Plus Two Results 2021 Latest News Update: Considering the future of class 12th students as the top most priority, Kerala plus two results were declared at 3pm on Wednesday. Kerala students can check the plus two results at, and Saphalam app. In the run of making careers and trying to become rich, we have completely forgotten the prime goal of this human birth for which it is given. Let us read about it and know how we can achieve it.
Kerala Plus Two Results 2021: Key Points
- Plus two results for DHSE and VHSE were announced on 28th July 2021 at 3pm by the Education Minister himself. However, the link to view the result was to work from 4pm.
- There has been a passing percentage of 87.94 throughout the state.
- Results are available on the official website of the government and the related smartphone applications.
- 136 schools throughout the state have achieved cent percent results.
- For the students who aren’t able to clear the exams, the government has started with the compartmental system of reappearing in the exams which are called improvement exams (SAY/IMP exams).
- But we still remain deprived of achieving the prime goal of this human life which is the attainment of salvation by worshipping the Supreme God Kabir.
- Sat Bhakti is the only helping hand in achieving the prime goal of this birth.
Kerala Plus Two Results 2021: The Latest Updates
Plus Two Results 2021 for the state of Kerala has been declared by the Department of Higher Secondary Education (DHSE) on Wednesday. Plus Two Results 2021 was announced at a press meet by General Education Minister V Sivankutty at 3pm on Wednesday conducted by the Board. Along with the Plus Two Results 2021, Vocational Higher Secondary Education (VHSE) Results 2021 were also announced at the same time. Results of both the exams are available on the following portals and smartphone applications:
- Results are also available on the smartphone applications which are iExaMS, PRD Live, Saphalam 2021.
The state conducted their plus two board examinations from April 8 to April 26, 2021 (which were scheduled to be in March) amidst the pandemic, obeying all the guidelines of the Education Ministry and Ministry of Home Affairs. A total of 4,46,471 students appeared for the board examinations. However, the evaluation of the results started from June 2 only after completing the vaccination drive for all the concerned teachers and staff.
Kerala is one of those states who conducted their plus two board examinations physically this year. Along with it, Bihar is yet another state to have conducted the plus two board examinations before the pandemic. While for others the results are being evaluated with special criteria.
Kerala Plus Two Results 2021: Statistics Revealed
Plus Two Results 2021 announced, let us look at some of the statistics in relationship with the results announced. Statistics are given below:
- Total students who appeared for the plus two examinations were 4,47,461. Out of which 4,46,471 appeared in the regular mode while the remaining 990 students appeared in the private mode. The number of females appearing were more in number than the males candidates. The female candidates were 2,15,660 in total while the male candidates were 2,06,566.
- Plus Two Results 2021 have been declared by the DHSE for all the streams. Science stream has the highest pass percentage of 90.52 followed by Arts (89.33) followed by Commerce (89.13) and then Humanities (80.04).
- In Kerala Plus Two Results 2021, 3,28,702 students were marked as qualified or passed out of 4,46,471 for higher education. Hence the overall pass percentage is 87.94%.
- The state has failed to reach the pass percentage mark of 90 percent since 2017. Although the pass percentage this year is higher than that of the previous 4 years. The number of pass percentage is given below:
- The number of pass percentage is given below:
- Kerala plus two result 2020 – 85.13%
- Kerala plus two result 2020 – 85.13%
- Kerala plus two result 2019 – 84.33%
- Kerala plus two result 2018 – 86.54%
- Kerala plus two result 2017 – 83.37%
- Kerala plus two result 2016 – 96.75%
- Kerala plus two result 2015 – 95.47%
- 136 schools in the state have come out with 100 percent results which means none of the students have failed in the plus two results in 2021. This includes 11 government schools as well.
- Ernakulam district of Kerala topped the plus two results with the maximum pass percentage of 91.11 percent followed by Pathanamthitta district having 82.53 percent.
- However, most A+ grades are being obtained by Malappuram district in the state for plus two results in 2021.
Kerala Plus Two Results 2021: How to Check Results?
Kerala plus two results 2021 has been announced and you can check it from a number of websites,,,,, Some of the ways are mentioned below:
- Students can get results from the website mentioned above. Steps to be followed to obtain result from are given:
- Visit the website, on the home page click on Kerala Plus Two result link.
- Enter the roll number and registration number.
- After entering the details, the result will be displayed on your screen
- Check the result if marks/grades are allotted to every subject or not. If it is ok, save the attachment.
- Take the print out of the result and save the soft copy for future needs.
- Plus two results 2021 can be obtained from smartphone applications iExaMS, PRD Live, Saphalam 2021 very easily by entering the required credentials mentioned on the admit card of the candidate. These apps are available free of cost at the Android play store.
- IExaMS-DHSE-Kerala is an initiative by the Kerala Government so as to help students get their results on time so that they can look forward to their careers.
- Students can also avail the facility of SMS to view the plus two results 2021. For this they just need to type KERALA12, add a space and then type the registration number and send the SMS to 56263. The result will be sent to the phone via SMS.
Kerala Plus Two Results 2021: Grades Criteria
Before checking the plus two results 2021, let us know about the grades which are the criteria for evaluation of marks. The grades and the range of marks allotted to each grade are mentioned below, you can check and match yours:
- 90 to 100 marks = A+ grade
- 89 to 80 marks = A grade
- 79 to 70 marks = B+ grade
- 69 to 60 marks = B grade
- 59 to 50 marks = C grade
- 49 to 40 marks = D+ grade
- 35 to 30 marks = D grade
Kerala Plus Two Results 2021: SAY/IMP Exams
Candidates who have appeared for the plus two examinations and have failed to score the minimum passing marks of 33 percent in any of the subjects have still the option to appear for the compartmental exams to be conducted in the month of August as per the Board. It means those who have scored Grade D and below have to sit for these exams. These exams are called SaveAYear(SAY) or IMP Improvement Exams which are a second chance for the students to save their one year.
■ Also Read: CBSE Class 10 Results: Know The Latest Updates
The Education Minister has announced that the exams will be conducted from 11th August, 2021. And, he urged the students to check the website for registration and date sheet purposes.
Prime Goal of This Human Birth
We have a human life that is different and far more superior than any other species around. If we talk about the preciousness of this human birth, it is given to a soul once after getting through the life of 84 lakh species of animals. And, it is given so that we make sure that we end our hassle of birth and death into different kinds of species and make our human life successful by attaining salvation and worshipping Supreme God Kabir.
Therefore, the results of attaining salvation is expected from a human life so as to end the agony of birth into 84 lakh species of animals. Kabir Saheb says:
Manush janam paye kar jo nahi rate Hari Naam |
Jaise kuua jal bina fir banwaya kya kaam ||
We are failing to realise that we are entrapped here in the complex web of pleasures and problems given to us by Satan (Kaal Brahm). It may seem to be hypothetical because it has been made to look so by the creator of this trap Satan (Kaal Brahm) himself but in reality we are entrapped. Every holy scripture of every religion suggests Sat Bhakti of the only Almighty God Kabir but still out of our grave ignorance or lack of Tatvgyan we are divided and performing different practices of attaining God as we have been entangled into useless things and kept away from the prime goal of this human life.
Sat Bhakti Can Help Us Out
In order to escape this trap and take refuge under the Almighty God Kabir once again in Satlok, the only way out possible is by performing Sat Bhakti by taking Naam Diksha (Initiation) from His Complete Saint who is none other than Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj on this planet Earth ―as He is preaching about One God and giving us the scripture based worship of the Supreme God Kabir. He says in His slogan:
Our Race is Living Being, Mankind is our religion,
Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, There is no separate religion ||
The worship given by Him will not only provide you salvation but will give you all the necessary comforts here also. Because in this brutal and cruel world of Satan Kaal Brahm, where everything is uncertain and nothing is yours, not even your body, it is necessary for a pious soul to understand the spiritual knowledge given by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj and understand the path enlightened by Him for attaining salvation.