March 31, 2025

Valentine Day 2025 Best Gift Idea: True Worship Is the True Love of God

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Last Updated on 13 February 2025 IST: Valentine’s Day is a symbol of love and care. However, it is dedicated to couples but the purest form of love exists way beyond. This article will explain you about valentine’s day as well as sheds light on the changing definition of love, explaining you how to practice the purest form of love and while suggesting Best Valentine Day Gift Ideas for 2025.

What Is Valentine Day? 

Valentine’s Day is the day observed by most couples to acknowledge their relationship. Although some couples don’t wait for this day and observe their relationship on the day they want. This day is most common in youths, especially people below the age of 18. However, this day has no vital significance, and is hyped to generate business out of it, thereby youth wasting time and money on it. 

When Is Valentine Day Celebrated? 

Valentine day 2025: Annually by default this day is celebrated on 14th February and has no other relevant significance. This day took his name from the name of Saint Valentine and was earlier renowned as Saint Valentine’s day.

Best Valentine Day Gift Ideas for 2025: However, there are many ways in which people can observe this day. Some people like to celebrate in their own ways. Some of the most common things are mentioned below:-

  • People tend to exchange Valentine’s Day gifts with each other. However, giving blessings is just like puncturing your own tire to fill someone else’s. And it is prohibited spiritually.
  • Some people like to celebrate the whole valentine week with their partner. These days are another way of introducing western culture into our society which in turn degrades our youth and their careers and thus negatively affects our nation negatively. 
  • Some couples would like to party together. However, partying involves various unethical practices like intoxication, gambling, and many others, which degrades our youth. Hence, one should not practice it.

Valentine Day Gift: Why Is Valentine’s Day Celebrated? 

Valentine day 2025: Although Valentine’s day is observed by partners to acknowledge love for each other, it seems that people tend to change their valentine partner with each passing valentines day which makes it further worse. What valentine day meant was to choose our partners for a long term relationship. But nowadays people have taken love for granted and have forgotten the value of love. With each passing valentines day, people have started to be more and more selfish with their partners by being into the relationship for some purpose. Hence love seems to be on the verge of extinction.

Changing Definition of Love- A Curse for the Society

Today, relationships have transformed into a commodity which is usually considered useless after spending some time with it. And the desire for a promising long term relationship has almost faded. People are adopting materialism and giving up realistic emotional love and bonding. Now, people have turned themselves into artificial artifacts with no emotions at all. Earlier, Valentine’s day was an observance for choosing your life partner for marriage but the meaning has changed drastically over the period of years and is degrading the youth. 

Best Valentine Day Gift Ideas for 2025: People especially youth in the present time are following the type of culture in which they believe in making temporary relationships(for a short duration) without getting married(or without thinking of getting married) for fulfilling their lust. This sort of practice is a big sign of immatuarity as it involves wastage of time and money and thus is a curse for the society and upcoming generations. It also poses problems for the parents of the people involved. Teenagers have started to argue with their elder ones on inappropriate issues regarding their false demands for money, they stop respecting their parents and in this way people have started to become more and more greedy.

■ Also Read: Is Valentine’s Day Destroying Indian Culture? 

While moving forward with the technology we don’t realize that it has side effects too that are degrading our youth. The influence has came from the western culture brought to us by the film industry (bollywood industry) and same is being followed blindly by the common people especially youth which is degrading our values. The worse part is that it’s not limited upto this, it is also promoting vulgarity, party culture, drug consumption and sexual abuse. Saint Garibdas ji says in His God given sacred speech tells that:-

Garib, So naari jaari karae, Sura paan sau baar |

Ek chilam hukka bharae, Dubae kaali dhaar ||

It is a basic common thing – what people (especially teenagers) will see around, they will learn the same. Unfortunately, almost every other movie/web series is degrading our mentality by promoting these immoral ethics. We need to develop our society for the good and for that we need a change to stop it. 

Valentine Day Gift: What Can Be Done for the Change? 

Undoubtedly, there is a need to change and thus arises the need to find solutions. Obviously history is with us, spirituality always has an upper hand over any sort of hardship (physical, financial or mental) and is the solution to change the society’s point of view. And in context of this, scripture based true spiritual knowledge or Tatvgyan can be the alternative for overcoming any sort of materialism. Even our holy scriptures suggest that we should follow them in case of dilemma or hardship. This is the Best Valentine Day Gift Idea for 2025.

Holy Geeta ji chapter 16 verse 24 :-

Tasmaat, shaastrm, prmaanm, te, kaaryaakaaryavyavasthitau,

Gyaatva, shaastrvidhaanoktam, karm, kartum, ih, arhasi ||24||

Translation:- Therefore, in the state of what should be done and what should not be done, Scripture is the only evidence for you. Knowing this, only those acts should be performed, which are in accordance with the ordinances of the scriptures.

Hence what needs to be done should be from our Holy Scriptures. It may be a new term for quite a few people just because it wasn’t told to us till now. Uptill now, these ignorant priests and sages were just making a source of income out of their innocent devotees. Saint Garibdas ji (from Haryana) says in His God given sacred speech:-

Garib, Aisa Nirmal Naam Hai, Nirmal kare sharir |

Aur gyaan mandlik hai, Chakwe Gyan Kabir ||

After going through the true spiritual knowledge one comes across about the reality of death, none of your accumulated money will go with you but the sins that are accumulated while accumulating that false wealth (for example while taking bribes) will surely go with us, posing difficulties afterwards. And, this is the real meaning of knowing what is good and what is bad for us. Therefore, awareness about the scripture-based true spiritual knowledge can help us differentiate between the right and the wrong.

Valentine Day Gift: What Do Our Holy Scriptures Suggest Us to Do? 

Since we are educated, our holy scriptures have become easy for us to understand. And thus, we can easily get the gist out of them easily. Our all holy scriptures suggest us to do the following, for attaining any sort of benefit from this human life:

Worship the Almighty Supreme God: The main aim of our human life is the attainment of God and in the path of attaining God, our all hardships automatically get washed out. Even holy scriptures suggest us to go in the refuge of that Almighty:-

Holy Geeta ji chapter 18 verse 62 :-

Tam′, ev, sharnam′, gachchh, sarvbhaaven, Bharat,

Tatprsaadaat′, paraam′, shaantim′, sthanm′, prapsyasi, shaashvatam′ ||

Translation:- Oh Bharat! you, in every respect, go in the refuge of only that Supreme God. By the grace of only that God, you will attain supreme peace and the ever-lasting (Sat) Place/abode (Lok).

Kabir Saheb says:-

Manush janam paye kar jo nahi rate Hari Naam |

Jaise kuua jal bina fir banwaya kya kaam ||

Seek refuge in a Tatvdarshi Sant: Supreme God’s attainment is only possible through His true representative who will give the true devotion as per Holy Scriptures. Upon reciting those divine mantras, your life can become full of joy and happiness.

Holy Geeta ji chapter 4 verse 34

Tat’, viddhi, prnipaaten, pariprshnen, sevya,

Updekshyanti, te, gyanm’, gyaninH, tattavdarshinH ||

Translation: Understand it. By properly prostrating before Those saints who know the true knowledge and solution of the Supreme God, by serving Them, and by giving up deceit, asking questions with simplicity, They, who know the Supreme God in essence i.e. Truly Enlightened Saint, will instruct you in that Tatvagyan/True spiritual knowledge. 

Tatvadarshi Saint will give recitation of mantras in accordance with:-

Holy Geeta chapter 17 verse 23:

Om Tat′, Sat′, iti nirdeshH, BrhmnH, trividhH, smritH,

BrahmnaH, ten, vedaH, ch, yagyaH, ch, vihitaH, pura ||

Translation:- ॐ/Om mantra of Brahm, Tat – this is coded mantra of ParBrahm, Sat – this is coded mantra of Purna Brahm. In this way, there is direction of rememberance of three types of mantras of Purna Parmatma, and in the beginning of nature, based on that very Tatvgyan, the scholars created Vedas and yagya etc. They used to worship according to that. 

Hence we should first recognize Who is that Almighty and then search for His Tatvadarshi Saint. 

Kabir Saheb or Lord Kabir is the Supreme Invincible Indestructible Power Who came in the city of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh approximately 627 years ago. He performed a divine role being an ordinary weaver but He has revealed through His knowledge and acts that He is the Supreme God in reality. By coming into this world of hardships from His eternal place Satyalok, He reveals the actual spiritual knowledge(His True Identity) and exposes the false religious leaders, thus easing our path of salvation to return to our eternal abode Satyalok. Saint Garibdas ji (from Haryana) has stated in His divine verses:

Garib, Yoh hai panth Kabir ka, Satyalok ku sael |

Anant koti kul panth hai, Koi na pave gael ||

Only the sect initiated by Supreme God Kabir through His Truly Enlightened Saint can help us attain happiness and salvation. Even with enormous wealth you cannot live peacefully, it is only by practicing the right spiritual wisdom, one can attain peace. We have our history books with us, Shri Nanak Dev ji, Shri Dadu Saheb ji, Shri Maluk Dass ji, and many others have attained God by practicing the right spiritual path by seeking refuge in a Tatvdarshi Sant.

Kabir Saheb is the Everlasting Power mentioned in every Holy Scripture. Proofs are:-

  • In Holy Geeta ji’s chapter 2:17, 7:29, 8:1, 8:3, 8:8-10, 8:21-22 15:4, 15:17, 18:62,64,66 Supreme God Kabir is clearly mentioned with the name as Param Akshar Purush and Kavir Dev.
  • And in Holy RigVeda, Mandal no 9: Sukt 20 Mantra 1, Sukt 82 Mantra 1-2, Sukt 86 Mantra 26-27, Sukt 94 Mantra 1, Sukt 96 Mantra 16-20 and in Holy YajurVeda in Chapter 29 Verse 25 and in various other verses, Lord Kabir is mentioned as Kavir Dev.
  • In Holy Quran Sharif Surat Furqani 25 Aayat 52 to Aayat 58, it is clearly written that a devotee should not agree to what kaffir(people with wrong intentions) says, and should trust and worship that Supreme God Kabir who has created the entire universe in 6 days and is pretty much aware about all your hardships. 

In Holy Guru Granth Saheb page no 721 in his sacred speech, Mehla 1, Shri Nanak ji has stated that –

“Hakka Kabir kareem tu, Beaeb Parvardigaar |

Nanak bugoyad janu tura, Tere chaakraan paakhaak ||” 

There are proofs in Holy Bible about the Supreme God Kabir and its Constitution:-

Iyov 36:5 – Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

See, El is Kabir, and despiseth, not any; He is Kabir in ko’ach lev (strength of understanding).


Translation: Supreme God is Kabir, but despises no one. He is Kabir, and firm in his purpose.  Therefore all the religions converge to a single point that Kabir Saheb is the Supreme Power and is above all. And one for attaining any sort of happiness should go in refuge of that Supreme Power. 

Best Gift Idea for Valentine Day 2025

Best Valentine Day Gift Ideas for 2025: On valentine Day, couples exchange gifts. This valentine gives your partner something very special so that the day becomes unforgettable for him or her. ‘Jeene ki Raah (Way of Living)’ is one such book that can change the life of a reader forever. By this book not only the life but also the after life of the reader becomes full of happiness.

Who Can Help Us Attain Supreme God Kabir? 

Currently, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only Truly Enlightened Saint present on this planet earth Who is providing us with True Devotion as per our holy scriptures. He is the only one successful in explaining the meaning of Holy Geeta ji chapter 15 verse 1-4 in context with creation of the universe. And thus stands tall on the identification of a Truly Enlightened Saint (Tatvdarshi Sant) as told in Holy Geeta ji chapter 4:34. Saint Garibdas ji (from Haryana) says:-

Garib, Piche piche Hari phire, Agge Sant sujan |

Sant kare soi sach hai, Chyari jug parvaan ||

In relevance of improving society’s condition, He has been successfully demonstrating through His spiritual discourses and disciples that He has successfully laid the foundation of a clean, honest, simple, dowry free and a drug free society from years and is currently expanding it around the globe so that a good society can be formed. 

Best Valentine Day Gift Ideas for 2025: Upon examining such proofs from our Holy Scriptures and observing the change led by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj one should not get late in taking Naam Diksha (Initiation) from Him as currently He is the only one on the entire planet from whom we can expect benefits and thus can achieve salvation.

Valentine Day 2025 Spiritual Quotes

  • Let us demand gifts of salvation from Supreme God Kabir.
  • On this valentine day 2025 let us take a pledge to give up intoxication, and party culture.
  • Let Supreme God Kabir be our valentine for the rest of our lives.
  • The search of true love can finally end by going to Satyalok by worshipping God Kabir and becoming immortal.
  • On this valentine day, let us identify this world which belongs to Satan (kaal brahm), where everything is perishable and true love is hard to come by.
Question: What is 7 Feb to 14 Feb?

Answer: It is commonly called Valentine’s week. However, it holds no vital significance.

Question: What to do for Valentine’s Day 2025?

Answer: Make yourself aware about the never ending love and bond between a soul and Supreme God Kabir.

Question: What are the 7 days of Valentine’s week?

Answer: The seven days are to observe the affection by couples. However, these hold no significance at all.

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