‘Teras’ which means thirteen, signifying it falls on the thirteenth lunar day of Krishna Paksha and in the month of Kartik as per Hindu calendar. Dhanteras puja marks the beginning of Diwali, the Festival of Lights, typically dating just a day or two before Diwali.

Just like most Indian religious festivals, the origin of Dhanteras rituals are embedded in Hindu mythology. Two prominent versions stand out – one is dedicated to Lord Dhanvantari’s emergence during the Samudra Manthan (churning of the cosmic ocean); and the other centres on the worship of Yamaraj, god of death. 

Though historical records are silent on why Goddess Lakshmi is revered on Dhanteras, mythology suggests she too emerged from the Samudra Manthan, leading devotees to honour her alongside other deities. The specific deities worshipped on Dhanteras vary across regions in India.

An often-overlooked question is how a festival with no clear origins, like Dhanteras, has evolved into a massive cultural event and the year’s most prominent day for investment. Remarkably, neither the Vedas nor the Bhagavad Gita, foundational texts of Hindu philosophy, mention Dhanteras or even acknowledge Indian festivals as we know them.

In fact, these scriptures emphasise seeking the guidance of a Tatvdarshi Sant, following the path of worship He reveals as the way to attain both worldly and spiritual benefits. So, how did we come to accept these traditions without questioning their credibility, placing faith in hearsay rather than investigating the truth and validity of these festivals within our sacred texts?

This is precisely what we will explore in this article – what do our revered scriptures reveal about worship, materialistic benefits and ultimate salvation. 

Which God Is Worshiped on Dhanteras?

This festival basically relates to the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Dhanvantari, and Lord Kuber. But as a custom, Lord Ganesha is also worshiped before them. People wish for wealth and prosperity in return for their worship. But, in reality, the worship of these can’t yield wealth to anyone.

What Is Dhanteras 2024 Date and Time?

Dhanteras Puja Vidhi 2024 | Dhanteras Puja involves the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Dhanvantari, and Lord Kuber. Additionally, as a custom, Lord Ganesha is also worshipped at the start of Dhanteras Puja. This year Dhanteras 2024 Puja falls on 29th of October 2024. However, as discussed earlier, this festival has no roots in any of our sacred scriptures. Rather, this festival is against the directives of our scriptures. Shloka 23 of Chapter 16 in the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita warns that those individuals practising rituals and traditions against the instructions of scriptures gain no benefits whatsoever. 

Dhanteras Significance

The true significance of such a festival lies in understanding the meaning of the festival as articulated in our Holy Scriptures.

Let’s break down a few facts for an easier understanding:

  • Devotees worship Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Dhanvantari on this day to gain immortality and wealth. However, Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Dhanvantari are themselves entrapped in the endless cycle of karma, life and death. Then how can they grant devotees boons of attributes that they themselves lack in?
  • To supplement this claim, Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj draws our attention to Shloka 16, Chapter 15, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. This verse mentions two types of Purush (gods) – Kshar Purush and Akshar Purush. It also states that all living beings under these two gods are perishable, i.e. they are mortal beings.

Image Title: Shlok 16, Chapter 15, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

  • Kshar Purush is the owner of 21 universes. Each universe of Kshar Purush or Kaal Brahm comprises of individual smaller territories such as the Earth; Heaven; Brahm Lok (Maha Swarg); the individual abodes of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh; the territory of Dhamrai or Yamraj; 7 Patal Lok; 88,000 Khede or localities that house 88,000 Rishis; the Lok of Goddess Durga; and one secret Rajdoot Bhavan of the Supreme God Kabir.
  • Goddess Lakshmi is the consort of Lord Vishnu, and therefore automatically becomes a part of Kaal Brahm’s perishable 21 universes. Additionally, even Yamaraj’s abode falls within Kaal’s 21 universes. Hence proved that Goddess Lakshmi, Yamraj and all other deities invoked by devotees during Dhanteras puja are mortal beings.
  • Nonetheless, what cannot be missed by those truly seeking all benefits in life is the next evidence brought to light by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. In Shlok 17 of Chapter 15, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, it is further revealed that the ‘Uttam Purush’ or Supreme God is other than these two gods (Kshar and Akshar Purush). It also states that the Supreme God alone sustains all living beings by entering these three worlds, including the worlds of Kshar and Akshar Brahm. He is the real Immortal God and truly worthy of being called as God.

Image Title: Shloka 17, Chapter 15, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

  • So who is the Supreme God, the Ultimate Creator? Do our scriptures reveal the name of the ‘Uttam Purush’? Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj furnishes yet another indisputable evidence from Holy Atharvaved, highlighting the name of our True Father. Mantra 7 from Anuvaak 1 of Kaand 4 unveils the name of the Supreme Creator as ‘Kavir Dev’ or God Kabir. 

Image Title: Mantra 7, Anuvaak 1, Kaand 4, Atharvaved

  • It further reveals that God Kabir is the creator of all universes, souls, including deities, and everything that exists around us.

For discerning devotees, a big question here is – why did we stray away from the truth within our scriptures and instead, adopt practices that eventually rob us of our spiritual wealth?

Supreme God Kabir Is the Only All-Capable God

Dhanteras Puja 2024 | Our Holy Scriptures clearly indicate that no other God is immortal and able-enough to shelter us except Supreme God Kabir. All other deities have a limited potential and can grant us only that which is already there in our destiny. On the other hand, God Kabir can ease all our hardships irrespective of our destiny, and even re-write our destiny. The Tridev (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv) along with their mother, Goddess Durga, are themselves entrapped here in this Kaal Lok and are bound to perform their assigned duties. We have forgotten the Supreme God, our Father, who alone can liberate us from this ferocious cycle of birth and death. Kabir Saheb Ji says through His Verses:-

Brahma vishnu shiv gunn teen kahaya |

Shakti aur niranjan raya ||

Inki pooja chale jagg mahi |

Param Purush koi janat nahi ||

What Do Holy Scriptures Say About the Worship of Tridev, Durga and Kaal?

It is now very evident and clear from our Holy Scriptures that worship of deities other than the Supreme God is against the directives of our scriptures, and therefore useless. We present some more proof from our Holy Scriptures to help you understand this truth:

  • In Holy Devi Puran (Geeta Press Gorakhpur), 3rd Skand, Chapter 5, page number 123, Lord Vishnu clearly states to his mother Goddess Durga that we three – Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh, are in the cycle of birth and death; and perform our respective duties under her guidance, in all circumstances. Additionally, in Holy Shrimad Bhagavad Gita verse 7:12-15, worshippers of these Three Gunas or Tridev are designated as demons in the form of humans. Hence, worshipping these gods is not in accordance with Holy Scriptures.

Image Title: Skand 3, Adhyay 5, Shrimad Devi Bhagavat Puran

  • Secondly, in Holy Devi Puran (Gita Press Gorakhpur), chapter 36, 7th Skand, page 562-563, Goddess Durga instructs King Himalaya to reject her worship and go under the refuge of Brahm (who is also the narrator of the Holy Shrimad Bhagavad Gita as per verse 11:32 and the Holy Vedas); and chant mantra ‘Om’ (Holy Shrimad Bhagavad Geeta chapter 8:13)
  • Thirdly, now this Brahm who is the narrator of Holy Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is saying that I am also in the cycle of birth and death. He also reveals that all the demigods and deities reside under me and are into the cycle of birth and death as per Holy Geeta ji verse 2:12, 4:5, 4:9, 10:2, and 8:16. This Brahm is also known as Kaal Brahm or Jyoti Niranjan.

Image Title: Shloka 5, Chapter 4, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

Kaal Brahm also advises Arjun in verse 18:62 that you should go under the refuge of some other Supreme God (Imperishable God) by which you can attain salvation and the Eternal Place Satyalok where the Supreme God resides.

Dhanteras Puja Vidhi 2024: Therefore, upon examining the above proofs one can easily conclude that our Holy Scriptures indicate the presence of a Supreme God different from those currently known to us. And, by whose worship we can clear all our karmic debts and gain freedom from the endless cycle of birth and death into 84 lakh life forms of animals and birds. Kabir Saheb Ji also says:-

Brahma vishnu maheshwar maya, Aur dharamray kahiye |

In paancho mil parpanch banaya, Vaani Humari lahiye ||

In paancho mil jeev atkaye, Jugan jugan Hum aan chutaye |

Bandi Chhod Humara Naamam, Ajar amar hai asthir thaamam ||

It is imperative to pause for a moment and think why has no spiritual teacher ever been able to highlight such significant hidden truths within our sacred texts? And why is it that only Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has been able to reveal not just these hidden gems, but also connect the missing dots across scriptures, and across religions?

The answer to this also lies in the Holy Gita: 

  • In Shloka 34 of Chapter 4, Kaal Brahm advises Arjun to seek the refuge of a Tatvdarshi Sant, for He alone possesses the complete and true knowledge of the Supreme God. 

Image Title: Shloka 34 of Chapter 4, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita 

  • Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the singular, undebatable Tatvdarshi Sant (Complete Saint) in this world. He alone has successfully and effortlessly described the inverted tree of life and every single part of this tree. Shloka 1 of Chapter 15 illustrates the identification prerequisite of a Tatvdarshi Sant, as follows:

Dhanteras Puja Vidhi 2024: Currently, people seem to be neglecting the facts within our Holy Scriptures, because of the fake priests and sages who have misled innocent, unsuspecting people just to make money out of them. Thus, no one is aware that the prime objective of this rare human life is the attainment of Supreme God Kabir. This human life is very precious and, thus, we should take its full advantage by worshipping God Kabir.

God Kabir Sahib also says:-

Kabir, Manush janam durlabh hai, Mile na baaram bar |

Taruvar se pata tut gire, Bahur na lage daar ||

Let This Dhanteras 2024 Puja Be the Change

As per Holy Shrimad Bhagavad Gita verse 16:23, any sort of worship done opposite to the Holy Scriptures is useless and won’t give us benefits. Similarly, all Dhanteras rituals, including the Dhanteras Puja, are completely opposite to the instructions in our Holy Scriptures. Some Dhanteras Puja rituals are mentioned below:-

  • Idol worship of Lord Vishnu, Kuber and Goddess Lakshmi prohibited:- As per Holy Shrimad Bhagavad Gita chapter 17:23, OM-TAT-SAT is the mantra for salvation, nothing else. The evidence we have seen in this blog, so far, reveal that these gods are not the Supreme God. Hence their worship must be rejected. 

Kabir Saheb Ji also says:-

Indra kuber issh ki padvi, Brahma varun dharamraya |

Vishnunath ke pur ku jakar, Bahur aputha aaya ||

  • Recitation of Dhanteras Katha during Dhanteras Puja is prohibited:- The benefits of narration and listening to a Katha can only be achieved when it is about the Supreme God and is done by the True Narrator (Complete Saint) sent by the Supreme God. Hence, doing Dhanteras Katha is useless. Moreover, the origins of Dhanteras are shrouded in mythology with no solid evidence in any of our sacred scriptures. What, then, is the objective of listening to a Katha that is a complete hearsay?

Kabir Saheb Ji says:

Kabir, Katha karo Kartar ki, Suno katha Kartar |

Aan katha suniye nahi, Kahe Kabir Vichar ||

  • Excessive Wealth is Useless:- Accumulating wealth is not the prime goal of human life. Excessive wealth leads to destruction. 

Kabir Saheb Ji also says:

Kabir, Yeh maya atpati, Sab ghat aan adi |

Kis kis ku samjhau, Kuye bhaang padi ||

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj draws our attention to Ravan’s unimaginable wealth that is even beyond the scope of describing in words. Yet, he died a miserable death and couldn’t even take a single penny along with him after death. The singular wealth that we carry along with us after death is the wealth of worship, that too only of Supreme God Kabir, granted by Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. 

A person will be considered rich if he is enriched with true worship, otherwise having money is useless.

Kabir Saheb says:

Kabir, Sab jagg nirdhana, Dhanvanta nahi koye |

Dhanvanta soi janiye, Ram Naam dhan hoye ||

Supreme God Kabir

Lord Kabir is that Supreme God worthy of being worshipped regardless of the occasion. He is the Invincible power that is fostering everything, everywhere. The One who is the Creator of this entire universe and comes in all the four Yugas, to rescue us from this Kaal lok, and end our brutal cycle of birth and death. He does this by playing a divine roleplay in the form of a Tatvdarshi Saint (Truly Enlightened Saint) in all the four ages to reveal His true Identity. Lord Kabir says:-

Satyug mein Sat Sukrit keh tera | Treta Naam Muninder Mera |

Dwapar mein Karunamay kahaya | Kalyug Naam Kabir dharaya ||

He reveals His True Spiritual Knowledge or TATVGYAN which is the creation of the universe, so that we can give up the false religious practices and attain salvation with ease. He makes us aware about the status of all the well-known deities. Saint Garib Das Ji from Haryana has described the Glory of Lord Kabir in His Verses:-

Avigat Ram Kabir hai, Chakwe Avinashi |

Brahma vishnu wajir hai, Shiv karat khawasi ||

It is only the Grace of God Kabir that enables us to understand the real aim of this human birth. A common person cannot have such immense knowledge without His grace; and after coming into His refuge one does not have to fear anything in this Kaal lok.

Garib, Avigat ki Avigat Katha, Avigat hai sab khyal |

Avigat su Avigat mile, Kar jore tab kaal ||

Lord Kabir is the Imperishable God mentioned in all of the Holy Scriptures irrespective of any religion. Some more proofs are mentioned below:-

  • He is mentioned in Holy Shrimad Bhagavad Gita chapter 2:17, 7:29, 8:1, 8:3, 8:8-10, 15:4, 15:17, 18:62,64,66 with the name as Param Akshar Purush and Kavir Dev.
  • Holy RigVeda, Mandal no 9: In Sukt 20 Mantra 1, Sukt 82 Mantra 1-2, Sukt 86 Mantra 26-27, Sukt 94 Mantra 1, Sukt 96 Mantra 16-20 and in Holy YajurVeda in Chapter 29 Verse 25 and in various other verses, Lord Kabir is mentioned as Kavir Dev.

We can only attain the Supreme God in a human birth by doing scripture-based worship as per verse 17:23 of Holy Shrimad Bhagavad Geeta. It reveals that OM-TAT-SAT is the mantra of salvation, in which Tat And Sat are indicative words which are to be revealed by a Tatvdarshi Sant (as per Holy Shrimad Bhagavad Geeta verse 4:34).

Garib, Karta Aap Kabir hai, Avinashi Bad Allah |

Ram Rahim Karim Hai, Keejo Surti Nigah ||

Who Can Help Us Achieve God?

Currently, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only one who stands true on all the definitions of a Tatvdarshi Sant or Satguru. He alone provides authentic mantras in accordance with Holy Scriptures. Along with this, Sant Rampal Ji has effortlessly explained the meaning of verses 15:1-4 and the gist of all the Holy books, in relevance with the creation of the universe (Holy Srimad Bhagavad Geeta verse 14:3-5). With such a succinct explanation, it is very easy for a common man to differentiate between the right and wrong now. Kabir Saheb says:-

Kabir, Nau Mann Sut Ulajhiya, Rishi Rahe Jhak Marr |

Satguru Aisa Suljhade, Uljhe na Duji Barr ||

The testimonials of Sant Rampal Ji’s innumerable disciples are proof enough that the worship bestowed by Him is the sole remedy of all sorts of problems of a human life. Therefore, on examining all the facts stated thus far, one should waste no more time. Instead, seek the impenetrable refuge of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and make your future secure. To know more about how to attain this True Worship and Supreme God Kabir, listen to the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. To take initiation from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, please fill the initiation form.

FAQs About Dhanteras Puja 2024

Question: When is Dhanteras celebrated every year?

Answer:  Dhanteras is celebrated on the 13th Lunar Day of Krishna Paksha of Kartik Month every year.

Question: When is Dhanteras 2024?

Answer: This year Dhanteras falls on the 29th of October 2024.

Question: How should one celebrate Dhanteras?

Answer: One should righteously accumulate the wealth of the mantra given by the True Guru. Presently the only SatGuru in the universe is Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj on all days including Dhanteras. 

Question: Is it necessary to perform Dhanteras Puja at home?

Not at all. In fact, Dhanteras Puja and Dhanteras rituals are against the directives of our revered scriptures. 

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