March 14, 2025

Muharram 2024: Can Celebrating Muharram Really Free Us From Our Sins?

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Last Updated on 15 July 2024 IST | Muharram 2024: Muharram is one of the most sacred months of the Islamic calendar. On the day of Muharram, Shia Muslims mourn the loss of Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Mohammed and recall the pain and sufferings that he has gone through as well as teach their children about him. Read this blog to know about how to get rid of sins.

What Is the Importance of Muharram 2024?

  • Muslims observe their New Year on the first day of Muharram.
  • It is considered as the second holiest month after Ramadan (a period of fasting called Sawm). This day is also known as Al Hijri or the Islamic New Year.
  • This is the month when Muslims are prohibited from taking part in warfare.
  • Both Shia and Sunni sects treat Muharram month differently.
  • Public mournings take place and followers chant “Ya Hussein” or “Ya Ali”.
  • They shed blood as a mark of respect. This ritual is known as Tatbir or Qama Zani.
  • Shias believe that taking part in such mourning rituals washes away sins. This practice is also known as ‘matham’.

Significance of Muharram

Muharram marks the start of the Islamic year. It is celebrated as New Year’s Day among the entire Muslim religion. Muslims in India marked the start of the Islamic New Year 1446 AH on July 7, 2024. In fact, Muharram is considered the second holiest month after Ramadan. The tenth day of Muharram is known as Ashura which will fall on July 17th in 2024.

This day is widely honoured by Shia Muslims across the world. As part of the mourning of Muharram, Shia Muslims do partial fasting (fuqa) whereas Sunni Muslims keep fasting on Ashura as instructed by Prophet Muhammad. It is believed that during this time Prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina, which is known as Hijrah.

Muharram 2024: What Is the Story Behind Muharram?

Muharram 2024: Muharram is celebrated to commemorate the martyrdom of Hussein, who became a martyr at the Battle of Karbala on the tenth day of Muharram in 680 AD. He was the third Imam of the Shia community.

  • Hussein Ibn Ali was the ruler of the part of the empire known today as Iran. The other part of modern Iraq was ruled by the Umayyads.
  • Hussein was called upon by the Shias of Kufa, a small town in the Umayyad kingdom, to accept their allegiance and claim his place as the leader of the Islamic community. Since the ruler of Kufa, Caliph Yazid didn’t approve of it, his soldiers surrounded Hussein and his family when they reached Karbala. 
  • Hussein, his family, and his troops were tortured and killed, and Hussein’s head was severed and presented to the king.

What Do Muslims Do in Muharram 2024?

Both Muslim sects have different ways of celebrating Muharram. Shia Muslims consider it as a day of sorrow while Suni Muslims celebrate it as a festival and look at Ashura as a happy day.

Read in Hindi: Muharram [Hindi] (माह-ए-मोहर्रम): जानिए क्या है मोहर्रम की वास्तविकता?

Shia Muslims observe the martyrdom of Hussein as a religious and pious occasion. It lasts for 10 days, starts on the 1st day of Muharram and lasts for 10 days until the 10th day of Muharram. They wear black clothes as black color is a symbol of mourning. Throughout nine days of Muharram, “Majalis” are held where Shia orators depict the incident of the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussein Ibn Ali and his soldiers. Sunni Muslims keep fast (Roza) as per the instructions given by Prophet Muhammad. Sunni Muslims are recommended to fast either on the 9th and 10th of Muharram or on the 10th and 11th day of Muharram.

Facts About Muharram Festival

  • Muslim devotees parade on the streets holding banners and carrying models of the mausoleum of Hazrat Imam Hussein and his people, who fell at Karbala. A white horse is beautifully decorated and included in the procession. It serves to bring back the memory of the empty mount of Hazrat Imam Husain Ibn Ali after his martyrdom.
  • Some of the Shia sects often practice chest-beating, which is referred to as latmya, beating themselves with chains in public, and cutting themselves with knives and sharp objects. Sunni Muslims consider Ashura as a day of respect for the Prophet Moses but do not take part in this ritual.
    (Latmya: Expression of grief with thumping of the chest by Shia Muslims is known as Latmya, Latmaya or latmia in Arabic-Persian countries)
  • Muslims refrain from celebrating joyous events so that they are not distracted while remembering the sorrowful time.
  • As a part of the ongoing custom, Muslims also read Ziyarat Ashura – the book containing salutations to the martyrs of Karbala, on the Day of Ashura.
  • Muslims celebrate the new year by visiting the mosque, praying to Allah for their well-being and by spending time with their family and relatives.

Sadly, all above-mentioned practices like observing Muharram, mourning, celebrating, latmia, bloodshed etc followed by Muslims, are nowhere written in Quran Sharif. Bloodshed and slaughtering were not instructed even by Prophet Muhammad. He too asked people to worship one God and taught them to be merciful and kind. It is very unfortunate that muslims have been disobeying the Quran Sharif for decades.

Allah Kabir in Holy Fazal-E-Amal

Fazal-E-Zikr, Aayat 1, mentioned Allah as Kabir. He is the (Puran Parmatma) Almighty Kabir. He is a complete God.

‘Wallat Kabir Bullah Aala Maha dakoobwala Allah kumdar guru’

You glorify the Almighty Kabir Allah. He should give the instructions so that you thank Allah Ta’ala. That Kabir Allah Ta’ala is Omnipotent. That Kabir is Royal. Kabir saves from sins.

From the above-mentioned Verse, it is proved that God/ Allah is none other than Kabir. This proves that the knowledge giver of Quran Sharif is not the complete GOD i.e. AllahTala whom the whole Muslim community worships, assuming him to be their Allah.

Who Is the Giver of the Knowledge of the Quran Sharif?

Reference: Biography of Hazrat Mohammad Salalahu Alesee Vassallam, Mohammad Inayatullah Subhani, translated by Naseem Ghazi Palani, Markazee Maktaba, Islami Publishers, D-307, Dawat Nagar, Abdul Fazal Enclave, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi, printed by H.S. Offset prints, New Delhi-2. A detailed description is mentioned on page no. 59 Brahm, the Lord of these twenty-one universes (Brahamands) (where all souls are trapped) is also called ‘Kshar Purush / Kaal’. This Kaal gave the knowledge of the holy Quran Sharif forcefully.

‘Kaal Brahm’ gave the knowledge of ‘Quran Sharif / Quran Majid’ through angel Gabriel to Hazrat Mohammad by force. All Muslim brothers believe Allah gave the knowledge of the Holy Quran without any mistake to Hazrat Mohammad. As a result, the whole Muslim community believes the narrator of the Quran Sharif is Allahu Akbar and worships him.

‘Kaal’ gave the knowledge of the Holy Bible– Taurat, Injeel and Zabur as well. The heavenly book Zabur descended on prophet Dawood, the heavenly book Torah descended on prophet Musa and the heavenly book Injeel descended on prophet Isa by Kaal Brahm through ether announcements. The Bible is the collection of these three Holy books, Zaboor, Torah, and Injil.

Supreme God (Allah) in Quran Sharif

  • In Quran Sharif 25:58, the narrator is giving information about the Supreme God, Allahu Kabir who is immortal, worthy of being worshipped and also asks us to sing the glory of lord Kabir.
  • In Quran Sharif 25:59, it is clearly mentioned that Allah is no other than Lord Kabir/ Kabiran / Khabira. He is the one who created the universes and all that is between the earth and the sky in six days and sat on His throne in Satlok on the seventh day.
  • There are pieces of evidence at various places in the Quran Sharif which prove that God is Kabir. Kabir AllahTala, the Powerful God. He is the one who can destroy our sins and miseries.

Know About the Bakhabar Mentioned in the Quran

  • The knowledge-giver of Quran Sharif has asked to take the refuge of Bakhabar or Illamwala and seek information about the Supreme God and how He can be attained.
  • It is mentioned in Quran Sharif- Surah Al Furqan 25:59 to search for Bakhabar who is fully aware of the creation of the Universe and has complete knowledge of holy scriptures.
  • Also, Holy Quran Surah 42, Aayat 1, has stated code words “Ayn, Seen, Qaf to attain Allah. These code words are similar to the “Om Tat Sat mantra mentioned in Holy Srimad Bhagavad Gita in the Hindu religion. Both holy books talk about going into the shelter of a true enlightened saint, bowing unto Him and He will reveal the secret of these coded mantras.

Who Is Baakhabar (Illamwala) Saint?

Muharram 2024: At present, Sant Rampal Ji is the enlightened Saint. He is the only enlightened spiritual leader in the entire universe who is giving the true spiritual knowledge. He is giving the correct way to worship Allahu Akbar /Allah Kabir /Almighty according to holy scriptures which will destroy all the sins of devotees and provide them salvation.

So, one must not waste time and take refuge in Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, to attain moksha/liberation by opting for the true devotion mentioned in our scriptures. Baakhabar Saint Rampal Ji imparts true spiritual knowledge which helps us to know that we are all children of one God.

With each breath, we need to remember Allah and recognise Him. Listen to the spiritual discourses of Saint Rampal Ji on Sadhna channel from 7:30 – 8:30 pm. He is the only Illamwala (well-acquainted) with the knowledge of Allah Kabir. To take Naam initiation from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, click here to fill out the initiation form. One Can download the book Gyan Ganga for more information.

FAQ about Muharram 2024

What is Muharram celebrated for?

Ans: It is the first month of the Islamic year. Some Muslim communities mourn on this day while some Muslim communities celebrate it for commemorating rescue of the people of Israel by Musa from the Pharaoh.

Is Muharram a sad month?

Ans: Muharram is the second most sacred month for the Muslim community. Shia Muslims mourn the death of Imam Hussein and refrain from all joyous events. Emphasis is placed on prayers and visiting the mosque.

Who celebrates Muharram, Shia or Sunni?

Ans: Muharram is celebrated by both Shia and Sunni communities. However, it is celebrated separately by both communities.

What do Muslims avoid in Muharram?

Ans: Muslims refrain from eating meat on the day of Muharram, wearing new clothes, and getting married or engaged.

Can Sunni Muslims visit Karbala?

Ans: Most of the pilgrims who visit Karbala are Shias. However, Sunni Muslims can also visit Karbala.

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