March 29, 2025

World Suicide Prevention Day 2024: Human Life is Very Precious

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Last Updated on 12 September 2024 IST: World Suicide Prevention Day is observed every year on September 10. The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) with the World Health Organization (WHO) commemorates the day. The aims are to generate awareness about the prevention of committing suicide.

  • World Suicide Prevention Day observed every year on September 10
  • COVID-19 pandemic made more than half of the population under distress
  • The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) with the World Health Organization (WHO) commemorates the day
  • The aims are to generate awareness about the prevention of committing suicide.
  • WHO estimates one death every 40 seconds through suicide
  • The second main reason for death among young individuals in 15-29 years of age
  • Suicide is preventable through awareness and breaking down the taboo
  • The life span is not unlimited; start Satbhakti right from childhood.

World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) was established in 2003 by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO). The day, observed annually on September 10, aims to raise awareness about suicide prevention and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues. It serves as a platform to bring global attention to the increasing rates of suicide and encourages governments, organizations, and individuals to take action.

Over the years, the day has grown into a worldwide movement, with numerous activities and events held in over 70 countries to promote understanding, compassion, and support for those affected by suicide.

The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), observes World Suicide Prevention Day every year on September 10.

This day aims to generate awareness among people about the prevention of committing suicide. The aim of this day is to raise awareness about the prevention of suicide and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues. It encourages individuals, communities, and organizations to come together to recognize the warning signs of suicide, offer support to those in distress, and promote open conversations about mental health. By fostering understanding and collaboration, the day seeks to prevent suicides and save lives through compassion, awareness, and action.

It is not that only poor people attempt suicide, but even wealthy people do. It means the life of the wealthy is painful too. The suicide rate is increasing at a rate of 30%, including women and teens. Read the NCRB’s 2019 statistics on this in this PDF.

NCRB’s 2019 statistics

All religions condemn suicide. WHO estimates about one death every 40 seconds totaling 800,000 people worldwide die due to committing suicide every year. Besides, for every death by suicide, there are many more people who attempt suicide every year. Suicide is the second main reason for death among young individuals 15-29 years of age. The most common practices of suicide are the ingestion of pesticides, hanging, and firearms globally.

World Suicide Prevention Day 2024: The theme for WSPD 2024 is (triennial theme till 2026) “Changing The Narrative on Suicide” which calls for the action “start the conversation”. This theme focuses on reducing stigma and encouraging open conversation.

All sections of society can play a part in preventing suicide just by being compassionate and touching to others. As per IASP, the world community observed this day by performing over 300 activities in around 70 countries, comprising educational and commemorative events, press briefings, and conferences, as well as coverage on Twitter and Facebook.

Everyone in the society as a family, including friends, co-workers, community members, educators, religious leaders, healthcare professionals, political people, officials, and governments, play a role together by taking action collectively for the challenges posed of increasing suicidal behavior. The awareness about the causes of suicide, warning signs for suicide, and care for those who are in distress can help to prevent suicides.

Some warning signs of suicide are as under:

  • Hopelessness
  • Uncontrolled anger
  • Seeking revenge
  • Acting reckless
  • Engaging in risky activities
  • Seemingly without thinking
  • Feel stuck as if no way out
  • Increased alcohol or drug use
  • Withdrawing from friends, family & society
  • Anxiety or Agitation
  • Sleep disorders of excessively less or more
  • Dramatic mood changes

Suicide is preventable. Awareness and breaking down the taboo are essential tools for preventing suicide. Whenever you smell such symptoms, you should sit with them, ask their whereabouts, and inspire them to speak their narrative. Your talk and attention to such people by listening with compassion, showing empathy, and help them in judgment help restore hope. This small gesture saves from taking an unwise step.

Remember your time to reach out to someone – a relative, colleague, team-mate, or even an unfamiliar person – could shift the way of another’s life. Moreover, ask them to listen to the Discourses of Saint Rampal Ji or give them His Book Way of Living. The Knowledge and the way of Worship given by Saint Rampal Ji have healed the wounds of millions.

■ Also Read: International Literacy Day: Why ILD Should Embrace Spiritual Literacy Alongside Traditional Education

The Worship given by Saint Rampal Ji gives a devotee the Shelter of the Supreme God Kabir, who never let any mishap happen to His devotees. That’s what all of His devotees testify about in their testimonies.

  • Roman Catholic Church: Suicide is sin, which contravenes the directive “Thou shalt not kill.”
  • Qur’an, Sura 4 (An-Nisa), ayat 29,30: “O you who have believed, do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly but only business by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves. Indeed, God is to you ever Merciful. And whoever does that in anger and unfairness – then We will drive him into a Fire. And that, for God, is easy.”
  • The hadiths: “Those who kill themselves undergo hellfire. And in hell, they will go on to cause pain on themselves, according to the method of their suicide.”
  • The Jewish prohibit suicide, Genesis 9:5: “For your lifeblood, I will require a reckoning,” life belongs to God and is not yours to take.
  • Hinduism: Atmahatya or Soul-killing generates a string of karmic consequences that inhibit the Soul from attaining Salvation. Hindu philosophy of birth and rebirth lingers Souls on the earth, and at times, trouble the living.
  • Buddhism prohibits suicide, causes more suffering rather than alleviating, to abstain from taking life.

Why suicide, die from desires of the human body and the mortal world and attain The Absolute – Saint Rampal Ji

Saint Rampal Ji

By committing suicide you destroy your body, not sorrows. Sorrows originate from sins. Destroy your sins and sorrows by performing SatBhakti – Saint Rampal Ji

Saint Rampal Ji

The person who completes suicide dies once. Those left behind die a thousand deaths

The human birth is precious for attaining The Supreme, don’t waste it – Saint Rampal Ji

Even the deities crave for human birth – Saint Rampal Ji

Saint Rampal Ji

The Creator of the Universe, The Supreme God Kavirdev, is popularly known as KabirSaheb, says that human birth is precious to attain Salvation. The life span is not unlimited; therefore, one should start Satbhakti right from childhood.

Kabir Saheb advises the human to behave as deceased (rather than suicide) from the mortal aspects of life.

Kabir Saheb says:

Kabir, mritak hoy ke khojhahin santaa, shabd bichaari gahai magu antaa.

Explanation: The devotee searches the Supreme God as if he is deceased and he learns the essence of the Word to achieve liberation from the mortal world.

The journey of a creature’s life begins from birth. His preferable destination is to the Eternal Abode away from the cycle of birth and death. In this way, sin and virtue are the pit and thorns of karma. If the human devotes, the Supreme God Kabir Sahib eliminates the hindrance of all sinful deeds. The way of living of that Soul becomes easy and hassle-free. He achieves his destination easily.

Kabir Saheb says:

Kabir, jab hee satyanaam hrday dharo, bhayo paap ko naash.

Jaise chingaaree agni kee, padai puraane ghaas.

Explanation: As soon as an enlightened Guru initiates the seeker with Satnam, he abolishes all (his) sin deeds. It is just like a spark of fire that burns the heap of dry grass

The human birth is precious for attaining The Supreme, which otherwise is not achievable in any other form of an organism. Even the deities crave for it.

Gareeb, is dehee koon deva lochain, toon nar kyaun ukalaata.

Nar dehee Naaraayan yehee, sanak sanandan saatha

The seeker should come in the refuge of Enlightened Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj and ensure Salvation by taking name-initiation. Watch Satlok Ashram YouTube Channel and read the Book Way of Living.

When is world suicide prevention day celebrated?

It is celebrated every 10th September of the year.

What is the theme for the World Suicide Prevention Day 2024?

The theme for the World Suicide Prevention Day 2024 is Changing The Narrative on Suicide that calls for action “start the conversation”

What is the color of ribbon of suicide and suicide heart?

The color of suicide ribbon is Teal and Purple. And the color of suicide heart is Purple.

What is the symbol for suicide awareness?

Symbol of suicide for awareness is semicolon.

When World Suicide Prevention Day is established?

World Suicide Prevention Day is established on 2003 by International Association for Suicide Prevention in conjunction with WHO.

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