March 26, 2025

Fact Check #1: Reality of Milk Bath and Rape Allegations on Saint Rampal Ji

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Being a Media Professional is not an easy task. It is difficult to figure out facts and put them before the public in the right narrative. But nowadays some of the media persons are tainting the profession by spreading lies in the public. As a result, fake news circulation, Media trials, and propaganda have recorded destruction like never before. A similar thing happened in 2014 when Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj surrendered before the Chandigarh Police. 


  • There are no rape Allegations recorded against Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. 
  • Fake news stories shown during Barwala Kand, 2014 was a failed attempt by the lapdog media to spoil the public image of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.
  • The Milk Bath story of Satlok Ashram, Barwala, Hisar Haryana was also fake.
  • Media has been targeting Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj and His followers for years. 
  • Visit for more true information on Barwala Kand 2014.

Media Trial on Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

During the year 2014, Media ran a trial Against Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj and His followers. To spoil the image of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, many framed stories were shown on TV channels. The media showed one-sided stories and proved that Indian Media is easily sold at the hand of powerful people. For many years now, Media has been ignoring the great works of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj by not covering any of his social works. 

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is cleaning the society by making it Intoxication free, Dowry Free, and Corruption Free. Free food is being given to those who are in need. Apart from it, free Blood and Organ donation camps are being organized at various places in the country. Every week numerous Dowry free marriages take place under the guidance of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. 

Fake News Related to Milk Bath in Satlok Ashram

During these Media trials, one fake news was given very much attention to was Milk Bath in Satlok Ashram Barwala, Hisar, Haryana. Fake Media showed through fake animations that the followers of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj emptied milk pouches inside a water tank through which the milk flows through the pipes and comes out of the tap. Below the taps, photographs and idols of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj were placed so that the milk falls on them. After the milk Abhishekam of the idols and photographs, the milk ran into the kitchen and was used to make Kheer. Those who drink this Kheer will become enchanted to Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. All of this was a conspiracy played by lapdog media to ruin the image of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

There is no such evidence found that proves these fake allegations. Apart from it, thousands of the followers living inside Satlok Ashram have provided their eyewitnesses on the cleanliness of the Ashram and the making of the Kheer. All of the Milk Bath stories are fake fiction. 

No Rape Allegations Against Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

Corrupt Indian Media, including Regional and National, showed fake news about Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj and His followers. In the battle of TRP and viewership, they crossed various limits. Countless baseless and false accusations were made on Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj and His disciples. One such false accusation was a false accusation of Rape.

Lapdog media had to ruin the public image of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, so they dragged His name to the list of other Babas who have been accused of Rape Assault. But it is very much clear that there are no such Allegations registered against Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. 


Many renowned Newspapers and Web portals have dragged the name of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj in fake Rape cases which has resulted in a formal apology from their side.

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