March 26, 2025

Who is the True Avatar of Lord Kabir Sahib?

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Avatar of Lord Kabir: Many saints claim themselves an incarnation. But, only He can be the real Avatar who fits an Avatar’s Description. Saint Rampal Ji is the real Avatar of the Supreme God Kabir Ji as is proved in this Blog. 8th September is the Avataran Diwas of Saint Rampal Ji. On that day, He descended on this earth to preach His true Spiritual Knowledge to us. Read His brief Biography and some prophecies about Him here.


Avatar of Lord Kabir: Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj was born to a farmer couple in a rural place named Dhanana in Sonipat, on September 8, 1951. In 1951, Sonipat was in the state of Punjab. However, today it is in the state of Haryana. After completing His studies, He got employed with the irrigation department of Haryana as a Jr. Engineer. He worked there for 18 years. His family comprises His late parents, His wife, and four children- two sons and two daughters. Being spiritually inclined right from the beginning, at the age of 37, He took initiation from Swami Ramdevanand Ji Maharaj on February 17, 1988. And, from here His spiritual journey began.

In 1993, His reverend Guru Swami Ramdevanand Ji asked Him to conduct spiritual Sermons and in the following year i.e. in 1994, he asked Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj to give the initiation too. From 1993 until May 1995, He managed to balance both His spiritual life and work life where He conducted spiritual Sermons on His week offs. But, post-May 1995, since the workload of conducting Sermons, talking to disciples, promoting spiritual Knowledge was getting too heavy, He decided to quit His job and resigned from His post in May 1995.

How did Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj begin His Journey as a Spiritual Guru?

After getting initiation from Swami Ramdevanand Ji Maharaj in 1988, He followed the way of worship guided to Him by His reverend Guru. Post-1993, when He was asked to conduct spiritual Sermons, He conducted Sermons in distant villages and towns by visiting different places from 1994-1998. In 1997, Almighty Kabir Saheb met Sant Rampal Ji and ordered Him to give initiation in three stages to mankind to help them attain Salvation.

In the year 1999, His disciples built Him an ashram called Satlok Ashram in Karontha district Rohtak Haryana. He started conducting spiritual Sermons for three days beginning from the full moon day every month. A lot of devout souls started visiting the Ashram to attend the spiritual Sermons. In just a matter of a few days, the number of disciples increased greatly.

What does Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Preach?

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj preaches true spiritual Knowledge based on all our Holy Scriptures which is not in accordance with the information imparted by the religious preachers currently. As opposed to the age-old belief system regarding Supreme God, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj proves from all our Holy Scriptures that Supreme Almighty is in a human-like form.

He has even proved with evidence that people are being fooled by current religious preachers with regard to the Qualities of Almighty. He is helping mankind to identify the Supreme Almighty through the revelation of the scripture-based Knowledge which was not told by the religious preachers due to lack of spiritual Knowledge.

Is Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj the Incarnation of Almighty Kabir Saheb?

Avatar of Lord Kabir: We are sure that many of you might be finding this question quite funny or irrelevant but let us tell you that this is in fact absolutely true. It is mentioned in Kabir Saheb‘s Speeches that once the Kaliyuga passes 5505 years then I will descend upon this earth. The main purpose is to spread the true spiritual Knowledge and the true way of Worship. In Hindi, it is called Avatar.

He is the only one who will bring a spiritual revolution on earth and will restore the fallen human values. Only under His Guidance, this earth will become as good as heaven. Almost all the Holy Scriptures mention a golden era that will last for about thousands of years. And, the same matches in Kabir Sagar which is a consolidated version of the Speeches of Kabir Saheb.

An avatar is a soul who descends on earth on the orders of the Almighty for a specific purpose or the Almighty Himself descends on earth to save mankind.

Avatar of Lord Kabir: Let Us look at Some of the References

Many renowned foretellers have also made prophecies that the Avatar will be from India and he will bring a spiritual revolution in the world. Let us see who all spoke about Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

  • Bhai Bale Wali Janam Sakhi indicates the Avatar when Bhai Baala and Mardana visit Bhagat Prahlad where he mentions that the Avatar will appear on earth centuries after Nanak Ji’s time period and he will be from the Jaat caste. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is a Jaat.
  • Jai Gurudev has predicted the avatar in his publication “Jaigurudev ki Amar Vaani” on page number 50 and 59. He mentioned on September 7, 1971, that the Avatar has become 20 years old. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj had completed His 20 years then as He was born on Sep 8, 1951.
  • Famous foreteller Nostradamus has mentioned in his prophecies that the great Chyren will be born in Punjab-India, he will be a Hindu. He will have four children. And, he will be charged with sedition. This is mentioned in century 6:71, Century 1:50. This description perfectly matches with Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.
  • Florence from New Jersey also made a prophecy about a Saint from India who will lead mankind on the path of spirituality through his true spiritual knowledge. The description of the Saint she saw during her trance state matches exactly with Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.
  • Likewise, many renowned foreseers like Cheiro from England, Swami Anandacharya, Vegeletin, Anderson, Charles Clark from the USA, Jean Dixon, Boriska from Hungary, Dr. Harar from Israel made prophecies about a Saint and all the activities that the Saint would be doing, matches with the work undertaken by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

Aim of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

The aim of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is to let the people know who the true Almighty is. He aims to make this world free from vices and social evils like intoxication, consumption of meat, uprooting of corruption, bribery, dowry system, removal of the caste system, and inculcating the values of humanity in mankind through true spiritual Knowledge. His main aim is to impart a true way of worship to the people so that they can attain freedom from the cycle of birth and death and that they can attain their eternal Home Satlok, the details of which are given in the Vedas and Srimad Bhagavad Gita.

How to attain True Spiritual Knowledge from Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj?

Srimad Bhagwad Gita verses 15:1-15:4 give out the identity of a truly enlightened sage. None of the present time’s religious preachers fit in that criteria except Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. He is the true Avatar on this planet who will enlighten mankind with true spiritual Knowledge and make this earth as good as heaven.

To get detailed information about the way to attain Almighty and Salvation, please listen to His spiritual Sermons on Sadhna TV channel from 7:30 pm IST onwards. Also, there is a Special Programme going to be telecasted on Sadhna TV Channel on 8th September 2024 on the Holy Occasion of the Avataran Diwas of Saint Rampal Ji from 9:15 am. Must watch that. To take initiation from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, please click here to fill the Initiation Form

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