October 25, 2024

Injustice by Haryana Police and Government at its height.

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This article shows the grave injustice done to Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji and his disciples in case 429 and 430 for murder and criminal conspiracy. The Hisar court in Haryana has held Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji guilty under both the cases on October 11, 2018.

Let us have a look at the cases filed against Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji.

Disciples of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji have been asking for CBI investigation of the case regarding Karontha Ashram since 2006. However, the Judiciary and Haryana Government seemed to be unaffected by their pleas. The judiciary started distressing Sant Rampal ji Maharaj who is innocent.

A police force comprising 40,000 policemen gheraoed Satlok ashram on November 18, 2014 (Such a huge force was never used in India till date against Naxalites and Maoists who are the most dangerous groups for the country) and started firing expired tear gas bombs. No representative from Intelligence department or from the government tried to avert this attack. Why a force of 40,000 policemen was deployed as it was only an ashram, not a terrorist camp? Again the media blamed that Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji had his own commandos who were wearing black clothes. They were not commandos. They were protesting with white flags with “Sat Saheb” written on them. During the search on the premises if Satlok ashram by the police department, no illegal weapons or ammunition were recovered. This proves that there were no commandos at all. Due to the firing, smoke accumulated in the ashram and terrified disciples tried to come out. But were forced to return to the ashram as they were being thrashed by the police the moment they came out. As a result of this, five women and one child died due to suffocation from the poisonous gas emitted by the expired tear gas shells and on top of that no ambulance was provided to the injured as some of the policemen were busy wrecking the vehicles of the disciples. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji was accused of these deaths and cases 429 and 430 were filed against him.

As per case 429, Shivpal (a disciple of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji) filed this case, accusing Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji for his wife Sarita’s death during the attack on Satlok Ashram, Barwala. After the attack, the post-mortem was done the next day and so dead body was taken to the hospital next day. Shivpal went to the hospital to claim the dead body, where he was asked to sign on 4-5 blank papers stating as formality for the same. When Shivpal came to know about the fake case being filed in his name on Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji, he gave an affidavit which stated that Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji is innocent, he is not responsible for his wife Sarita’s death who died because of suffocation and this was also mentioned in the post mortem report. Shivpal informed that those blank papers were wrongly used by the police file case 429 on Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji.

According to case 430, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji is accused of death of another disciple Rajni, who too died due to suffocation as women and children were held captive in a room close to Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji’s room. Under this case section 302 (for murder) and section 120-B (for criminal conspiracy) were charged on Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji. All the disciples had gone to the ashram for Satsang and stayed there as per their will. They were not forced to stay back. Also the room that police mentioned in the report was 18 feet wide and 100 feet long with free space of 60 feet. It also had five gates which are five feet wide and five feet tall with one and a half feet ventilation above each one of them. There is no scope for anyone to get suffocated as it had a lot of ventilation. Suffocation happened due to the never-ending firing of expired tear gas shells in the ashram. Another important fact to his case is that Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji was acquitted from the case which accused him of holding disciples captive at the ashram.

The judgement given by the judge at the Hisar court is planned and a good example of sheer injustice because the lawyer A.P Singh representing Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji was detained outside the Hisar jail because the Superintendent Shamsher Dahiya has not included his name in the list of people to be allowed inside the jail during the court proceeding. When A.P. Singh questioned as to why he is being held out and why is his name not included in the list, he was told that on security grounds inside the jail, his name was not included in the list. Now, the point to be thought about is,

Why all of a sudden the superintendent became so concerned about the security?
The proceeding was conducted in the jail not in the court. So why the hue and cry about the security was made? Wasn’t the jail premises secured enough?
A.P Singh is a lawyer of the Supreme Court, not any terrorist to put the jail security at stake.
A.P Singh had visited the same jail several times in earlier cases in which Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji was acquitted. Why this security concern was not raised at those times?
The lawyer of the opposite party gave the statement that Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji was held guilty on account of the case which accused Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji of holding disciples captive at the ashram. However, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji was already acquitted from this case earlier this year. So how can this be a base for conviction?
Why the hearing and the judgement of these two cases was only conducted via video conferencing? It is such a serious case and the accused was not given a single chance to defend himself even once. Furthermore, even the lawyer was not allowed to remain present while giving the judgement.

All these facts point towards only one conclusion that government does not want the truth to come out and it is doing all that it can to keep Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji behind bars. Government is conspiring against Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji to ensure he remains in the jail. This is because he is the only one who objects and raises a voice against all that is wrong such as corruption, dowry, bribery, intoxication. So the Government does not want Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji to be free. However, we the disciples will keep fighting for the truth until we succeed and get justice. To know more about the preachings of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji, kindly visit 

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