March 15, 2025

World Religion Day 2025: Why So Many Faiths For One Universal Creator?

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World Religion Day is an annual occasion observed on the third Sunday in January every year. In the year 2025, World Religion Day falls on January 19th. The event encourages closer bonds of unity, collaboration, and empathetic connectivity amongst the diversity. World Religion Day aims to foster inter-faith understanding and synchronisation. Spiritual leaders from numerous religions globally emphasise the supremacy of their faith, yet none considers humanity above their religious sect except Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

He (Sant Rampal Ji) says “Our Race is Living Being; Mankind is our religion. Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, there is no separate religion”, spreading the principle of unifying people over religious boundaries. Today, the human race is divided by the name of religion by some false priests, sages and religious leaders by fueling misconceptions into the society, earning money out of them. The following video is a compilation of blunders showcased by these fake religious leaders, exposing them bluntly. Let’s read the article further to know more details.

  • World Religion Day is an annual occasion observed on the third Sunday in January every year.
  • This year it falls on January 19th, 2025.
  • It brings better awareness to the shared goals and values combined across all faiths by revealing the unique method of worship.
  • World Religion Day aims to foster inter-faith understanding and synchronisation.
  • Our Race is Living Being; Mankind is our religion. Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, there is no separate religion, says Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
  • In the absence of eternal knowledge, human beings are divided into several religions.

World Religion Day: The whole world is in a state of war with each other. The world population faces unrest, hunger, unemployment, and an ever-increasing threat of pandemic every now and then. Society needs help more than ever for the efforts of all religions to arrive at a common point to bring harmony and peace in the world. On this Day, the representatives from various beliefs and faiths attempt to reach a consensus for living together.

World Religion Day: World Religion Day is an annual occasion to bring better awareness to the shared goals, standards, and values combined across all faith traditions. The event encourages closer bonds of unity, collaboration, and empathetic connectivity amongst the diversity. World Religion Day aims to foster inter-faith understanding and synchronisation. The purpose of World Religion Day observance is to underline the visions that the spiritual principles underlying the world’s religions are harmonious and those beliefs play a significant role in unifying humanity.

World Religion Day: There is no dedicated theme released for World Religion Day 2025 as of now. 

■ Also Read: World Earth Day 2020: Earth Day 50th Anniversary 

World Religion Day: World Religion Day is commemorated on the third Sunday of January every year. It falls on January 19th, 2025, this year.

World Religion Day: In October 1947, Firuz Kazemzadeh spoke for the first time in Portland, Maine, World Peace Through World Religion. In December 1949, the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baháʼís of the United States was standardised across the United States to be held on January 15, 1950. The observance of the day began internationally, starting in two cities in Australia in 1950 and Bolivia in 1951.  Later in 1958, the observance was launched in many countries.

In 1968, the Universal House of Justice, the elected council that serves as the head of the Baháʼí Faith, clarified in a message that the Day works as an observance of the need for the humankind. In April 2002, in a letter to the World’s Religious Leaders, the Universal House of Justice delivered a message: to participate meaningfully in curing the ills that bother hopeless humanity, must now address honestly. 

World Religion Day: Many kinds of events are organised throughout the globe, and devotees of every religion are inspired to share the parallels that diverse faiths may have. Spiritual leaders from across the globe should sit together for a spiritual discussion, aiming to extract a universal eternal path in accordance with the teachings outlined in our sacred texts, fostering inner fulfillment. The best initiative in this regard was taken by Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj in which He invited various spiritual leaders from renowned Hindu mythology in the year 2009 for a spiritual discussion but none of them showed up.

World Religion Day: Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has described and emphasised the importance of humanity as the Supreme Religion in the world. He denies the existence of any other religion over it.

Our Race is Living Being, Mankind is our religion.

Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, there is no separate religion.

Unnecessarily the people do follow several religions due to gross ignorance of true spiritual knowledge. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has disclosed some of the profound realities in His intelligently compiled book Gyan Ganga and Way of Living about the questions revealing the creation of the universe and the reason behind falling humanitarian levels since our inception. This is a pre-planned approach to permanently divert us from achieving our prime goal, salvation by Satanic powers headed by Satan (Kaal Brahm).

  • “Neither the Muslims worship the Sun, nor the Hindus, both worship God by standing facing the east and west”.
  • “When God doesn’t have any religion then how can the devotees have?”~ Saint Rampal Ji
  • “A true religion is one which unites us not the one which divides us”.
  • “A devotee can attain God irrespective of the religion if he is religious according to Kabir Saheb”.
  • “Drink the nectar of eternal knowledge and become immortal irrespective the religion one follows”
  • “Like many rivers on earth we have different religions and languages, but all  these rivers fall in one massive water body Ocean with different names we call GOD ALLAH, PramAksharBhram, Akalpurakh, EL KABIR”.
  • “Our act of dividing ourselves into religions was an act of foolishness because of the lack of True Spiritual Knowledge”.
  • “Religions are not the creation of Supreme God Kabir; it’s being fabricated by the Satan Kaal Brahm in order to mislead us from the identification of the Almighty”.

World Religion Day 2025: Yes, definitely. Religions were made to attain God but today, people have turned it into a source of income. Still some evidence is still there to recognise that the basis of all the religions is to attain salvation by seeking refuge in a Complete Saint.

  • The mantras to salvation encoded similarly in holy Gita ji and holy Quran Sharif. Verse 23 of chapter 17 from holy Gita ji reveals ‘Om-Tat-Sat’ and Surah Furqan 42 ayat 1 reveals ‘Ain-Sin-Qaf’, when decoded both are the same.
  • As per Surat Furkani 25 Ayat 59 of holy Quran Sharif, God Kabir created the universe in six days. Similarly in holy Bible Genesis A. 1:20-2:5, it has been disclosed that God created the universe in six days.
  • Holy Yajurveda chapter 5 mantra 32, holy Rigveda Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 16-20, holy Gita ji chapter 8 verse 3 and 8-10, holy Quran Sharif Surat Furkani 25 Ayat 52, page 721 of holy Guru Granth Sahib ji and at many other places it has been clearly disclosed that Supreme God is Kabir. 
  • It has been mentioned in verse 34 of chapter 4 of holy Gita ji to seek refuge in a Tatvdarshi Sant, likewise it has been mentioned in Surat Furkani 25 Ayat 59 of holy Quran Sharif to take the shelter of a Bakhabar or Illamwala. Both of the terms converge to a Complete Saint.

All the religious translations have mistakenly translated the name of God Kabir as ‘mighty’, and it has given an altogether different meaning to the translation, misguiding people on the path of worship. For instance, instead of saying ‘Barkha is a good girl’, if one uses ‘Rain is a good girl’ (Barkha means Rain), it becomes totally insensible and changes the complete context of the sentence. 

And there are a lot more similarities than these. If this is the reality then what should be the goal of our life in spiritual terms? Let’s explore further.

Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has clarified in His spiritual discourses that the real aim of our human birth is not earning excessive wealth to become rich rather it is the attainment of Salvation by worshipping Supreme God Kabir. Religions across the globe mark the importance of a Guru, Tatvdarshi Sant or Complete Saint (Hinduism), Bakhabar (Muslim) and Satguru (Sikh) are some of the prominent terms given to a Guru in these religions. But amongst so many Gurus today, some common questions also come into the picture, Are all of them giving us the right path? or Is there a unique path to follow? How to know that you are following the correct path?

As per verse 23 & 24 of chapter 16 from holy Gita ji, one should follow the directions of holy scriptures in the state of any dilemma. Consequently, our holy scriptures have given us the methodology to identify the right Guru and opt the path enlightened by Him. As per verse 1-4 of chapter 15 from holy Gita ji, the one who can correctly explain the creation of the universe in relevance with an upside down tree with all its parts and the roots, is a Tatvdarshi Sant (Complete Saint). Bakhabar and Satguru are other names given to a Tatvdarshi Sant in other religions. 

Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only one enlightening this path to attain eternal peace and salvation. He has successfully decoded the creation of the universe, clarifying the mysterious reality for all spiritual seekers. Therefore, in order to attain ultimate peace and salvation seek refuge under Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.

Therefore, all our holy scriptures converge to a single point, embracing the divine reality about our existence and the identity of the Almighty. Together holy scriptures have revealed that Supreme God is Kabir, one should seek refuge in Him through His Complete Saint for attaining ultimate peace, inner fulfillment and salvation, Who is currently Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. He is the only one Who is uplifting people beyond religious differences. In order to know more about His groundbreaking true spiritual knowledge visit His website 

Question: What are the six main religions?

Answer: Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism, but these are man-made religions. The religion of humanity is above all other religions.

Question: Which is the oldest religion?

Answer: Satya Sanatan Panth

Question: Which religion is the most powerful?

Answer: Humanity 

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