October 15, 2024

Secrets of Raising a Child

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Raising a child is not a single-day or overnight task; it’s the hard work of years. It involves a consistent journey of effort from infancy to adulthood. Molding a well-behaved child requires a great deal of patience, grit, and work. Gradually shaping a child to be well-behaved, healthy, strong, smart, hardworking, honest, disciplined, self-controlled, respectful, obedient, compliant, cooperative, a positive thinker, and filled with gratitude, empathy, and patience should begin long before they enter adulthood.

For children, discipline is crucial. Discipline is not about correcting and punishing bad behavior; it means “to train or develop by instruction and exercise, especially in self-control.”

Every child has different behaviors, personalities, and emotional needs. Even among twins and siblings, you can observe that some are aggressive, introverted, extroverted, shy, or friendly. Each child has their own learning curve and unique way of understanding the world.

It is the parent’s duty to respond to their child with love during their worst times, failures, angry moments, selfish moments, lonely times, successes, frustrations, inconvenient times, and winning moments. These are the moments when they need to feel loved the most.

A healthy, vegetarian, and green diet can help mould a child’s thinking in a positive direction, encouraging them to speak softly, develop a gentle nature, and avoid cruelty. Healthy food leads to a healthy body.

Hitting a child for their mistakes is not a solution for improvement or punishment. Instead, explain their mistakes in depth, helping them understand whom they may have hurt. Allow kids to make decisions and give them opportunities to make choices. This way, they will learn to make small decisions and find answers for themselves.

Nowadays, toddlers are often addicted to playing games on smartphones and watching cartoons, which can have side effects like eyesight problems and more. Engaging in outdoor activities, playing games, sports, yoga, running, exercise, and meditation can help develop the mind, increase memory power, and contribute to growing strong in both mind and body.

Being a parent involves constant learning and adapting to new situations. To raise healthy, happy, and well-adjusted children, parents must be committed to this continuous journey.

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