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Birth Anniversary of Raja Ram Mohan Roy: Know About the Father of Bengal Renaissance

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Last Updated on 19 May 2024 IST: Raja Ram Mohan Roy Jayanti | Marking the birth anniversary of a visionary who ignited the flame of renaissance in Bengal. He was true pioneer who paved the way for social and religious reforms in India. 

Raja Ram Mohan Roy, the Father of the Bengal Renaissance, was a multifaceted personality whose contributions to the realms of education, women’s rights, and the abolition of regressive practices left an indelible mark on the fabric of Indian society. This year on 22nd May, it is the 251th birth anniversary of Raja Ram Mohan Roy.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy Jayanti (Birth Anniversary of Raja Ram Mohan Roy): Key Highlights

  • Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born on 22nd May 1774.
  • He was a great social reformer.
  • He founded Brahmo Samaj.
  • He abolished Sati pratha, child marriage, polygamy and many more evil practices.
  • He is known as the ‘Father of Bengal Renaissance’.
  • He knew several languages.He contributed to Indian literature a lot.
  • He passed away on 27 September 1883.
  • Spiritualism is the only way bringing equality and peace worldwide eradicating all evil practices.

Who Was Raja Ram Mohan Roy?

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a great social reformer who is known as the  ‘Father of Bengal Renaissance’ or the ‘Father of Modern India’. His immense contribution in different fields made him famous worldwide. 

This year on 22nd May, it is the 251st birth anniversary of Raja Ram Mohan Roy. He belonged to a rich Hindu Brahmin family in Radhanagar village of Hooghly district in Bengal city. His father also was a great scholar named Ramakanto Roy. His mother’s name was Tarini Devi.

He was born on May 22, 1772, in Radhanagar village of Hooghly district in Bengal city. His early life was marked by a rich educational background, learning languages like Sanskrit, Persian, and English, which laid the foundation for his future endeavors. A staunch advocate for education, Roy believed in the transformative power of learning. 

Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s journey concluded on September 27, 1833, in Bristol, England. However, his legacy as a social and religious reformer continues to inspire generations, echoing his profound impact on the Indian subcontinent.

On his birth anniversary, the country remembers Raja Ram Mohan Roy not just as a reformer, but as a visionary who ignited the flame of progress in the hearts of many.

Interesting Facts About Raja Ram Mohan Roy

  • Mughal emperor Akbar ll honoured Roy with the title Raja, since then he became famous as Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
  • He married thrice. Two of them passed away early while the third one outlived him.
  • He was a polyglot who knew several languages.
  • Being a monotheist, he believed in one God opposing idol worship.

Contribution of Raja Ram Mohan Roy

  • He formed an Atmiya Sabha.
  • He translated Vedic scriptures and Upanishads into English.
  • He founded Brahmo Samaj in 1828.
  • He abolished numerous evil practices during the 18th and 19th century.
  • He abolished Sati pratha.
  • In 1822, he founded the ‘Sambad Koumudi’ newspaper.
  • He published Mirat-ul-Akbar journal in Persian language.
  • He established various colleges.

Religious Reforms by Raja Ram Mohan Roy

  • In 1822, he founded Sambad Koumudi  newspaper.
  • He published a Mirat-ul-Akbar journal in Persian language that helped people to form their opinion on several issues during the regime of East India Company.
  • He established the first Bengali language newspaper.
  • He founded an Atmiya Sabha (friendly association) society to discuss and translate Vedas and Upanishads.
  • He led the foundation of Brahmo Samaj that emphasized human dignity, and criticised idolatry.

Educational Reforms by Raja Ram Mohan Roy

  • Raja Ram Mohan Roy established the first English school in 1816.
  • He established Hindu College at Calcutta in 1817 for the reforms in Hindu Society that was also known as Young Bengal Movement.
  • He was in favour of teaching Mathematics, Geography and Latin instead of focusing on Sanskrit only. This promoted these courses. He believed that these languages are vital for the development of any country.
  • He established Vedanta College to propagate Hindu monotheism ideology. He was against idol worship and emphasized on worshipping one God.

Social Reforms by Raja Ram Mohan Roy

One of his prominent works was the abolition of Sati Pratha in which the widow was forced to burn alive on the pyre of her husband’s dead body.

  • In 1829, due to his efforts, Lord William Bentick passed a law to stop the Sati Pratha system.
  • He raised his voice against idol worship opposing the principle of Trinity.
  • He opposed Caste system, Child marriage, widow re-marriage.
  • He uplifted the condition of women by emphasising on women education.

■ Also Read | All You Need to Know About Lala Lajpat Rai on His Jayanti (157th Birth Anniversary)

Slogan of Raja Ram Mohan Roy

He rejected the doctrine of the Trinity and had amonotheism approach that believed in a single, unitarian God. The same reflects from one of his slogans also. It is:- 

“God is one. He has no end. He exists in all the living things on the Earth.”

Who Is That One God?

Raja Ram Mohan Roy had a huge contribution in bringing changes in India. He was an eminent and a down to earth personality who really wanted to make everyone live equally. Also, he believed in one God but in ignorance remained unaware of who is the Supreme Power.

There is one only Supreme Power above all Who created this universe

Gita ji Adhyay 18 Shloka 66 states that by going into the refuge of Supreme God Kabir, we will be freed from our sins.

Who Is the True Saint?

At present, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only True Saint. He only provides the devotion mentioned in our scriptures. By reciting the True Mantras, one can be free from the cycle of 84 lakh births. Kabir Sahib Ji also mentioned about the identity of True Saint in one of His verses:

Sadh sadh sb nek hain, Aap aapni thaur |

Jo Satlok le jayenge, Ve Sadhu koi aur ||

So take advantage of this precious human birth by taking refuge in Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. For more information, visit

Raja Ram Mohan Roy Jayanti Quotes

  • “It is necessary that some changes should take place in religion.”
  • “To abuse and insult is inconsistent with reason and justice.”
  • “Truth and Virtue do not belong to wealth and power and distinctions of big mansions.”
  • “Long run reforms can be possible by attaining true devotion.”
  • “Peace, Equality, brotherhood with the blessings of Supreme Power Kabir Sahib Ji.” 
  • “Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the one who provides true devotion that will lead to salvation (moksha)”.
1. What was Raja Ram Mohan Roy famous for?  

Answer: He was famous for his efforts to abolish the practices of sati and child marriage, and for founding the Brahmo Sabha movement.

2. Why did Ram Mohan Roy go to England?  

Answer: He went to England to ensure that the Sati Regulation of 1829 was not overturned and to improve the Mughal Emperor’s pension.

3. Who is called the father of modern India?  

Answer: Raja Ram Mohan Roy is called the father of modern India for his role in initiating social and educational reforms.

4. Who ended Sati system?  

Answer: The practice of sati was officially ended by Lord William Bentinck’s regulation, with support from Raja Ram Mohan Roy.

5. Why was Ram Mohan Roy called Raja?  

Answer: He was called ‘Raja’ after being awarded this title by the Mughal Emperor Akbar II.

6. Where did Ram Mohan Roy die?  

Answer: Raja Ram Mohan Roy died in Bristol, England.

7. Who send Raja Ram Mohan Roy to England?  

Answer: He was sent to England by the Mughal Emperor Akbar II.

8. What was the actual surname of Raja Ram Mohan Roy?  

Answer: His actual surname was Bandyopadhyay.

9. Is Ram Mohan Roy a freedom fighter?  

Answer: He was not a freedom fighter in the conventional sense but was a pioneer in social reforms.

10. Who succeeded Raja Ram Mohan Roy?  

Answer: Debendranath Tagore succeeded him and later led the Brahmo Samaj.

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