February 7, 2025

Bodh Diwas of Garibdas ji Maharaj: Know About The Evolution of 12th & 13th Panth of Kabir Saheb

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In the middle of this 21st century, witnessing such a rapid fall in the levels of humanity is no less than a nightmare to all of us. The greed to attain name and fame has taken over our humanity. But the declaration about this time was already done by Supreme God Kabir approximately 600 years ago. Moreover, He has also revealed the solution to this which will be attained through disclosure of His true spiritual knowledge in His 12th Sect of Sant Garibdas ji Maharaj from Village Chuddani, Haryana. And it shall be continued in His 13th Panth as well. Let us know about His sect in great detail.

Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj: Brief Life History

Sant Garibdas ji Maharaj was born in Village Chuddani, Jhajjar District, Haryana in the year 1717 (Vikram Samwat 1774). He was born to Shri Balram and Shrimati Rani Devi. Once in the year 1727 (Vikram Samwat 1784) when Garibdas ji was 10 years old, Kabir Saheb came and met Him in the form of a Zinda Saint.

He performed a number of divine plays and miracles in His life period of 61 years. And then He left for Satlok in the year 1778. Afterwards He appeared in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh as Garibdas ji Maharaj (61 years old) and lived there for 35 years more. A memorial is built at both places to remember Him. It proves that the Almighty and His avatar can take birth without a mother’s womb.

Meeting with Kabir Saheb

Kabir Saheb came and met Him in the year 1727 when Garibdasji Maharaj was just 10 years old. He then by the grace of God Kabir took initiation from Him. This day is celebrated as the Bodh Diwas of Sant Garibdasji Maharaj. Afterwards Kabir Saheb took Garibdasji’s soul to Satlok and showed Him all the realms in between including the ones of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. He gave Him the wealth of His true spiritual knowledge by entering that into His mind. Later Garibdasji disclosed that true spiritual knowledge which is now available with us in the form of Sat Granth Sahib Ji. This true spiritual knowledge contains the method to attain salvation and knowledge about the past, present and future.

The Birth of Garibdas Panth: 12th Panth of Kabir Saheb 

After acquiring the wealth of true spiritual knowledge from Kabir Saheb, Sant Garibdasji Maharaj initiated His Garibdas Panth. As declared by Kabir Saheb 600 years ago even before the birth of Garibdas ji Maharaj, His 12th panth will be Garibdas Panth. It is mentioned in Kabir Sagar, Kabir Chitr Bodh page number 1870. It has been also indicated in Kabir Sagar, Kabir Vaani (Bodh Sagar) page number 136-137 (Dwadash Panth Chalo So Bhed): 

Dwadash panth kaal furmana | Bhule jeev na jaye thikana ||

(Pratham) Aagam kahi hum rakha | Vansh humara chudamani shakha ||

Dusra jagg mei Jagu bharmave | Bina bhed ao granth churave ||

Teesra surti gopalhi hoyi | Akshar jo jog dridave soyi ||

Chautha mool niranjan baani | Lokved ki nirnaye thani ||

Pancham padh taksaar bhed lae aave | Neer pavan ko sandhi batave ||

So brahma abhimani jani | So bahut jeevankikri hai hani ||

Chhatva panth beej ko lekha | Lok pralok kahe hum mein dekha ||

Paanch tatva ka marm dridave | So beejak shukl  lae aave ||

Saantva panth satyanami praksha | Ghatke marag nivasa ||

Aanthava jeev panthle bole baani | bhayo preet marm naahi jani ||

Nauma ram Kabir kahave | Satguru brahmlae jeev dridave ||

Dasva gyan ki Kaal dikhave | Bhayi preet jeev sukh paave ||

Gyarvan bhed paramdhaam ki vaani | Saakh humari nirnaye thani ||

Saakhi bhaav prem upjave | Brahmgyan ki raah chalave ||

Teenmein vaansh ansh adhikara | Teen mein so shabd hoye nirdhara ||

Samvat satrah sau pichhatr hoyi | Taandin prem prgate jag soyi ||

Aagya rahe brahma bodh laave | Koli chamaar sabke ghar khave ||

Saakhi humar lae jeev samujhaave | Asankhya jamn mei thauur na paave ||

Baarve panth pragat hove Baani | Shabad hamare ki nirnay thani ||

Asthir ghar ka marm na paave | Ye baarh panth humhi ko dhayavein ||

Baarah panth humhi chal aavein | Sab panth mita ekhi panth chalavein ||

It has been mentioned in these verses that the birth year of Garibdasji is 1775 which is wrong and is misprinted, rather the year of birth is 1774. In His lifetime He preached about the supremacy of Kabir Saheb in His verses and was succeeded by the 13th Panth of Kabir Saheb who evolved from Garibdas Panth itself.

The Evolution of the 13th Kabir Panth led by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj 

The 12th Kabir Panth of Sant Garibdas ji Maharaj was followed by the 13th Panth led by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj which evolved from Garibdas Panth itself. Kaal Brahm (Satan) entered into Kabir Panth initially to restrict its authentic way of worship from propagating. But it has been already declared by Kabir Saheb in His holy verses that He will come again and propagate His authentic way of worship in His 12th Panth. He further said that in His 13th Panth He will eradicate all other religious sects and will establish one single authentic way of worship. He is doing this through His 13th descendant Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj by exposing all wrong methods of worship and giving the right method as given by Kabir Saheb. Proofs of it are given in Holy Kabir Sagar, chapter Kabir Vaani (BodhSagar), page 136-137: 

Barve panth pragat hove vaani | shabd hamare ka nirnaye thani ||

Asthir ghar ka marm na pave | Ye Bara panth hum hi ko dhayavein ||

Barhe panth Hum hi chali aavein | Sab panth mita ek hi panth chalavein ||

It is also mentioned in Holy Kabir Sagar, chapter Kabir Vaani page 134(998) in vansh prakar: 

Pratham vansh uttam।1। 

Dusra vansh ahankari।2। 

Teesra vansh prachand।3। 

Chautha vansh birhe।4। 

Paanchve vansh nidra।5। 

Chhathe vansh udaas।6। 

Saantve vansh gyanchaturai।7। 

Aathe dwadash gyan virodh।8। 

Nauve vansh panth puja।9। 

Dasve vansh prakash।10। 

Gyarve vansh pragat pasara।11। 

Barhve vansh pragat hoye ujiyara।12।

Therve vansh mite sakal andhiyara।13।

Guru Lineage of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj 

The 13th descendant Kabir Panthi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj took initiation from Swami Ramdevanand Ji Maharaj (a Saint from Garibdas Panth) on 17th February 1988. Upon witnessing His sincerity towards attaining only salvation He allowed Him (Sant Rampal Ji) to narrate satsang in 1993 and to give Naam Diksha (initiation) in 1994. Amidst His struggle to reveal the true method of worship, one day in 1997 Kabir Saheb came and met Him (Sant Rampal Ji) in the month of March at around 10am in the morning. He ordered Him to grant the mantra of salvation to the willing and capable devotees and disappeared. And then He laid the foundation of 13th Kabir Panth. His Guru Lineage is mentioned below:

  • Bandichhod Kabir Saheb Ji Maharaj (Kashi, Uttar Pradesh)
  • Bandichhod Garibdasji Maharaj (Village Chuddani, District Jhajjar, Haryana)
  • Sant Sheetal Das Ji Maharaj (Village Behrana, District Rohtak, Haryana)
  • Sant Dhyandas Ji Maharaj
  • Sant Ramdas Ji Maharaj
  • Sant Brahmanand Ji Maharaj (Village Karontha, District Rohtak, Haryana)
  • Sant Jugtanand Ji Maharaj
  • Sant Gangeshavranand Ji Maharaj (Village Bazidpur, Delhi)
  • Sant Chitanand Ji Maharaj (Village Gopalpur Dhaam, District Sonipat, Haryana)
  • Sant Ramdevanand Ji Maharaj (Talwandi Bhai, Ferozepur, Punjab)
  • Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj (Village Dhanana, District Sonipat, Haryana)

Declaration by Kabir Saheb for His 13th descendant 

For the year 1997, Kabir Saheb declared well in advance 600 years ago about the arrival of His 13th descendant. His 13th descendant is now present Who is none other than Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. He further declared that after the passage of 5505 years of Kalyug (happened in 1997) His descendant will come and will empower the world with His wealth of true spiritual knowledge. Under His divine leadership people will be united beyond religions and supreme peace will be established. And spiritual souls will attain salvation by worshiping God Kabir. It has been mentioned in Holy Kabir Sagar, Kabir Vaani page 137: 

Paanch hazar paanch sau paancha | Tab ye shabd ho gaya sancha ||

It is mentioned in Holy Kabir Sagar, Chapter Swasmbhed Bodh page 121: 

Paanch hazar paanch sau pancha | Tab ye vachan hoyega sancha ||

Kaliyug beet jaye jab yeta | Sakal jeev param padh cheta ||

It is mentioned in Holy Kabir Sagar, chapter Swasmbhed Bodh page 171: 

Paanch hazar aru paanch sau jab kaliyug beet jaye |

Mahapurush farman tab jag taran ku aaye ||

Hindu turuk aadi sabae, Jaete jeev jahan |

Satnaam ki sakh gahi, Pavae padh nirvaan ||

Yatha saritgann aap hi, Mile sindhu mae dhaye||

Sat Sukrit ke madhya timi, Sab hi panth samaye ||

Jab lag puran hoye nahi, thik ka thithi baar ||

Kapat chaaturi tabhi lau, Savsam bhed niradhar ||

Sabhi nari nar shudh tab, Jab thik ka din avant |

Kapat chaaturi chodi ke, sharan kabir  gehant ||

Ek anek ho gaye, punh anek ho ek |

Hans chale satlok sab, satnaam ki tek ||

Ghar ghar bodh vichar ho, durmati dur bahaye ||

Kaliyug mei sab ek hoyi, barte sehej subhaye ||

Kaha ugra kaha shudr ho, Hare sabke bhav peer |

So saman samdrishti hai, Samrath Sat Kabir ||

How Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj changed society?

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has proved to be a reformer for the society. The wealth of true spiritual knowledge given by Him has empowered us with the wisdom to know what is right and what is wrong for us. On the basis of His true spiritual knowledge various people have given up the social evils existing in the society. And He has successfully prepared a drug free society, an honest and moral society, a corruption free society, a God loving society and much more. 

Moreover He has successfully abolished the hypocrisies prevailing in the religious society by giving the logic of it being not true from His true spiritual knowledge. And subsequently uniting His disciples beyond religions, thus making mankind as the supreme religion. And last but not the least the authenticity in His method of worship is benefitting His devotees from various life threatening diseases and they are getting those benefits that a God gives to their devotees.

Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj Bodh Diwas 2023 Special Program 

Garib, Shabd swaroopi utare satguru Sat Kabir |

Dass garib dayal hai dinge bhandhave dheer ||

On the special occasion of the Bodh Diwas of Sant Garibdasji Maharaj, various events are being organized in various branches of Satlok Ashram in the nation and abroad under the divine leadership of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. These events are a 3 day event starting from 2nd to 4th March 2023. The details of the event are as follows: 

  • A three day Akhand Path of Sat Granth Sahib Ji
  • A three day free communal meal
  • Special satsang of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj on 4th March 2023.
  • Organizing dowry free marriages
  • Blood donation camps
  • Exhibition of True Spiritual Knowledge (Pradarshani)
  • Free Naam Diksha (Initiation)

These events are organized in various branches of Satlok Ashram whose name and place are detailed below: 

  • Satlok Ashram Mundka (Delhi)
  • Satlok Ashram Rohtak (Haryana)
  • Satlok Ashram Kurukshetra (Haryana)
  • Satlok Ashram Bhiwani (Haryana)
  • Satlok Ashram Dhuri (Punjab)
  • Satlok Ashram Khamano (Punjab)
  • Satlok Ashram Sojat (Rajasthan)
  • Satlok Ashram Shamli (Uttar Pradesh)
  • Satlok Ashram Betul (Madhya Pradesh)
  • Satlok Ashram Janakpur (Nepal)

You all are cordially invited to this 3 day event. You can visit your nearest Satlok Ashram to be a part of these events. Special satsang of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj will also be telecasted live on 4th March at 9am on Sadhna Tv and at 9:30am on Popcorn Tv. One can also witness these events on our social media platforms whose details are as follows: 

  • Facebook page:- Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj
  • Youtube:- Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
  • Twitter :- @SaintRampalJiM

To get the location of the nearest Naam Diksha (initiation) Centre you can call our helpline number 8222880541. And to order a free book Gyan Ganga and Way of Living written by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, you can Whatsapp your name, full address, pincode and mobile number on our whatsapp number 7496801825

Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj Bodh Diwas 2023 FAQ

Question: At what age Garibdas ji was taken to Satlok by Kabir Saheb?

Answer: 10 years of age

Question: Who is the Supreme God according to Sant Garibdasji Maharaj worthy of being worshiped?

Answer: Supreme God Kabir

Question: Who is worshiping the Supreme God Kabir as per Sant Garibdasji Maharaj?

Answer: One and only Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Question: Are other Garibdas Panthi people worshiping Supreme God Kabir as Almighty Supreme Power? 

Answer: No

Question: Which God is being worshiped by other Garibdas panthi disciples and their Guru?

Answer: They are worshiping Satan(Kaal Brahm) by worshiping forms of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh.

Question: Who is the descendant of Garibdasji Maharaj’s 12th Kabir Panth?

Answer: Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj 

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