March 26, 2025

World Blood Donor Day 2024: Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj’s Remarkable Footprint in Saving Lives

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Last Updated on 11 June 2024 IST: World Blood Donor Day 2024 | Every two seconds, someone needs blood to survive. There is no alternative to human blood whose shelf life is also limited. World Blood Donor Day is commemorated every year on the 14th of June. This day is observed to promote voluntary unpaid blood donation. Blood donation camps are also organized at many places on the 14th of June every year. The sole purpose of this day is to deliver blood as per the requirements all around the globe. If an adequate quantity of blood will be available in the blood banks, then the life of millions can be saved in time.

World Blood Donor Day 2024 Highlights 

  • World Blood Donor Day 2024 is celebrated on 14 June 2024.
  • The theme for 2024 is “20 years of celebrating giving: thank you blood donors!”
  • This day marks the 20th anniversary of World Blood Donor Day.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO), its partners, and global communities unite behind this theme.
  • It’s an opportunity to thank blood donors worldwide for their life-saving donations.
  • It honors the impact on both patients and donors.
  • The campaign aims to thank and recognize the millions of voluntary blood donors who have helped millions globally.
  • It also showcases the achievements and challenges of national blood programs, shares best practices, and highlights the need for regular, unpaid blood donation.
  • The goal is universal access to safe blood transfusion and promoting regular blood donation among young people and the public.
  • The host country for World Blood Donor Day 2024 is Perú. 

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is organizing free Blood Donation Camps for everyone.

History of WB Donor Day

The World Health Organization (WHO) initiated this day back in the year 2004. Since then, World Blood Donor Day is celebrated every year on the 14th of June. The birthday of a great scientist is celebrated as World Blood Donor Day. Karl Landsteiner was born on June 14, who had won a Nobel Prize in 1930 for the detection of blood groups. 

Significance of World Blood Donor Day

The main objective of celebrating World Blood Donor Day is to make people aware of blood donation. By donating blood voluntarily, an adequate amount of blood will be available in the blood banks, so that the patients can get blood easily if needed.

It focuses on patients who require life-long transfusion support and emphasizes the important role that everyone can play by donating blood or plasma. It also emphasizes the importance of donating blood or plasma on a regular basis in order to ensure a sustainable and safe supply of blood and blood products that is always available all over the world, allowing all patients in need to receive timely treatment.

Aim of World Blood Donor Day

World Blood Donor Day is observed on the 14th of June every year. 

The campaign aims to:

  • Thank and recognize millions of donors for supporting health and well-being globally.
  • Showcase achievements and address challenges in national blood programs.
  • Highlight the need for regular, unpaid blood donations for universal safe blood transfusion access.
  • Promote a culture of regular donation among youth and the public to diversify and sustain the donor pool.

Also Read: World Environment Day: Date, History, Theme, Significance And Quotes

Safe blood and safe blood products and their transfusion are crucial aspects of public health care. They save the lives of millions and boost the health and quality of life of many patients every day. The necessity for blood is universal, but access to blood for people who need it is not. Blood shortages are incredibly acute in developing nations.

World Blood Donor Day 2024 Theme

The theme for World Blood Donor Day 2024 is “20 years of celebrating giving: thank you blood donors!” This marks the 20th anniversary of the event, emphasizing gratitude towards voluntary blood donors worldwide for their life-saving contributions over two decades.

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It focuses on patients who require life-long transfusion support and emphasizes the important role that everyone can play by donating blood or plasma. It also emphasizes the importance of donating blood or plasma on a regular basis in order to ensure a sustainable and safe supply of blood and blood products that is always available all over the world, allowing all patients in need to receive timely treatment.

Blood Donation On 626th Kabir Prakat Diwas

Blood donation is considered as Gift of Life to another Human. Jagatguru Tatvadarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji is a Great Social Reformer all around the World. Under His guidance, Huge Blood Donation Camps are going to be organized on the Occasion of 627th Kabir Saheb Prakat Diwas at 11 different locations all around the country and in Nepal. This year, the day is lining up with World Donor Day. Blood Donation Camps are organized at Satlok Ashram Khamano (Punjab), Satlok Ashram Dhuri (Punjab), Satlok Ashram Sojat (Rajasthan), Satlok Ashram Mundka (Delhi), Satlok Ashram Shamli (U.P.), Satlok Ashram Betul (M.P.), Satlok Ashram Bhiwani (Haryana), Satlok Ashram Kurukshetra (Haryana), Satlok Ashram Indore (M.P.), Satlok Ashram DhananaDham Sonipat (Haryana), Satlok Ashram Dhanusha (Nepal).

Thousands of people voluntarily participate with great enthusiasm and donate thousands of units of blood in these events. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji is working day and night to eradicate social evils present in the society. Thousands of people die due to a shortage of blood every year. Hence, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji motivates His followers to donate blood and other body organs after their death.

Blood Donors Should Know

  • The donor should have a decent health condition. The donor should not be an anemic patient, diabetic patient, alcoholic or smoker.
  • Only a healthy person should donate blood, as advised by doctors.
  • Anyone who is more than 18 years old can donate blood.
  • Anyone donating blood must have more than 45 kg of weight.
  • A healthy meal is advised 3 hours before blood donation.
  • Drink plenty of fluids like juice or water the day before and the night before the day of blood donation.
  • Wear comfortable loose clothes while donating blood so that moving your arm doesn’t become a problem.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity or exercising on the day of blood donation.

Why Is Blood Donor Day Celebrated?

To ensure that anyone who requires safe blood has access to it. All nations need voluntary, unpaid donors who donate blood regularly. Alongside the Coronavirus pandemic, despite challenges like limited mobility, blood donors in many nations have resumed donating plasma and blood to patients who need a transfusion. Such overwhelming efforts during a time of exceptional crisis highlight the vital role of committed voluntary, well-organized, non-remunerated blood donors in securing a safe and sufficient blood supply during an emergency and normal times.

World Blood Donor Day Objectives

  • Thank blood donors all around the globe and create broader public insight into the need for regular voluntary unpaid blood donation.
  • Promote the social values of blood donation in strengthening social cohesion and community solidarity.
  • Encourage youth to welcome the humanitarian initiative to donate blood and motivate others to copy the same.
  • Celebrate the capability of youth as supporters in facilitating health.

Significance of Blood Donation

Everyone’s support and involvement will help to secure greater impact on World Blood Donor Day 2024. Improving recognition globally that donating blood is a life saving act of solidarity and that aids in providing safe blood and blood ducts is a vital element of every health care system. The participation of interested supporters is pleasing at all degrees to make World Blood Donor Day 2024 an international success.

Saints Are Always Benevolent

Great Saint Rampal Ji is a benevolent saint and He is always ahead of helping society. A few months back with His efforts His disciples started a website to help and find donors in the country. Blood donation service by Jagatguru Saint Rampal Ji. By clicking on the site you can find the closest donor to help you.

World Blood Donor Day 2024: His purpose is to provide a sufficient amount of blood availability in the blood banks, and according to His teachings, His disciples are always ready to help save lives. Sant Rampal Ji’s blood donation organization has provided thousands of blood units to police and the army. His disciples regularly organize blood donation camps.

World Blood Donor Day 2024 Quotes

  • “The blood donor makes the great life-giving gift for mankind.” – Lord Importing
  • “Donating blood is a priceless act of benevolence which costs nothing but a few minutes of your time.” – Amit Kalantri
  • “Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.” – Seneca
  • “The greatest gift one can give is the gift of life itself.” – Conor Grennan
  • “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'” – Martin Luther King Jr.
  • “Donating blood makes you feel good, because you know you’re helping others in need.” – Michael Bublé  
  • “To give of one’s self is the greatest reward for living.” – Elizabeth Hendricks
  • “Donate blood and help turn the life of another.” – Mohith Agadi
  • “Blood donation is the gift of life itself.” – Philippe Naudé
  • “A single pint of blood can save up to three lives. What an exceptional gift to give another human being.”
  • “Blood donation is good for self and saves a life”
  • “Donate blood whenever you can, as you may need too”
  • “Blood donation takes a few minutes but gives a lifetime for someone else”
  • “Your blood donation will be the reason to smile on many faces”
  • “Donate blood, you can save a life”
  • “Your blood is invaluable to save a life”
What is the theme for blood donation 2024?

The theme for World Blood Donor Day 2024 is “20 years of celebrating giving: thank you blood donors!”

Which country is hosting World Blood Donor Day 2024?

The host country for World Blood Donor Day 2024 is Perú. 

Who is the founder of Blood Donor day?

Karl Landsteiner

Why is blood donation day observed on 14th June?

It is observed on the birth anniversary of Karl Landsteiner on June 14, 1868.

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