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All Saints’ Day 2024 (Halloween): Who Is the Present Real Saint?

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Last Updated on 28 October 2024 IST |  All Saints’ Day is the day to honour all the Saints of the churches known and unknown. This day is celebrated by almost all Churches worldwide. All Saints’ Day is often referred to as All Hallows’ Day, The Feast of All Hallows. While the Eastern churches celebrate All Saints’ Day on November 1 each year, the Western churches observe this day on the first Sunday after Pentecost.

All Saints’ Day 2024: Highlights 

  • 1st November is celebrated as the All Saints’ Day.
  • The Day honours all the Canonized and Non Canonized Saints of the Churches. 
  • All Saints’ Day often referred to as All Hallows’ Day
  • The Eve of this day, 31st of October is celebrated as Halloween
  • Present day complete Saint is Jagatguru Rampal Ji Maharaj headquartered at Satlok Ashram Barwala, Hisar, India

What is All Saints’ Day?

All Saints’ Day often referred to as All Hallows’ Day, The Feast of All Hallows, The Feast of All Saints, Hallowmas and The Solemnity of all Saints, is popularly celebrated as the day to commemorate and honour all the known and the unknown Saints of the Church. 

Who celebrates All Saints’ Day?

All Saints’ Day is mostly celebrated by Roman Catholic Churches, Methodist Churches, Lutheran Churches, and other Churches around the globe. This day is a national holiday in many nations. All Saints’ Day is celebrated on different days by the Eastern and the Western Churches. While the former celebrate All Saints’ Day on November 1 each year, the latter observe this day on the first Sunday after Pentecost.

All Saints’ Day: Significance

All Saints’ Day is the day of holy obligation. All the people are required to attend the mass unless exempted only if they have serious excuses (illness). In many parts of the world, this day is also observed as the day to remember the deceased. On this day, people visit the cemetery, light candles and lay flowers on the cemetery of the departed.

The Eve of this day, the 31st of October is celebrated as Halloween. All Saints’ Day precedes  All Souls’ Day observed on the 2nd of November. All Souls’ Day is celebrated as the day to remember the departed faithful. 

The liturgical colour is white on All Saints’ Day. While the Catholic Churches primarily focus on canonized saints, this day honors all saints, both canonized and non-canonized, from all churches—those whose Sainthood is known only to God. All Saints’ Day is the feast of all the non-canonized saints.

All Saints’ Day: History and Origin

  • The exact origin of this day could not be traced, but it formally started on May 13 in 609 A.D. when Pope Boniface IV dedicated the Pantheon as a church, to honour the Blessed Virgin Mary and Martyrs. 
  • All Saints’ Day, celebrated on November 1, was first observed by Pope Gregory III in the 8th century. During this time, the Pope dedicated a chapel in Rome in honor of all saints. 
  • Worldwide Celebration of this day was observed by Pope Gregory IV. Pope Gregory IV extended the celebration of this day to the churches worldwide. 
  • Although this day was authorised worldwide by Pope Gregory IV, it is not a nationwide holiday in many other countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. 

All Saints’ Day: Celebrations

This day is celebrated in various ways around the world. In some regions, people place flowers, such as chrysanthemums, or wreaths, and light candles at the gravesites or cemeteries of their loved ones who have passed away. In many other areas, special recipes are prepared for the occasion. Additionally, some Godfathers give braided yeast pastries to their godchildren. In certain places, families light candles at their front doors to symbolize the presence of their deceased loved ones and help guide them in the afterlife. All of these practices are done to pay tribute to and remember those who have departed.

All Saints’ Day: Identity of Truly Enlightened Saint

A Saint is acquainted with true spiritual knowledge. The one who can impart the correct way of worship to pious souls. A Truly Enlightened Saint provides the guidance to attain Complete Salvation to the devotees. A truly enlightened saint ends all the worries and sorrows of the devotees. A truly enlightened Saint survives all the odds in the path of worship, is the well-versed with all the religious texts and  provides Initiation (Guru Diksha) in three stages. The truly enlightened Saint does not discriminate among the devotees based on caste, creed, color or religion. Present day, all these characteristics match with Saint Rampal Ji.

Saint Rampal Ji Identifies Supreme Almighty from All Holy Scriptures 

Saint Rampal Ji teaches that Kabir is the Supreme God referenced in every scripture, including the Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, Quran, and Bible. He is considered the Father of every soul, whether human, animal or any other creature. While other gods mentioned in the Bible are also considered divine, they are not the Supreme One. The Orthodox Jewish Bible, in Iyov (Job) 36:5, states: “See, El is Kabir and does not despise any; He is Kabir in the strength of understanding.

Saint Rampal Ji Also Reveals That God Is In Form

Saint Rampal Ji cites proof from the Bible – 

  • Genesis 1:26 – Then God said, “and now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small.”
  • In Genesis 1: 27 – So God created human beings, making them be like himself. He created them male and female.
  • In Genesis 3:8 – That evening they heard the Lord God walking in the Garden. And they hid from him among the trees. (Here we see that God walks.)
  • In Genesis 3:9 – But the Lord God called out the men, “Where are you?” (Here we see God talks too.)
  • In Genesis 18:1 – And the Lord appeared to him ( Abraham) by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat at the door of his tent in the heat of the day. 
  • In Genesis 18:2, (given above) Abraham ran out of his tent to attend those three men and bowed to them. 
  • In Genesis 18:4, we see – Please, let a little water be brought and have your feet washed; then recline under the tree. Here we see God has feet. He might have other body parts too. 
  • In Genesis 18:5, Abraham says, Seeing that you have come here to your servant, let me bring a piece of bread so that you may refresh yourselves. (We see Abraham is requesting God to have food. So God is eating here on request of his loving soul.)

Saint Rampal Ji cited many other proofs from Bible such as Genesis 32:30 – KJV where Jacob is declaring that he had seen God face to face. God appeared to Moses in Burning Bushes in Exodus (3:2-4:17 KJV). These verses are declaring that God is in form

Formless God is Satan, Shaitan or Kaal Brahma

In any holy scripture, whichever mentions about a God whose face and body can not be seen, it always refers to Satan, Shaitan or Kaal Brahm, who is the God/Controller/Master of 21 universes but not the Supreme God. Kaal Brahma sends Jesus to Earth with some supernatural powers. 

God Who Created the Universe Provided Herbs as Food

Saint Rampal Ji further reveals from the Holy Bible, God created the universe within six days, created all creatures and provided food for everyone.

  • Genesis 1:29 (KJV) – And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
  • God has given seed-bearing plants, trees and fruit yielding seeds to us, which shall be our food.
  • Genesis 1:30 (KJV) – And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
  • Isaiah 11:6-9 proves It right. The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. (Isaiah 11:6, KJV) 
  • And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. (Isaiah- 11:7, KJV)
  • In the Garden of Eden, the same thing was there. In Genesis 2:9, we see every plant was charming at sight and good for food. 
  • Genesis 1:26 – And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and overall the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.  Here ruling or domain neither constitutes killing nor eating them, but rather governing and nurturing. God gave us (humans) dominion over all the earth, not to eat everything but to protect them. He made us accountable for the way we treat his creation. Like in Psalms 147:9 (KJV)- He gives to the animal their food and to the young ravens when they cry. 
  • In Genesis 2:16, Lord God commanded Adam to eat any fruit he wants from the garden. After Adam ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge he was punished in Genesis 3:18, that his food will be planted.

Bible Insists to be Generous

We see, God made for us fruits and leafy plants as food. He did not order to consume non-veg. Hence it is proved that God has provided green plants for every living being. God provided green herbs for everything that creeps on the earth. Let’s not forget, Romans 14:20-21. It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. (Romans 14:21). 

Presently The Truly Enlightened Saint In All Respects Is Saint Rampal ji Maharaj

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is a revered figure deserving of recognition. His mission is to offer a true path of worship and eternal salvation to everyone on Earth. He provides authentic guidelines for worship based on the sacred texts of various religions, including the Four Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita, the eighteen Puranas, the Bible, and the Quran. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj aims to create a society free from evil. Some of His main objectives are: 

  • Provide True Way of Worship and Salvation to All.
  • Abolish the Caste System
  • Bring Spiritual and Moral Awakening amongst the Youth.
  • Remove all the Addictions from the Society.
  • Establish Peace and Brotherhood in the Society. 
  • Remove Social Evil and create a healthy Society. 
  • Create A Better Society
  • Uproot Corruption. 

Take Refuge in Lotus Feet of Complete Saint Rampal Ji

The main aim of human life is to attain “Moksha” (salvation/liberation). It can only be achieved once a pious soul gets initiated by a True Master. Provided a disciple does true worship as ordered by Sant Rampal Ji and follows the rules, good health and prosperity automatically occur. Readers must take refuge in the lotus feet of Real Saint Rampalji Ji Maharaj and take spiritual Initiation (Naam Diksha) from Him.

FAQs About All Saints’ Day 2024

Question: When is All Saints’ Day celebrated?

Answer: All Saints’ Day is celebrated on November 1 every year. 

Question: Why is All Saints’ Day celebrated?

Answer: All Saints’ Day is celebrated as the day to commemorate and honour all the known and the unknown Saints of the Church.

Question: When was All Saints’ Day celebrated on November 1?

Answer: All Saints’ Day on November 1 was first celebrated by Pope Gregory III in the middle of Century Eight. This was the time when the Pope donated a Chapel in Rome in the honour of all Saints.  

Question: Who is the real Saint in the world today?

Answer: The true saint is enlightened by the Supreme Almighty. Now is the golden time when the enlightened Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is available to offer Initiation for attaining Salvation.

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