March 28, 2025

Know the True Story of Maa Durga on Chaitra Navratri 2024

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Last Updated on 8 April 2024 IST: Chaitra Navratri begins with Chaitra Shukla Pratipada. This time Chaitra Navratri 2024 will start from Tuesday 09 April and will last on Wednesday, April 17. Ram Navami will be celebrated on Wednesday, April 17. During Navratri, there is a tradition to worship nine forms of deity Durga for nine days. Devi Durga is not the Supreme God. She is also there in the cycle of birth and death. Her husband Kaal Brahm says Almighty Kabir Saheb alone is the Eternal God.

Chaitra Navratri 2024: Highlights 

  • Chaitra Navratri begins with Chaitra Shukla Pratipada.
  • This year Chaitra Navratri will start from Tuesday 09, April and will last on Wednesday, April 17.
  • Ram Navami will be celebrated on Wednesday, April 17.
  • Deity Durga is not the Supreme God
  • Kaal Brahm is deity Durga’s husband, both together create troubles for Beings
  • Almighty Kabir Saheb alone is the Eternal God

Chaitra Navratri 2024 Date in India

Chaitra Navratri 2024: Chaitra Navratri is starting on Tuesday, April 09, Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipada day. Nine forms of Goddess Durga will be worshiped for nine consecutive days. This time Chaitra Navratri is starting from 9th April and will end on 17th April. Ram Navami will be celebrated on April 17th and Dashmi on April 18th. During Navratri, there is a tradition to worship 

  1. ShailPutri Mata
  2. Brahmacharini Mata
  3. Chandraghanta Mata
  4. Kushmanda Mata
  5. Skandamata
  6. Katyayani Mata
  7. Kalratri Mata
  8. MahaGauri Mata and 
  9. Siddhidatri Mata

respectively for nine days.

Chaitra Navratri 2024: How is it Celebrated?

Chaitra Navratri 2024: On the first day of Navratri, Maa ShailPutri is worshiped. Devotees of Mother Durga observe Fast from the very first day of Navratri. Every year the festival of Chaitra Navratri is celebrated from the Pratipada date of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month to Navami. During Navratri, nine forms of Goddess Adishakti Maa Durga, the mother of the world, are worshiped and fast is observed to get auspicious results. 

However, Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Shlok 16 says that devotion by observing fast is not fruitful.

Read in Hindi: Chaitra Navratri-चैत्र नवरात्रि पर जानिए व्रत करना कितना उचित? 

It has been clarified in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Verse 16 that Yog sadhana is not accomplished by fasting (by those who do not consume food); which means, it has been completely prohibited to keep fasts, and excessive eating is also forbidden. To sleep and remain awakened excessively is also a hindrance in the sadhana of a devotee.

Is Devi Durga Married?

Shrimad Devi Bhagwat (Gita Press Gorakhpur) 3rd Skanda, pages 114-115, it is found that Kaal Brahma is the husband of Maa Durga/ Prakriti Devi. Here Durga is addressed as Bhavani and Kaal as Param Purush, and it is clearly written that they live together. And it has also been said that there is an indispensable relationship between the two. 

Whom Devi Durga Recommends to Worship? 

Chaitra Navratri 2024: In the Devi Bhagwat Purana, Goddess Durga very clearly emphasizes to worship Kaal Brahm as he is above Tridev (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva). The same evidence is found on page 129, in the seventh Skandh of the Sankshipt Devi Bhagwat. 

Chaitra Navratri 2024: As per Rudra Sanhita, Shri Shiv Mahapurana, and also in the Third Skandh of Shri Durga Puran, Durga is the mother of the three Gods, and wife of Kaal Brahm. Holy Vedas also inform about the birth of Shri Aadi Bhawani Durga.

Atharvaved Kand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no. 5 – Supreme God is the Creator of Ashtangi/Goddess Durga

Sa budhnyaadaashtr janushoabhyagrM brhaspatirdevta tasya samraat
AharyachchhukrM jyotisho janishtath dhyumanto vi vasantu vipraH ||5||

Meaning:- The Supreme God created Ashtangi meaning Goddess Durga/Prakriti Devi in eternal world Satlok which is the fourth divine realm. It is the world from where the lower regions originated. The Supreme God Kavir Dev is the King of Kings, and Satpurush from whom all got separated means Brahm Kaal, Goddess Durga and many other souls. 

Then all living beings were born from the Union of Jyoti Niranjan (Kaal) and Durga (Ashtangi) and started living in lower world means in Heaven and Earth. In this way Supreme God Kavir Dev completed the creation of the Universes. Read more and to get complete spiritual knowledge of the Creation of the Universe in the book Gyan Ganga and download it from

Is Goddess Durga the Supreme God in Hinduism?

Chaitra Navratri 2024: As per Rudra Sanhita, Shri Shiv Mahapurana, and also in the Third Skandh of Shri Durga Puran, Durga is the mother of the three Gods, and wife of Kaal

How did Durga Maa originate | Creation of universe Episode 07 of 26 | SA NEWS

Goddess Durga/Ashtangi was created by Supreme God Kavir Dev from whom the creation in the lower world started.

So, it is evident that even Shri Durga is not the Supreme God mentioned in the Holy Books of Hinduism. She also takes birth and dies. That’s why this Kaal Brahm says in Holy Gita 15:17 and 2:17 that the Supreme God alone is known as the Eternal God.

Who Is The Supreme Almighty God?

Kabir Saheb is the Supreme Power and Indestructible,  and hence is worthy to worship. The innocent devotees have the misconceptions that Kaal Brahm is supreme. But the fact is that all Scriptures from all the religions confirm Kabir Saheb as the Supreme God.

Kabir is Supreme God | Saint Rampal Ji English Satsang | SA NEWS

The eternal God in reality (whose evidence is also in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 16 & 17) is the Jagatguru meaning Guru and Father of the universe, is the basis of the soul. He takes pious souls in shelter and liberates all those who worship Him and take them to immortal abode Satlok. The creator of entire universes is KavirDev i.e. Supreme God Kabir. Satpurush/Param Akshar Brahm being the creator of all universes and living beings is also called (Janita) Mother who has the qualities of not betraying like butcher Brahm Kaal, He only is our real father as well as brother. He is the supreme God Kavir Dev. He is the one who is glorified as

‘Tvamev Maata ch Pita Tvamev, Tvamev Bandhu ch Sakha Tvamev ||,
Tvamev vidhya ch dravinM Tvamev, Tvamev sarvM mm Dev Dev ||

Meaning : You are my Mother and Father. You are my friend as well as brother. You are my wealth and knowledge. You are the God of Gods.

Chaitra Navratri 2024: Only a Supreme Saint can impart the true way of worship. At present, Saint Rampal Ji is the only Saint who tells the True Bhakti Mantras of Devi Durga Ji

How Can One Attain Supreme God on Chaitra Navratri 2024

In today’s time the only Tatvdarshi Sant is Rampal Ji Maharaj ji who gives scripture based true spiritual knowledge, and by taking Naam Initiation from an Enlightened Saint in accordance with Bhagavad Gita 4:34 and upon recitation of three Mantras for attaining Supreme God one can attain salvation. All God loving souls must take refuge in Him and get their welfare done. 

FAQs on Chaitra Navratri 2024

What are the 9 forms of Durga?

Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kalaratri, Mahagauri, and Siddhidatri.

What is the meaning of Chaitra Navratri?

Chaitra Navratri, also known as Vasantha Navaratri, and is named after the Sanskrit word vasanta, which means spring. It takes place during the lunar month of Chaitra which is March or April. The festival is dedicated to the goddess Durga, who is worshiped in nine different forms over the course of nine days.

What is the significance of Chaitra?

Chaitra month is the first month of the year according to the Hindu calendar. The arrival of the spring season is most noticeable in Chaitra month.

What is the difference between  Sharad Navratri and Chaitra Navratri?

Chaitra Navratri is observed in March and April during the Shukla Paksha of Chaitra. Sharad Navratri occurs during Ashwin masa and signals the start of winter in September/October.

Who should we worship on Chaitra Navratri?

People who are unaware about the ultimate Spiritual Knowledge worship Goddess Durga. But our Holy Scriptures like Vedas and Shrimad Bhagwat Gita suggest worshiping Almighty God Kabir Saheb. 

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