March 15, 2025

The Judiciary’s Injustice – Adversity Of The Country.

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Today, Everbody knows that the Judiciary which is the most important pillar of our Country has been creaked. A handful of corrupt people have made their inroads into all the pillars of India’s Democracy whether it is the Legislative or the Executive or Media.

God comes himself on Earth in the form of a True Saint to give authentic spiritual knowledge from all Holy books, to give true devotion & complete salvation to improve everyone, whether it is a leader or a Dharma Guru or Judiciary.

Karauntha Kand (2006)

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj was giving true spiritual knowledge from all Holy books of all religions. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj showed the truth & facts of book Satyarth Prakash of Swami Dayanand Saraswati in print & Electronic Media that this book in not according to the Vedas. Arya Samaji Preachers were scared of this truth because they were just running their businesses to sale this book.
As a result Karauntha Ashram in Rohtak was attacked by Arya Samaji Goons with the help of Haryana police sent by Haryana Arya Samaji CM Bhupinder Singh Hooda, to kill Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj but when they failed to do that, lodged false cases of murder, property fraud case, Road Jam Case & other baseless cases on Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj & his followers in 2006. Haryana Government put innocent Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj in Jail for approximately two years & sealed Karauntha Ashram. Media also helped CM Hooda to impair image of the Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj in the Society. Corrupt Judges did not dismiss false cases till many years to get benefits from Haryana CM Hooda & did Injustice to Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj & his followers. Some judges demanded bribe to dismiss the cases.
Their names are :-

Session Judge Sh. S K Sardana (Rohtak Court, Haryana)

Session Judge Sh. S S Lamba (Rohtak Court)

Session Judge Sh. Indrajeet Mehta (Rohtak Court)

Ad. Session Judge Shri R C Godara (Rohtak Court)

Judge Shri Nawab Singh (Punjab & Haryana High Court)

Judge Sh. Suryakant (Punjab & Haryana High Court)

Judge Savita Kumari JMIC Rohtak

Judge Ashwani Kumar CJM Rohtak

Judge Shrimati Harsali Chaudhary (Rohtak Court)

Judge Sh. Ashu कुमार Jain (Rohtak Court)

In 2014 a Judge Shri Sushil Gupta (Session Court Rohtak) also demanded bribe of 30 lakhs to dismiss the false cases.

Barwala Kand Massacre 2014

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj & his followers gave complaints of these corrupt judges to their senior authorities & upper courts but no action was taken against them. At last three booklets were written by the followers of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj which have complete story of injustice by corrupt judges with real facts & proofs. The booklets are :-

Nyayalya Ki Girti Garima

Sach Banam Jhuth

Bhrasht Judge Ku-marg Per

These booklets were distributed in all lower & upper courts of India & sent to all distinguished leaders, Judges, MP’s & MLA’s. Corrupt judges panicked & made a false case of Contempt of Court on Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj & some followers.

These tyrants planned a conspiracy & sent 40,000 police force to arrest a sick Saint & attacked on 18th November 2014 while Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj was on complete bed rest) till 19th November 2014. The followers were picketing peacefully outside the Barwala Ashram wearing black bands on head & black T-shirts. Media also helped the Government & Judiciary & spread wrong propaganda in news showing the innocent followers as Black Cat Commandos, Private Army. Police attacked innocent ladies, kids & other followers were brutally beaten using Rocket Launchers, ruthless Lathicharge, plastic bullets, outdated Gas shells & cold polluted water. Police intentionally killed 5 ladies and a child & injured thousands of innocents. On 19th November 2014, Sant Rampal ji Maharaj surrendered because he was on bed rest till 19th. But our Government wanted to supress our voice & registered false cases FIR No. 428, 429, 430 & other baseless cases on innocent Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj & approx. 1000 followers.

The citizens of the India know very well that Government is doing wrong with Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj who has devoted his life for the welfare of humanity.
Now, Saint Rampal ji Maharaj has been acquitted in following false cases.

1) Provoking Religious
2) Narbali (Human
3) Property fraud.
4) Obstructing
government officials
from doing their duty.
5) Making mortgages.

When these corrupt Judges & Haryana Govt. found that Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is getting acquitted in almost all the cases. On 11th October 2018, corrupt Judge Deshraj Chaliya (Hisar Court) gave masterful decision (due to the pressure of Govt.) in FIR No. 429 & 430 that Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj had murdered their followers while complainants are saying that we did not file any case against Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj & police had brutally murdered our relatives.
Even Postmortem reports reveal that the cause of death of Rajni was pneumonia.
The extreme extent occurred when this bloodthirsty judge Chaliya gave written complaint to his senior Judge that the we must run cases on complainants whose relatives were murdered by haryana Police because they told the truth in media that the judge did injustice.

We have some questions for the PUBLIC of India.

Most of the judges have their brokers in courts then Why we say them the Lord of Justice?

The Judges of Supreme Courts & High Courts belong to only 106 families. Why?

Is it a sin or a crime to say the truth in our country? Don’t you feel afraid of a black coat?

If we are sufferers today. Aren’t you next?
What are we giving to our future generations? Slavery or Freedom

Saint Rampal ji Maharaj has come on this Earth to give true direction to the world & started his mission from our country India. We also appeal for help from honest Judges, Leaders & Administrative Officers in this great mission so that India can become World Leader.

For more information, must read book
Sarasar Anyay

Download Sarasar Anyay Book  

You can also download all books from website

Spiritual Leader

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