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Krishna Janmashtami 2024: Evaluating The Pursuit Of Salvation Through Shri Krishna Ji

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Last Updated on 24 August 2024 IST | Janmashtami is one of the most renowned festivals in Hindu mythology as this day is considered the birth anniversary of Shri Krishna. Devotees observe this day with great joy and enthusiasm. In this blog, we will shed light on the details of the festival and explore our holy scriptures to inform our audience about them as well.

Krishna Janmashtami 2024 Date 

Shri Krishna Janmashtami 2024: Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated on the eighth day (Ashtami) of the dark fortnight of the Bhadrapada month of the Hindu calendar. It generally falls in the months of August and September according to the Gregorian calendar. This time Krishna Janmashtami is falling on 26th August, 2024.

Significance of Celebrating Krishna Janmashtami 

Shri Krishna Janmashtami 2024: Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Lord Vishnu’s eighth avatar, Shri Krishna in Mathura. This is why Mathura is also called Krishna Bhoomi. It was believed that the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu would free people from the atrocities of the king of Mathura, Kansa. Shri Krishna was born to Devaki and Vasudeva in the prison where Devaki’s brother, Kansa had imprisoned them.

How Is Krishna Janmashtami Celebrated?

Shri Krishna Janmashtami 2024: Hindus view Janmashtami (Krishna Janmashtami 2024) as a very auspicious day as the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Shri Krishna, was born on this day. They keep a fast on the same day and break it at midnight. People decorate the temples and idols of Sri Krishna and Radha. People sing devotional songs and offer prayers throughout the day. Devout people visit the temples to have a darshan or seek blessings of their beloved Lord Shri Krishna. 

Many programs are hosted enacting the divine child plays of Shri Krishna, including Dahi Handi which recreate the actions of Shri Krishna as a child stealing butter from the houses of his neighbors. Many schools, colleges and housing societies organise Dahi Handi competitions on the second day of Krishna Janmashtami festival. It is celebrated with great grandeur in Varanasi and Mathura with aarti and recitation of devotional songs (bhajans).

However, none of these rituals are mentioned anywhere in our holy scriptures like Holy Geeta ji and Holy Vedas.

Story of Janmashtami

  • Shri Krishna was the eighth son of Devaki (mother) and Vasudeva (father). Kansa, a cruel king, tormented the public in his kingdom. His atrocities increased daily. Once there occurred a divine voice, that the eighth son of his sister Devaki would be the cause of Kansa’s death.
  • Hearing this, Kansa imprisoned Devaki along with her husband. Kansa killed Devaki’s first seven children on the same day they were born, fearing that they could also become the cause of his death.  
  • When Devaki gave birth to the eighth child, Shri Krishna, Lord Vishnu appeared and ordered Vasudeva to take the child to the house of Yashoda and Nand Baba in Gokul so that he would be safe from his maternal uncle Kansa. The same was done. Shri Krishna was brought up by Yashoda and Nand Baba. At a young age, Krishna killed his maternal uncle Kansa and freed Mathura from his oppression and cruelty.

However, on examining the story above, one might wonder, why was it necessary to take that child to Gokul, if Lord Krishna or Lord Vishnu are immortal. It means they are also rotating under the cycle of karmas and have a fear of death on their heads, then how can they be worshipped as Supreme God?

When was Krishna born?

Lord Krishna was born on the eighth day of the Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight) in the month of Bhadrapada, under the Rohini Nakshatra. His birth is celebrated as Krishna Janmashtami, and the date varies each year based on the Hindu calendar.

Was Krishna born at midnight?

According to mythological stories, Krishna’s birth took place at midnight. This is attributed to the fact that his ancestors were from the lunar dynasty, and since the moon is visible during the night, it is believed that Krishna was born during that time.

Is Krishna Ashtami good or bad?

Krishna Janmashtami is considered an auspicious day in Hinduism because it marks the birth of Lord Krishna. It is a day of celebration and devotion to Lord Krishna. However, the true significance of this day lies in following the teachings of Lord Krishna rather than expecting material gains. According to the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, taking refuge at the lotus feet of an enlightened saint, performing one’s duties, and seeking spiritual knowledge are more important than observing rituals for worldly benefits.

When was Krishna’s birth and death took place?

Shri Krishna Janmashtami 2024: According to Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna was born around 3112 BCE during the Dwapara Yuga in Mathura. He spent his childhood in places like Gokul, Vrindavan, Nandgaon, Barsana, and later ruled in Dwarka for 36 years after the Mahabharata War. He passed away at the age of 125 years, around 2987 BCE, due to a hunter’s arrow, which was a result of a curse by sage Durvasa. He died in the forest where a hunter named Bhalka accidentally shot him. It is believed that Bhalka was Bali in his previous life, whom Lord Rama had killed deceitfully during the Treta Yuga.

Again, this also depicts that Lord Vishnu as Lord Krishna underwent the consequences of his sins committed during his incarnation as Lord Rama. If they also commit sins like us, why do we worship them?

What is the moral significance of Krishna Janmashtami?

Krishna Janmashtami holds various moral significances, the main ones being the abandonment of negative thoughts, adherence to religious principles, and performing selfless actions. Whenever evil and unrighteousness become rampant on Earth, Lord Vishnu incarnates to restore balance and righteousness. Lord Krishna is considered an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It is noteworthy for readers to learn that Supreme Almighty Kabir Ji Himself descends on planet Earth and bestows True Devotion for attaining happiness and Salvation.

What is the message of Shri Krishna Janmashtami?

The birth of Lord Krishna was meant to defeat falsehood and establish truth. Therefore, the primary message of Janmashtami is to walk the path of truth, which leads to guaranteed success. However, an enlightened saint tells the right method of devotion to fulfill human life’s purpose.

What is special about Krishna?

Shri Krishna Janmashtami 2024: Lord Krishna is considered an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, and his purpose is to establish dharma (righteousness) in all three worlds. In Hinduism, people primarily worship three male deities with their specific qualities: Lord Brahma (associated with Rajas), Lord Vishnu (associated with Satva), and Lord Shiva (associated with Tamas).

Lord Krishna, being an avatar of Vishnu, embodied these Satva divine qualities. His life and miracles made people recognize him and worship him as their beloved deity. In Chapter 7, Verses 14 and 15 of the Bhagavad Gita, the pursuit of the three gunas (modes of material nature) is considered futile, and those who engage in it are described as ignoble, foolish, and tainted in their actions.

Janmashtami Fast Opposite to the Holy Books

Shri Krishna Janmashtami 2024: On the day of Janmashtami, almost all the sections of the Hindu religion observe fasts. However, none of our sacred texts (Vedas and Srimad Bhagavad Gita) mention the practice of fasting. Verse 16 of Chapter 6 of Holy Gita ji clearly states that neither the one who eats too much nor the one who stays hungry nor the one who sleeps too much nor the one who is always awake can ever attain God, which means that such practices are bogus and ineffective. God Kabir also says in His Speech that—

Partham ann jal sanyam rakhe|

Yogyugat sab Satguru bhakhe||

Hare Krishna Mantra Is Arbitrary

Shri Krishna Janmashtami 2024: On Janmashtami, people chant— “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare”. This is not a mantra to attain complete salvation. This mantra is not mentioned in any of our sacred texts. In chapter 8 verse 13 of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, the Knowledge-giver of the Gita says that “Om” is the only syllable for his worship. This proves that apart from this, whatever mantra the devotee society is chanting is completely arbitrary and useless.

Who was the Guru of Shri Krishna? 

Kabir, Ram Krishna Se Kaun Bada, Unhon Bhi Guru Kinha |

Teen Lok Ke Ve Dhani, Guru Aage Aadhin ||

Kabir, Ram Krishna Bade Tinhu Pur Raja, Teen Guru Band Kinha Nij Kaaja |

There is evidence in the Puranas that Shri Ramchandra ji had taken initiation from sage Vashisht Ji. Shri Krishna ji received his schooling and the knowledge related to language from sage Sandipani and Durvasa Rishi was the spiritual teacher of Shri Krishna ji.

Lord Vishnu is not the Supreme God but they are still the lords of the three realms (lokas), yet they did devotion by making a guru, and made their human life meaningful. This shows that if a person practices devotion without a Guru, they cannot attain benefits from Bhakti. Hence, acquiring Complete Guru is necessary on the path of worship.

Krishna Janmashtami 2024 Quotes

The Supreme God doesn’t take birth from a mother, whereas, Shri Krishna was born from Devaki Ji.

  • “Shri Krishna lifted Govardhan to stop the worship of Demigods”
  • “Those who keep fast can never attain God”~Saint Rampal JI
  • “Only the Supreme God Kabir is worshipable”.~Saint Rampal JI
  • “Shri Krishna has only 16 Kalas, but the Supreme Almighty has infinite Kalas”.

Can Worshiping Lord Krishna Lead to Salvation?

Shri Krishna Janmashtami 2024: One cannot attain salvation by worshiping Shri Krishna as he is not the Supreme Almighty. All the three demigods; Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are in the cycle of birth and death. They themselves don’t have the way to attain salvation, so how could their devotees attain salvation? The third Skandh of Holy Shrimad Devi Mahapuran clarifies that Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv are in the cycle of birth and death. 

Shri Krishna had to repay through his death by a poisoned arrow for his karmic deeds when he appeared in treta yuga as lord Ram and killed Bali with an arrow. Lord Rama had to bear the curse of Sage Narada, living his entire life separated from his wife Sita. 

Consider if these gods cannot undo their own karmic entanglements, how could they possibly undo yours? Since they themselves experience birth and death, how can they grant you salvation? If they themselves do not have a way to attain salvation, how can they guide you to attain it? Only the true Almighty is capable of granting salvation to humanity. 

Who Is the Supreme God in Hinduism?

Contrary to the beliefs of Hindus, Shri Krishna is not the Supreme God in Hindu Texts. The Supreme God mentioned in the Holy Books of Hinduism is God Kabir only.

The Supreme God has a human-like form and does not undergo the cycle of birth and death. According to Holy Vedas, the Almighty never takes birth from the womb of a mother (Rigveda Mandal 10 Sukt 4 Mantra 3) and is nourished by maiden cows (Rigveda Mandal 9 Sukt 1 Mantra 9). He descends to earth in all four yugas and ascends back to His eternal abode with His Body. 

There is evidence that Kabir Saheb descended on the earth in a human form as an infant on a lotus flower in the pond named “Lahar Tara” in Kashi, India. He was nourished by maiden cows and He ascended back to His eternal Abode along with His Body from Maghar, Uttar Pradesh approximately 623 years ago.

The Supreme God Kabir manifested in all the four yugas to reveal His True Spiritual Knowledge to humanity, however, due to our inability to understand His teachings, contemporary people often consider Him only as a Saint or a Poet. The same is stated in the Holy Rigveda Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 17 to 20. When we look at the life accounts of all the incarnations of Kaal-Brahm (Satan), such as Shri Krishna, Shri Ram, Mohammad and Jesus, none of them satisfy the aforementioned conditions except God Kabir Saheb.

Proofs from our Holy Books

  • Holy Yajurveda Chapter 29 Verse 25 states that when the devotee society is engrossed in the wrong way of worship, then KavirDev discloses the true Spiritual Knowledge to them.
  • Holy Samveda Sankhya no. 359, Chapter 4, Khand 25, Verse 8, states that the Supreme God Kabir is in form.
  • Holy Rigveda Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantar 17, 18, 19, 20 state that the Supreme God’s real name is KavirDev and He is nurtured from the milk of maiden cows. He imparts His true spiritual knowledge through poems and couplets.
  • Holy Atharvaveda Kand 4 Anuvaka 1 Mantra 7 states that God Kabir is the Supreme God who never deceives.
  • The Holy Quran Sharif Surat Furqani 25 Ayat 52 to 59,  explains that Allah Kabir created the whole universe in six days and sat on His throne on the seventh day. This reveals that God has a form.
  • Holy Bible Job 36:5 also writes the name of God Kabir. The proof remains in the Orthodox Jewish Bible translation only.
  • Guru Granth Sahib Page 721 also mentions the name of God Kabir.

These references prove that the Supreme God has a Human-like Form. His Name is Kabir and He spreads His true spiritual knowledge through poetic expressions. 

How to attain the Supreme God?

Even Holy Srimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62 and 66 order devout souls to take refuge in another God. But how can that one True Almighty be attained? 

Shri Krishna Janmashtami 2024| The answer to this question is to find a truly enlightened sage. Today, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj from Barwala-Hisar,Haryana, India is imparting the true spiritual Knowledge according to our Holy Scriptures that lead to the Almighty and the enormous peace is a by-product of that Worship as is also testified in Chapter 16 Verses 23 and 24 of the Holy Srimad Bhagavad Gita.

The Scripture-based way of Worship along with abiding by the code of conduct of Worship is the way to attain complete salvation and contentment. In the whole world, only Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has the authority to give that way of Worship. He is the authorized Saint of the Supreme Almighty God Kabir Saheb. He is the incarnation of God Kabir.

To know more, visit Satlok Ashram YouTube Channel. If you wish to receive Naam Diksha (Initiation) from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, kindly fill this Naam-Diksha Form.

FAQs About Krishna Janmashtami 2024

Why is Krishna Janmashtami celebrated?

Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated on the occasion of the birthday of Krishna.

When is Krishna Janmashtami this year?

Answer: In the year 2024, Shri Krishna Janmashtami happens to be on 26th August.

Who were the parents of Krishna ji?

The birth parents of Krishna were Vasudeva and Devaki and the foster parents were Nandlal and Yashoda.

How many queens did Krishna ji have?

Krishna had sixteen thousand and eight queens. 

What was the name of Krishna’s wife?

Krishna’s wife was Rukmini.

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