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International Human Solidarity Day 2023: Know About the Messiah Who Will Reunite the World

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Last Updated on 19 December 2023: On International Human Solidarity Day 2023 make efforts towards helping those who are poor & less fortunate. It is a day to stand in solidarity with each other with a spirit of helping and caring. International solidarity day reminds us about unity in diversity. Around the world, 20th December is celebrated every year as International Human Solidarity Day. The United Nations had announced to celebrate this day to explain the importance of unity in diversity. Let’s begin with understanding the meaning of Solidarity

What Is The Meaning of Human Solidarity?

International Human Solidarity Day 2023: Solidarity is an awareness of shared interests, objectives, standards, and sympathies creating a psychological sense of unity of groups or classes. It refers to the ties in a society that bind people together as one.

Key Points to Observe Human Solidarity Day 2023

  • Different countries of the world spread the message of peace, brotherhood, love, harmony, and unity among their people on this day.
  • The creation of the United Nations drew the people and nations of the world together to promote peace, human rights, and social and economic development.
  • The UN General Assembly, convinced that the promotion of the culture of solidarity and the spirit of sharing is important for combating poverty, proclaimed 20 December as International Human Solidarity Day.
  • The concept of solidarity has defined the work of the United Nations since the birth of the Organization.
  • Only God Himself or His Incarnation /Messenger/Saint/Spiritual Guru/Tatavdarshi Saint can reunite the people of this world in Solidarity.

Why Do We Celebrate It?

  • This day reminds us to respect the obligation towards the agreement we made as a country. 
  • International Solidarity Day inspires and nurtures all the governments and NGOs for humanitarian aid, development, and support.

Aim Behind International Human Solidarity Day

The main objective of International Solidarity Day 223 is to spread awareness by informing the public about the importance of unity in diversity. The day focuses on stimulating unity, human and social development. It also aims to raise awareness among the people regarding solidarity. This day encourages new initiatives for the eradication of poverty. In the general assembly held on 22 December 2005 solidarity was recognized as a fundamental and universal value.

The Concept of Solidarity Fund

By the General Assembly on 20 December 2002 World Solidarity Fund was established. It was specified as a trust in 2003 by the United Nation Development Programme.

The aim of the World Solidarity Fund is to eradicate poverty and by the proclamation of International Human Solidarity Day, the concept of solidarity was promoted as crucial in the fight against poverty and the involvement of all relevant stakeholders.

■ Also Read: Human Rights Day: Know The Rights Every Human Deserves

The UN says that the concept of solidarity has always been a decisive part of the organization.  According to the United Nations, “the creation of the United Nations attracted the world’s people and nations together to promote peace, human rights, and social and economic development. ” The organization was founded on the core of unity and harmony among its members, expressed in the concept of collective security, which relies on the solidarity of its members to maintain international peace and security. “

International Human Solidarity Day 2023 Theme 

20 December is observed as International Solidarity day every year. This day, unlike the other events, does not change themes every year. All around the world similar kinds of popular activities take place. This year the subject of International Human Solidarity Day is to raise the cognition of Human solidarity which ultimately can ameliorate many social and economical problems. This year Theme for Human Solidarity Day is Advocate for Change

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Forms Solidarity Society 

If there is someone who works for the solidarity throughout the year then He is Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. He provided such eternal spiritual knowledge in His spiritual discourses which leads to brotherhood, unity, and social harmony. This amazing theory of spiritual knowledge which works for the entire humankind can be known from His books or listening to the live spiritual discourses. 

Saint Rampal Ji took actual steps to eradicate social evils like dowry, intoxication, and corruption. Emphasizing only one supreme God Kabir and His true devotion He united humanity in the religion of Mankind.

Receive All Good From God and Spread It To Others

At this time, there is pressure of hate, fear, isolation, sickness, frustration, and negativity all over the world. There is no one happy in this world. The poor think that the rich are happy but the rich have no happiness even in dreams. The false happiness here cannot give us happiness for much longer. Only the spiritual solution provided by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj can lead the world towards satisfaction, peace, unity, and harmony.

Seek help, cooperation, peace, love, equality, development, and financial stability by devotion of Supreme God Kabir. The whole world needs to know about the Supreme God / Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. Solidarity is when you would know everything about God and that is the real meaning of it.

FAQ about International Human Solidarity Day 2023

When is International Human Solidarity Day celebrated?

International Solidarity Day is celebrated on 20 December, every year. 

When was the World Solidarity Fund established?

By the General Assembly on 20 December 2002 World Solidarity Fund was established. It was specified as trust in 2003 by the United Nation Development Programme.

Why International Human Solidarity Day is celebrated?

The day focuses on stimulating unity, human and social development. It also aims to raise awareness among the people regarding solidarity.

What is the theme for International Human Solidarity Day 2023?

The theme does not change every year for this day. This year the subject of International Human Solidarity Day is to raise the cognition of Human solidarity which ultimately can ameliorate many social and economical problems.

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