March 25, 2025

Indian Army Day 2025: The Day for the Unsung Heroes of the Country

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Last Updated on 12 January 2025 IST | Army Day (Indian Army Day 2025) is an annual observance observed so as to highlight the contributions of the Indian Army in building up the nation. The day is also dedicated to honor all those army men who lost their lives battling for the nation and who are currently working for the Indian Army. Let us know about the day in detail. 

Indian Army Day 2025: Highlights

  • Army Day is the day when the Indian Army took over the charge of army controls from British rule.
  • Every year Army Day is celebrated to honour the contributions of the Indian Army.
  • This day is observed after Field Marshal K.M. Cariappa, who was the first commander in chief of Independent India who took the handover from the Government of India. 
  • On this day Army parades are taken out and the day is also observed at all Army Headquarters within the nation. 
  • Talking about the struggle for Independence, we should also be aware about the independence of one’s soul which can only be achieved by doing true worship of Supreme God Kabir. 

What Is Indian Army Day?

Indian Army Day is the day dedicatedly observed every year to pay homage to all those army men who are serving the nation and have lost their lives while battling for the nation. This day is also the mark when the British Army handovered the charge of the army and control of the nation’s security to the Indian Army. Because on this day the Indian Army took over the charge from Britishers approximately after 1 year of attaining independence in 1949, this day is observed as Army Day throughout the nation. 

What Is the History of Indian Army Day?

The history of Army Day is quite old and historic. It is the day when Field Marshal K.M. Cariappa took control of the power of commander in chief from the last British commander in chief General Francis Bucher. However, the Indian Army was established on April 1, 1985 under British rule itself but the complete transfer of powers took place on 15th January 1949.  

Indian Army Day 2025 Theme

The theme of the Indian army day is “modernisation, public engagement and inclusivity.

■ Read in Hindi: Indian Army Day: 15 जनवरी को क्यों मनाया जाता है भारतीय सेना दिवस?

And that’s why Army Day is observed on 15th January annually. This day is also remembered for all the heroic struggles that our soldiers made in order to serve the nation. 

When Is Army Day?

Army Day is by default observed on 15th January every year. This year it is going to be the 76th time the nation will be observing Indian Army Day 2025. 

How Is Indian Army Day Celebrated?

Following activities include the celebrations of Army Day every year:

  • The day starts by paying tribute to the soldiers who lost their lives at Amar Jyoti Jawan, India Gate, Delhi
  • Pune, a city celebrated for its extensive military history, is poised to hold the esteemed Army Day Parade for the first time on 15 January 2025, signifying a significant historical achievement.
  • Pune will be the third venue outside Delhi for Army Day.
  • After that celebrations in the form of a Grand Army parade is conducted at Cariappa Parade Ground in Delhi Cantonment
  • The Army parade includes showcasing new technologies and weapons used in the Army. The exhibition also includes manifesting the achievements of the Indian Army. 
  • Achievements in the form of bravery awards and Sena Medals are also distributed at this grand occasion. 
  • Serving Army men in Jammu are given bravery awards for their vital contributions in the nation’s growth. 
  • On this occasion of Indian Army day 2025, a new uniform for the Indian Army will also be launched which is designed by National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT).
  • Army day is observed at all Army Headquarters throughout the nation so as to pay tribute to the soldiers of the nation who lost their lives while serving the nation. 
  • The slogan of service before self of the Indian Army signifies the bravery and spirit of the Indian Army. 
  • Our tribute is nothing in front of the struggles of the army of the nation. 
  • Army men are the real life heroes who put their lives on the line to protect people who don’t even belong to them.
  • Sacrificing comforts and relations for the nation is the characteristic of army men only. 
  • Being in the army is not a profession, it’s the passion to do something for the nation that makes it unique.  

Know About the Prime Goal of This Human Life

We all are aware about the sacrifice of the Indian Army which is done for our safety. But even after so much of their efforts we are not secured as death can happen to us anytime. We have forgotten God while running after money and technology. These all things are God given and one should not forget God while achieving others’ feats. The prime goal of this human life is to attain salvation which can be attained by worshiping Supreme God Kabir only through His Complete Saint. 

Presently, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj from Haryana, India is giving us the required method of worship as given by God Kabir as He is the Complete Saint referred to above. Based on the method of worship He gives the benefits and True Spiritual Knowledge to eliminate curses from the society as given by Supreme God Kabir. Hence one should look for His refuge by taking Naam Diksha (initiation) from Him for welfare.

Question.1: Where is the Army Day Parade in 2025?

Answer: Pune

Question.2: What is the motto of Army? 

Answer: Service before Self. 

Question.3: What is the theme of Indian Army Day 2025?

Answer: Modernisation, public engagement and inclusivity.

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