October 25, 2024

New Year 2024: Learn The Right Way of Living for New Year

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Last Updated on 28 December 2023 IST | New Year 2024 | The New Year is celebrated worldwide on January 1. The new year that we celebrate on January 1 is according to the Gregorian calendar. In many countries the celebration of New year begins on December 31 till early hours of January 1. It is the time when people celebrate the start of the year with friends, family, relatives and dear ones and wish each other ‘Happy New Year’. Read this blog completely to know where to find that “happy” new year and the happy life ahead.

Starting the New Year 2024

People try to forget all their sorrows, failures, enmity, job crisis and anything unpleasant that had happened in the past year and start afresh from the eve of New year. Majority of individuals make new resolutions such as quitting any bad habit, starting a habit of reading, controlling excessive weight, traveling more, investments, savings and so on that they aim to fulfill in the new year with a more disciplined approach.

Happy New Year 2024 Celebrations

People around the globe celebrate the new year in different ways as everyone has their own way of celebration. With a fear of another Covid-19’s wave on the doorsteps people will be quite limited with their celebrations still it will take place. However people celebrate new year in the following ways:

  • People like to go out on hill stations, holidays with their friends and family.
  • Some people like to celebrate the duration from christmas to new year together.
  • However some people like to spend these occasions at their home with their families amidst such extreme winters in some parts of the globe.
  • Various parties, concerts are being organized to celebrate it from its eve around 12am. 
  • Schools, colleges and other institutions like to celebrate this day by inspiring students to do good in their studies in the future.

History of New Year

Happy New Year 2024| The Gregorian year, which is in use in most of the countries, begins on January 1 and ends on December 31. People of different religions or cultures celebrate the new year on different dates. Many centuries back in 2000 BC, the Babylonians started celebrating the new year as Akitu (Akitu or Akitum was a spring festival in ancient Mesopotamia). 

The year began after the spring season ended. On the Roman republican calendar,  the year began on March 1st, but after 153 BC, the official date was announced which was January 1 and this was continued in the Julian calendar of 46 BC. 

New Year Panchang History in India

Shukla Pratipada of Chaitra month is called Nav varsh (New year).  It is also the time to start harvesting. The Indian calendar is calculated according to the Sun and Moon.  It is believed that the calendar (Panchang) was started in India during the time of king Vikramaditya. Apart from this, the calculation of 12 months/ a year and 7 days a week is also considered from the Vikram era.

What Is New in this Happy New Year 2024?

Happy New Year 2024 | To enjoy and welcome the New year, People celebrate this day by doing several activities and organizing fun parties with family, friends and relatives. But in actuality a day can be considered as equal as a new year if it is sacrificed or given towards fulfilling the prime motive of this human life which is attaining salvation.

We are entrapped in the cage of Satan (Kaal Brahm) and that’s the reason why we are experiencing hardships in our lives based upon our destinies. Supreme God Kabir cannot give us sorrows. To attain happiness we have to leave this place by attaining salvation and leave for the eternal abode Satlok which is away from all sorrows. For achieving this purpose one needs to find a Tatvdarshi Sant to acquire a complete way of worship and attain salvation.

Start New Life On This New Year 2024

New Year 2024 Special Knowledge: One must take initiation from a True Saint in order to start a new life. In other words, a day is considered to be new year’s day when he/she takes the refuge of a True Saint (Tatvdarshi Sant). Otherwise, life is worthless. Most of the people ignore the only aim of worshiping the Supreme God in human life and are busy following the wrong ways of worship and consuming their life.

Ja din Satguru bhetya, Ta din lekhe Jan।

Baki samay vayrath gya, Bina guru ke Naam।।

It is clear from the above verse that only that day when you take Initiation (Naam Diksha) from True Saint is worthy, and the rest of life without taking Naam is worthless.

Why to Make Resolutions? Let this happy new year 2024 be the change

Happy New Year 2024: Many individuals make resolutions to get rid of bad habits if they have any. Whereas, by taking Naam Diksha (Initiation) from True Saint, there is no need to make resolutions since He (Saint) will provide true devotion and by following which one can get rid of all the ill habits. Those who take initiation from Tatvdarshi Sant can easily leave those bad habits of intoxication, cheating others, depravity etc,. 

■ Read in Hindi: आ गया नया, जानिए कैसे बनाए इस साल को खास!

It is because of the awareness about true spiritual knowledge given by Supreme God Kabir that one gets the knowledge about which activities to adopt and which to give up depending upon the requirement on the path of salvation. As until we get salvation, all the ill habits only give us sin and destroy our virtues thus posing a barrier on to our path of salvation.

How to Get a Happy and Prosperous Year? 

Happy New Year 2024: All the individuals have to suffer according to their previous good and bad deeds. Everyone wishes to lead a peaceful, prosperous and a blissful life. But life is not a bed of roses, all have to confront problems, failures, and several ups and downs in their lives. The major reason behind sufferings is our own ignorance. The account of our previous karmas can only be destroyed if we follow a True Saint and His way of worship. 

■ Also Read: Christmas Day: Who Came Out of the Tomb After the Crucifixion of Jesus?

It is also known to us that nothing can be added or removed from our karmas, we have to suffer those. But the True Saint has the Power that He can change what is written in our destiny. 

Masa ghate na til badhhe, Bidhna likhe jo lekh।

Sacha Satguru metkar, Upar maar de mekh।।

Saint Garib Das Ji Maharaj had also mentioned in His verse that without doing True Worship, one cannot attain salvation. Also, the entire world is trapped in Kaal Brahm’s Lok and have forgotten the way of our real home. There is no trace of peace and comfort here.  

Garib, Ek paapi ek punyi aaya, Ek hai soom dalel re।

Bina bhajan koi kaam na aave, Sab hai jam ki jail re।।

In another verse of Saint Garib das Ji, He mentioned that the Supreme peace and happiness are present only in our Real Home Satlok, where there is no birth, no death, no old age, no sorrows, no disease. There, everything is provided free of cost by God (Kabir Sahib Ji) Who is Immortal. 

Na koi bhikshuk daan de, Na koi haar vyahaar।

Na koi janme mare, Aisa desh Hamaar।।

Jahaan Sankho lehar Mehar ki upje, Kahar nhi jahan koi।

Das Garib achal Avinashi, Sukh ka Sagar soi।।

Who Is the True Saint at Present?

At present Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj from Haryana, India is the True Saint. He is the only one who provides worship mentioned in our scriptures. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only Guru at present who has revealed the hidden secret about Satnam, Saarnaam and Saarshabad (the authentic mantras as given in our Holy Scriptures to attain salvation). No other Guru has mentioned anything about these Mantras. Kabir Sahib ji explained about these mantras in His verses. 

Satguru soi jo Saarnaam Drdaavae। Aur guru koi kaam na aavae।।

 Saarnaam bin Purush (Bhagwan) drohi।।

One Should Worship The Almighty God Kabir on New Year 2024

Happy New Year 2024: This means that a Guru who does not give Saarnaam and Saarshabad, along with his disciples will be put into hell. That Guru is the enemy, a traitor of God. Thus, one should do Bhakti of One Parmeshwar (Kabir Sahib Ji) to attain a blissful life and salvation which is mentioned in Gita ji Adhyay No. 8 Shlok no. 22. It is clear that after taking the Naam Diksha (initiation) any person can definitely lead a quiet, sin-free, fear-free, greed-free and contented life.

Best Gifts for Happy New Year 2024

The Life changing Book “Way of Living” is the best gift for your loved ones. The book is written by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. In this book you will find the best way to live a happy and peaceful life

Earn Wealth and Happiness by Worshiping Supreme God Kabir 

There is no need to wait for a new year to forget about the worries, problems, enmity and so on that one has faced in the previous year. In one of Kabir Sahib ji’s Verse, it is clearly mentioned that that who will take initiation from a True Saint (Sant Rampal Ji) will become wealthy as both Maya and Kaal are God’s (Kabir sahib Ji’s) servant and they will do what The Supreme Power will order to them. 

Kabir, Kaal jo peesae peesna, Jora hai panihaar।

Ye do asal majdoor hain, Mere Satguru ke Darbaar।।

However, one should not waste one’s precious time in waiting for the new year to find a reason to be happy and soon take the refuge of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. It is said that a word to the wise is sufficient and upon realizing the prime goal of this human life one should not wait anymore and should get into the refuge of the only Tatvdarshi Sant who is none other than Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. For more info on this you can also visit Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj youtube channel 

Happy New Year 2024 Quotes and Messages

  • “This New year, promise yourself to perform true worship of God” 
  • “New year means giving yourself a chance to start a life which you deserve as a human by worshiping”
  • “New day, first month and the beginning of a new year. Promise yourself to know God and take His shelter”
  • “New year is giving you a chance to free your soul”
  • “Curious of something in life? Read Way of Living”.
  • “This New Year take the refuge in the creator God by taking Naam initiation from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj”.
  • Let’s make a resolution of taking a step towards spirituality this year, because a step towards spirituality is a step towards success!
  • This New Year do not underestimate the power of choices, because a right choice in the right direction can change your life forever!
  • Safeguard your family from all sorts of evil this year by doing true devotion of God Kabir.

This New year, one should take a pledge to understand the Holy Scriptures, listen to the Discourses and read the Books written by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

New year 2024 FAQ

Question: Is there a leap year in 2024?

Answer: No

Question: What is the day on 1st January 2024?

Answer: Monday

Question: Is January 1st 2024 a bank holiday?

Answer: Yes

Question: Which year is the next leap year?

Answer: 2024

Question: What should we do in this new year 2024?

Answer: Learn the right way of living.

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