March 26, 2025

Know the True Story About the Origin of Tobacco on World No Tobacco Day 2024

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Last Updated on 26 May 2024 IST | Today we are going to share information about the world no tobacco day, like what is the history of the world no tobacco day? The theme for World No Tobacco Day 2024 is centered around the protection of youth from misleading campaigns and promotions by the tobacco industry that specifically views youth as its target group. This article will also track the origin of tobacco, besides covering various aspects about the ill-effects of tobacco consumption, leading our readers to understand the most effective way of getting rid of this vice.

The World No Tobacco Day- History & Introduction

WHO member states started World No Tobacco Day to bring attention to the damage tobacco can do to individuals and society at large. Initially, the aim was to help tobacco users to abstain from tobacco for at least 24 hours. In 1988, the World Health Assembly declared 31st May as World No Tobacco Day. Since then we have been celebrating it and World No Tobacco Day 2024 will be observed on 31st May this year. Every year, a new theme is adopted to cover varied aspects of tobacco consumption. 

World No Tobacco Day 2024 Theme

World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) will be observed on May 31, 2024, by public health champions and WHO worldwide. The theme for this year is “Protecting children from tobacco industry influence”, as stated on the official website of the WHO. The global campaign 2024 aims to raise awareness about the manipulative strategies of the tobacco industry to target youth. The WHO aims to educate not only the vulnerable youth, but also the authoritative policy-makers and bodies that advocate tobacco control. With the aim of seeking government cooperation in the reformulation of policies related to tobacco sales, the WHO will roll out its “Stop the lies” campaign on the World No Tobacco Day 2024.

Negative Impact of Tobacco

  • Every year 600,000,000 Trees chopped down to make cigarettes
  • Every year 84,000,000 Tonnes of CO2 is released into the air raising global temperatures
  • Each year 22,000,000,000 Liters of water is used to make cigarettes
  • 4.5 trillion cigarette butts pollute the environment every year
  • Tobacco kills over 8 million people each year, out of which 1.3 million are passive smokers.
  • World No Tobacco Day Walk Event 2024: One of these events is at Central Sports Club on 1st July at 8am. It is a 5km walk where people are urged to participate and raise their voice against tobacco use as it is ruining our youth. 
  • ‘Stop the Lies’ campaign has been launched by the WHO to expose the truth behind the tobacco industry. This is supported by evidence from “The Global Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2023” published by STOP and Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control. 
  • People carry out rallies around the globe with anti tobacco day posters and anti tobacco day drawings in hand to show their protest against selling and use of tobacco which is harmful for the society. 
  • Short video reels via the Global Media Competition are invited from around the globe under the approach ‘for youth by youth’. The reels aim at exposing the tobacco industry and their tactics in ruining our youth. Entries are invited from people of 35 years and under. The cash prize for the winner is USD 15000. Submission of entries is from 1st May to 30th June, 2024. Winners shall be announced in August 2024.
  • Awards were distributed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to the people who have made outstanding contributions in the world for Tobacco Control.
  • WHO has published the data of how tobacco industry is harming our society under the name ‘Hooking the Next Generation: How Tobacco Industry Captures Young Customers’ with 21 pages in it for the people to know the truth. (Reference Number: ISBN: 978-92-4-009464-2).
  • A publication has been published by the WHO team under the title ‘Restricting Digital Marketing in the context of tobacco, alcohol, food and beverages, and breast milk substitutes’ with 101 pages. (Reference Number: ISBN: 9789240077249)
  • People can post under the hashtag #TobaccoExposed to post the updates regarding the observance on social media as well.

Origin of Tobacco | What Is Tobacco Made of?

Has tobacco started growing all of a sudden? The answer is NO.

There is a story behind the origin of tobacco!

According to the scriptures, a sage and a king were brothers-in-law. One day the king’s queen invited her sister, the sage’s wife, to her palace for a meal. When the sage’s wife asked her husband to accompany her, he refused saying that one should not be in friendship with Saadhu (husband of wife’s sister) as their main motive is to insult us. But the sage’s wife did not agree. The sage, his wife, and their family went as the king’s guests. After having food, the sage’s wife also invited the king and the queen to their home.

■ Read in Hindi | World No Tobacco Day in Hindi

On the scheduled day, the king along with his family and thousands of soldiers arrived at his brother-in-law sage’s hut. The sage requested heaven’s King, Indra for Kamdhenu cow (a cow that fulfills all desires; in her presence, one gets any kind of food by just wishing for it) in return for his virtuous deeds. The Kamdhenu cow was given to the sage.

Kamdhenu Cow did the Miracles

The sage family sang the praise of the cow mother and expressed their wish. Immediately different types of food in large silver dishes, baskets, and wokes came from heaven and started being placed inside the tent. The sage family served the king, his family, and his whole army with the best of the foods.

  • The king was astonished to see that and felt extremely embarrassed as the food he served to the sage family was nothing in front of this feast.
  • He considered it his insult and started burning in the fire of jealousy. He went into his tent, called the sage, and asked him the secret of such a huge feast without any preparation in sight.

The sage told him, “In return of my virtuous deeds and bhakti, I have borrowed a cow from heaven. It is a specialty of that cow that it instantly provides as much food as we want.” 

“Sage! Give this cow to me.” The sage said, “King! I have borrowed this cow mother from heaven. I am not her master. I cannot give her to you.” The king ordered his soldiers to snatch the cow and return to the palace. Seeing the bad intention of his brother-in-law the sage said to the Kamdhenu, “Cow Mother! You may please quickly return to your master, King of heaven Indra.” Immediately, Kamdhenu, tearing through the tent, flew straight up.

The king shot an arrow at the cow’s feet to make her fall down. The cow’s foot started bleeding, and the blood started dropping on earth. The cow went to heaven in an injured state. Wherever cow’s blood dropped, tobacco grew there. Then from its seeds, numerous plants grew up.

World No Tobacco Day 2024 Quotes

Sant Garibdas ji has stated in his sacred speech: –

Bhang tamakhu peevte, chismyon naali tamaam| 

Sahib teri Sahibi, jaane kahan gulaam ||

Khoo naam khoon ka Tamaa naam gay|

Sau baar saugandh isko na peeye-khaay||”

Meaning:– In the Persian language, a cow is called “Tamaa”. Blood is called “Khoo”. Sant Gareeb das ji had said that Tobacco originated from the blood of a cow. I am telling you a hundredth time not to consume it.

  • The sin of consumption of tobacco is equivalent to drinking the blood of a cow.
  • Tobacco/intoxication blocks our way to attain God.
  • Intoxication is not for human beings. It turns a human being into a devil.

Sant Garib Das Ji Maharaj Vani (Quotes) on Tobacco

  • “To save life say no to tobacco”
  • “One can buy tobacco in any form but not life again”
  • “Don’t let tobacco destroy you, Start from destroying tobacco”

Drug-free World by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

Everyone knows that tobacco is injurious to health and every year millions of people lose their lives due to its consumption. But few people know that tobacco and other intoxicants are also injurious to our spiritual health. Governments of all countries have started various rehabilitation centers to eradicate all types of addictions, and almost every individual tries to be free from addiction but doesn’t succeed. Then, what is the way to be free from addictions?

■ Also Read | Intoxication Free World by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

As we studied all aspects and ways of quitting addictions, we have witnessed an altogether different society originating in India which not only quit tobacco but all sorts of drugs and intoxication. This pure society is being formed by the famous Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. It’s only through the spiritual knowledge given by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj that one gets to know how precious human life is and how intoxication blocks our way to attain God in this lifetime.

Followers of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj are Free From all Addictions

Those who listen to the Spiritual Knowledge given by Saint Rampal Ji and get initiation from Him never ever touch any intoxicant again. His followers are not only free from all addictions but also from all diseases and lead very simple and spiritual lives. This is made possible with the power of true worship which is revealed to us by true spiritual leader Saint Rampal Ji. Kindly download Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj App and learn Eternal Knowledge.

That’s why we urge you to listen to the Satsang of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj on Sadhna Tv at 7:30 pm daily. You can also be free from addictions and find true peace through spirituality. If you wish to take Naam Initiation from Jagatguru Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, kindly fill the Online Naam Diksha (Naam Initiation) Form.

  • “To save life say no to tobacco”
  • “One can buy tobacco in any form but not life again”
  • “Don’t let tobacco destroy you, Start from destroying tobacco”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about World No Tobacco Day 2024

What is the theme of No tobacco Day 2024?

“Protecting children from tobacco industry influence” 

When is World No Tobacco Day declared?

31 May is World No Tobacco Day

When was World No Tobacco Day declared?

In 1987, the World Health Assembly passed Resolution to mark 31 May as World No Tobacco Day

Who declared No tobacco Day?

The World Health Organization (WHO)’s Member States created World No Tobacco Day in 1987 with the aim of ending the global tobacco crisis and the diseases and deaths caused by the epidemic. For this the World Health Assembly passed a Resolution.

What is the purpose of World No Tobacco Day?

WHO announced the 2024 global campaign for World No Tobacco Day – “Stop the lies”. The aim is to raise awareness about the manipulative practices of the tobacco industry that targets vulnerable groups, specifically the youth. 

Which country is first in smoking?


Why is tobacco day celebrated?

WNTD is celebrated to raise awareness about the harmfulness of Tobacco.

Which country has banned smoking?

Ireland put a ban on indoor smoking in workplaces on 29th March 2004. Whereas Bhutan is the only country which has banned tobacco production and sale. However, there is no restriction on smoking in public places in Bhutan. There is no country that has completely banned tobacco.

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