March 29, 2025

Guru Purnima 2024: Know about the Guru Who is no Less Than the God

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Last Updated on18 July 2024 IST| Guru Purnima (Poornima) is the day to celebrate the relationship of a Guru-disciple. This is the day to honor the Guru globally for the knowledge they imparted. Admittedly, not only in academics but in Spiritualism also, Guru (Teacher) plays an imperative role who guides us and prepares us for the rest of our lives.

Key Highlights About Guru Purnima 2024

  • Guru Purnima is also known as Vyas Purnima.
  • It marks the birth anniversary of Ved Vyas.
  • All religions celebrate this day to show gratitude towards their teachers.
  • It is observed on the full moon day(Purnima) in Ashadha month (June -July).
  • People perform Guru purnima Puja and Yajna on this day to seek blessings of Gurus.
  • People keep fast on this day that can start from sunrise and ends with the sighting of the moon.
  • On this full moon day, Gautam Buddha gave his first sermon.
  • In Vedic literature, Brihaspati Dev is also known as “Guru”.
  • People wear “Yellow Sapphire” gemstones to seek blessings of planet Jupiter or planet “Guru”.

The date of Guru Purnima 2024 in India?

Guru Purnima 2024, will be celebrated on Sunday, July 21, 2024. тАЬGuru PurnimaтАЭ falls on Purnima (full moon day). Guru Purnima is celebrated in the Hindu calendar month of Asadha (June-July of the Gregorian Calendar). Since the date is determined according to the Hindu Calendar, the date per the Gregorian calendar varies yearly.

Meaning of Guru on the occasion of Guru Purnima 2024

As per Hindu mythology, particularly in Advaytaraka Upanishad (16), the meaning of Guru is mentioned. Here “Gu” means darkness and “Ru” means the one who dispels. In other words, it means “Guru” is the one who is capable of dispelling darkness.

Undoubtedly, Guru only is the person in the lives of  students who is the guide that tells the accurate path to the pupils that need to be followed.

Significance of Guru Purnima 2024

Guru Purnima is celebrated to express gratitude to the spiritual teacher. It is celebrated in some of the South Asian countries like India, Nepal, and Bhutan by the Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists. A spiritual teacher plays an important role in human life. He guides his disciples the best way of attaining salvation. Therefore, Guru Purnima holds great importance for Indian academics & scholars. According to Sanskrit scholars, “Guru” translates as “the remover of darkness”. People generally use the word guru for their academic teachers, religious preachers but in real sense it refers to the spiritual guide who enlightens his disciples through his true spiritual Knowledge.

Guru Purnima Stories

On the occasion of Guru Purnima 2024, we will delve into the diverse stories found in different religions that shed light on the origins of the Guru Purnima celebration.


Guru Purnima is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Veda Vyasa, the writer of the major Hindu Texts including Mahabharata, Puranas, and the Vedas.


Lord Buddha gave his first sermon on this day.


Lord Mahavira gave initiation to his first disciple Gautam Swami

Guru Purnima 2024 Puja 

On the occasion of Guru Purnima, many people observe fasting, they visit temples and a special puja is offered to the spiritual guru by his disciples. LetтАЩs now read a special Story on Guru Purnima to know how a Guru transforms this and the afterlife of a soul.

The Inspirational Story of Kakbhushundi

This Story of Kakbhushundi Ji is quoted from the spiritual Discourse of Saint Rampal Ji. This True Story is based on the Holy Sat Granth Sahib of Respected Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj. The Story is as follows:

Once Garud, a bird who serves as a vehicle of Lord Vishnu, asked Kakbhushundi as to how he reached the state, where he had the body of a deity and the head of a crow, and why did he feel peaceful in his company? To answer his question, Kakbhushundi narrated his story.

How Did Kakbhushundi Ji Start His Journey of True Worship?

He informed Garuda that he had wasted a lot of human life without adopting any true way of worship. In one such life he had to witness his entire family die due to starvation as the region where they were living was struck by a severe famine. Since he was young he survived the famine and he left the place and reached Avantika where he saw a priest delivering spiritual discourse to a group of people and he sat there expecting a communal meal to be distributed after the spiritual discourse.

Once the spiritual discourse was over the priest noticed that everyone had left except him and questioned him as to why he did not leave. To answer his question Kaagbhushundi said that he had nowhere to go and his entire family had died so the priest asked him to live with him in the temple. Everyday the priest used to ask him to take initiation but he refused and finally took the initiation from the priest after six months.

Benevolence of a Guru

Over a period of time, he learnt how to deliver spiritual discourses and started delivering the spiritual discourses in the absence of his guru (the priest). Since he was young, the devotees of the priest started liking the way he used to narrate the stories of Shiva. One such day, while delivering the discourses when the priest returned to the temple all the devotees stood up and bowed to the priest except him thinking that all the devotees would stop respecting him as their guru. This angered Lord Shiva who cursed him to go to hell. 

When the priest heard the furious Lord Shiva, they both pleaded for mercy and asked Lord Shiva to forgive Kaagbhushundi. The pleas of the priest melted Lord Shiva’s anger and he gave some concession in the punishment stating that he wouldnтАЩt suffer during his time in hell.

Respected Sant Garibdas Ji says here:

Bahot ae pyara baalak maa ka|

Unte bhi pyara shishya Guruon ka||

тЦа Meaning: A mother loves her child unconditionally but a Guru loves His disciple even a hundred times more than a mother.

Second Human Life of Kakbhushundi

In the next human life attained by Kaagbhushundi, he was spiritually inclined. Due to this pride, he entered into an argument with sage Lomas, who got angry with his misbehavior and cursed him to become a Chandaal (half human and half bird) in his next birth. Understanding that he made a mistake, he asked for forgiveness and requested that the sage bless him to always remember doing worship whatever life form he takes. The sage granted his wish. Kakbhushundi says, “I got this body from the union of kaagchand and the pen (female swan) of goddess Saraswati.”

A True Spiritual Guru and Salvation

During this life, Kaagbhushundi met a sage named Jogjit who gave him information about the position of Hindu gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva; what is the true way of worship; how can salvation be attained? Kaagbhushundi took initiation from the sage Jogjit and undertook the true way of worship.  Although, he hasnтАЩt attained salvation yet. He will have to take birth in human life to attain salvation as this is the only life form where salvation could be attained. Other life forms do not have the seven chakras in their body.

тЦа Also Read: Guru Purnima-LetтАЩs worship the true Guru 

This story sheds light on what importance a truly enlightened sage has for an individual. A true sage is the one who will be able to guide an individual to undertake deeds that would help him liberate from the cycle of birth and death and lead him on the path of the correct way of leading oneтАЩs earthly life. Another incident that highlights the importance of an enlightened guru is of sage SukhdevтАЩs. 

Vishnu Ji Returned Sage Sukhdev From Heaven for Not Having a Guru

Sage Sukhdev (Shukdev) was the son of Sage Vedvyas and is a very well known entity as he was the one who had to be called from heaven to narrate the Holy Srimad Sudhasagar to king Parikshit before a snake bit him and he was to die.

Sukhdev Rishi took initiation from King Janak

He attained his name Sukhdev (Shuk means parrot) as he attained true mantras of devotion in the form of a parrot when lord Shiva was giving initiation to his wife Parvati. At that time Lord Shiva ensured that they were alone as these mantras were supposed to be kept absolutely secret. Lord Shiva was unaware of the fact that the tree under which they are sitting has a nest of a parrot with a rotten egg.

When Lord Shiva gave those mantras to his wife, the soul in that rotten egg also heard the mantras and immediately rebounded to life and became a young parrot. Lord Shiva heard the parrot’s voice. Chasing the sound, he saw the parrot in the nest. Lord Shiva tried to kill the parrot. Fearing that Lord shiva would kill him, the soul entered the womb of sage Vedvyasa’s wifeтАЩs womb when she was yawning.

Sukhdev’s Birth & His Life Changing Journey to Vishnu Ji

During its time in the womb this soul realized the importance of attaining human life and how it gets entangled in karmic deeds the moment it takes birth. So fearing the entanglement, he remained in his motherтАЩs womb for 12 years. Since his mother didnтАЩt feel discomfort of any kind carrying him, she named him Sukhdev. 

Once he took birth after 12 years of being conceived, he went away from his family looking for ways to attain salvation. He had the spiritual power to fly like a bird in the three lokas due to his previous good deeds. One day, when he wanted to stay in the heaven of lord Vishnu, he went to lord VishnuтАЩs loka (world). At the entrance of VishnuтАЩs heaven, the gatekeepers denied him entry stating that he didnтАЩt have a guru and could not be allowed in.

Vishnu Ji Suggested Sukhdev to Make King Janak His Guru

Sage Sukhdev was arrogant about his spiritual powers. He didn’t like gatekeepers stopping him. He asked to call Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu came at the gate. The gatekeepers had already told him everything. He questioned sage Sukhdev why he had come. Sage Sukhdev was expecting praise from Lord Vishnu. When he got the response contrary to his expectations, he got a little humble. He mentioned that he is not being allowed in. Lord Vishnu confirmed the gatekeeper’s denial of entry and asked sage Sukhdev to make someone his guru if he wanted to seek an entry in his heaven.

Sage Sukhdev asked lord Vishnu to guide him as to who could be his guru. Lord Vishnu asked Sage Sukhdev to make King Janak his guru, take initiation from him and post that he would be allowed to enter his world. After seeking advice from lord Vishnu, sage Sukhdev took initiation from King Janak and that made him eligible to enter lord VishnuтАЩs heaven. This story tells us that one is not allowed an entry into any heaven if one hasn’t had a true spiritual teacher.

How to Identify a Truly Enlightened Guru?

All the holy Scriptures mention seeking guidance from a truly enlightened sage to unite with our Father in heaven. This means that it is very important to find one. But, the real question is how do we identify whether a sage is truly enlightened or not. Well, the answer for this also lies in our holy Scriptures. In Srimad Bhagavad Gita chapter 15:1-4, it is clearly mentioned as to how one can identify whether a sage is truly enlightened or not. 

Who Is the Truly Enlightened Sage (SatGuru) Today?

Today, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj from Barwala-Hisar; Haryana, India is the truly enlightened sage who is imparting true spiritual knowledge based on all our holy Scriptures like Vedas, Gita, the Bible, Holy Quran and Guru Granth Sahib. HeтАЩs the only one who is authorized to provide the true way of worship to attain salvation and unite with our creator, our father in Satlok Kabir saheb. 

The way of worship guided by sant Rampal ji Maharaj is not only to relieve people of their sufferings as well as to grant them salvation. In verses of Kabir Ji, He explained the importance of a true Guru in life.

Maat Pita mil javenge, lakh chourasi mahi |

Satguru Sewa aur Bandagi, fir milan ki nahi ||

Guru Purnima 2024 Quotes

  • Guru is the mentor, Guru is the belief. He only shows the path of good deeds.
  • A guru is like a candle, which consumes itself to light the way for others.
  • Guru bin ved pdhe jo prani, smjhe na saar rhe agyaani.
  • Guru bin mala fetre, guru bin dete daanред
  •  Guru bin dono nishfal Hain, chahe pucho ved puranредред
  • Garib, bin updesh achambh hai, kyun jeewat hai praanред
  • Bin bhagti khan thaur hai, ye nar nahin pashaanредред
  • A Guru is not someone who holds a Torch for you, He is the Torch.
  • Guru aapke upkaar ka, kaise chukau main mol. Laakh keemti dhan bhala! Guru hai mera Anmol.

Guru Purnima 2024 Special Messages

Human life is so precious. We get human life only to attain Salvation. A Guru is imperative for that. Here are the Messages from God Kabir Ji and His Beloved Saint Respected Garibdas Ji about the Importance of a Guru:

Maat Pita mil javenge lakh chourasi mahi|

Satguru Sewa aur Bandagi fir milan ki nahi||

Kabir, Guru Govind kar jaaniye, Rahiye shabd samaye|

Mile toh Dandavat bandagi, Nahi pal pal dhyan lagaaye||

Kabir, Guru Gobind dono khade, Kis ke laagu paaye|

Balihaari Guru aapna, Jin Gobind diyo milaye||

These verses emphasize the importance of considering a Guru equivalent to Almighty and doing His Worship first before worshiping Almighty.

Kabir, Saat samandar ki masi karun, Lekhni karun banrai|

Dharti ka kaagaz karu, Guru Gun likhya na jaye||

Meaning:– Kabir Ji says тАШmake the ink of seven oceans, make a pen from all the trees on earth, make the whole earth a writing page and start writing qualities of a True Saint / Satguru; even then the qualities will not finish since they are in abundanceтАЩ.

Guru Purnima 2024 Special Information

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is teaching Scripture-based Worship. The Supreme God Kabir is the Giver of contentment and peace here as Holy Yajurveda Chapter 5 verse 32 also testifies. Spiritual Guru Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj tells that scripture-based way of worship today that leads to the Supreme God and the complete Salvation.

He guarantees the attainment of the Supreme Almighty along with the end of worldly sorrows on condition that we abide by the code of conduct of worship throughout our lives. The sole purpose of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji is to lead all of us to attain complete Salvation, where we’ll return to our real home Satlok, where there is no death, no old age, no work, and ultimate peace. The worldly benefits and the enormous peace are the by-products of this Worship. If you wish to take Initiation from Saint Rampal Ji, kindly fill the Naam Diksha Form.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Guru Purnima 2024

Why do we celebrate Guru Purnima?

Guru Purnima is observed to pay respect to Guru who guides and imparts with his knowledge to realize the disciples the purpose of their human life and the method to achieve it.

Why is Guru Poornima special?

Guru Purnima (Poornima) is a tradition dedicated to the Spiritual Guru, enlightened by the Supreme God, who is ready to share his eternal knowledge with the disciples without any selfish interest. A spiritual teacher plays an important role in human life. He guides his disciples the correct way of attaining salvation.

Who is the real Guru in present times?

In present times the only real Guru is Enlightened Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. He is enlightened by Supreme God Kavir Dev (Kabir Saheb). His ashrams are known as Satlok Ashram.

What is the importance of Guru Purnima?

On this day, people show their gratitude towards their teachers all around the world.

Who is the real Guru in present times?

In present times the only real Guru is Enlightened Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. He is enlightened by Supreme God Kavir Dev (Kabir Sahib Ji).

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