March 13, 2025

Eid Milad-un-Nabi 2024: Know on Eid ul Milad Why Prophet Muhammad Had to Suffer in his life?

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Last Updated on 16 September 2024 IST | Eid Milad un Nabi or (Eid-e-Milad) is the celebration of the birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad. Muslims all around the world observe it with great zeal. In this blog, we will discuss why Muslims celebrate this day, and according to the Holy Quran, should we really need to celebrate this day. Continue reading this blog to know all the answers. 

Key Points: Eid-e-Milad-Un-Nabi

  • Eid-e-Milad-Un-Nabi is one of the most important festivals celebrated by Muslims worldwide. 
  • Eid Milad un Nabi is the observance of the birthday of the Islamic prophet Muhammad which is commemorated in Rabi’ al-awwal, the third month in the Islamic calendar. 
  • The Shia community believes that on this day, the Prophet had chosen Hazrat Ali as his successor. 
  • The Sunni community, however, organizes prayer meetings throughout the day.
  • Mawlid is the Islamic celebration of the prophet Muhammad’s birthday. It is also called Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi. 
  • Mawlid takes place on the 12th day of Rabiʿal-Awwal, the third month of the Islamic calendar.
  • On Eid Milad-Un-Nabi, Muslim remember the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad, read Quran and donate food and clothes to poor and needy.
  • Read on to know when Kabir ji met Prophet Muhammad and where He took him to?

Eid Milad-un-Nabi 2024: Why Do People Celebrate Eid ul-Milad?

Eid-e-Milad 2024: Prophet Muhammad, the one who founded Islam, was born on Eid-ul-Milad. It was started as a memorial. There was no religion anywhere at the start of existence. The great man worked gradually to show the people the correct path, and those who followed them were known with the name of the faith. That’s how religions formed.

Some dates of the incidents related to those great men are taken in the form of a memorial that, later, takes the form of a festival. Similarly, the Muslim religion, also called the Islam religion, considers the festival of Eid ul-Milad important. It is considered to be the second-largest festival of Muslims. It is celebrated with great pomp in the Islamic countries of the world.

When Is the Celebration of Eid ul Milad 2024 Held?

The festival of Eid-e-Milad is celebrated on the 12th of the third month Rabi-ul Awwal according to the Islamic calendar. This year, according to the Gregorian calendar, the eid ul milad will be from the evening of Sunday, September 15, 2024 to Monday, September 16, 2024. On this day, Muslims from all over the world celebrate the birth of Hazrat Muhammad Ji on the occasion of Eid ul-Milad.

All Muslims worship Allah in their homes and mosques. In fact, it is a very emotional day for Muslims around the world because they believe that it is also the death anniversary of Prophet Mohammad. For which they congregate in Mecca. Milad is also known as Baravafat or Mawlid. On this day, all the devotees gather at one place and pray to Allah. 

Eid Milad-un-Nabi 2024: Learn about its History and Significance. 

Prophet Hazrat Mohammad was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, as Hazrat Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.  Muhammad’s father’s name was Abdullah and mother’s name was Amina Bibi. It is believed that Allah gave the knowledge of Quran to Muhammad. Only then did he spread the message of the Holy Quran Sharif/Majeed. Mawlid was celebrated by the ruling clan of Egypt in the 11th century. 

■ Also Read: Eid Ul Adha Date India: Know The Real Bakhabar On Eid Al-Adha (Bakrid)

Allah is worshiped and prayed throughout this day. Clan leaders give speeches and recite verses from the Holy Quran. The most recent form of observance of this day began in the 12th century, when countries such as Syria, Turkey, Morocco and Spain began to observe it.  Sunni and Shia, the two major sects of Islam, celebrate the occasion on different days in the same month. Sunnis celebrate the day on the 12th of the month, while Shias celebrate it on the 17th.

Why do Muslims have a distinct style of celebrating Eid ul-Milad (Eid-e-Milad 2024)?

According to historians the exact date of Prophet Muhammad’s birth is unknown, but Muslims believe that he was born in the year 570 AD. Muslim communities, Shias and Sunnis, always have their own distinct styles of celebrating the Eid-e-Milad festival. People of the Shia Muslim community celebrate this festival because on this day Prophet Muhammad chose Hazrat Ali as his successor. But on the other hand, the Sunni community mourns the death of Prophet Mohammad on this day. Some muslims also believe it is an unnecessary innovation, and therefore believe it is inappropriate to celebrate.

Eid Milad-un-Nabi 2024: Is Islam Permitting Eid-e-Milad?

No. The Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Mohammed, was the Messenger of God, who inspired all to perform a variety of religious practices, viz., to do Namaz (prayer) and to perform the worship of one God. He started Kalma, Roja, and Bang-Azan to his followers for the Bandagi (worship) of Allah.

  • But are we following the path indicated by Hazrat Muhammad?
  • Are we walking on the basis of knowledge of Allah given in the Holy Quran Sharif?

Because there is no command of Allah to celebrate Eid ul-Milad in Quran Sharif. So, we should not be conservative to do this but be thoughtful. Because in the Holy Quran Sharif Surat Ikhlaas 112 Ayat 1 to 4, it is clearly stated that Allah is neither born nor does He die; He is immortal. Then on what basis are we celebrating Eid-e-Milad?

SupremeGod appeared 600 years ago in Kashi (Varanasi), Uttar Pradesh for 120 years. He came in a Human like Body and went with the same. Allah is Akbar (Kabir) and no one else. He never took birth from a mother’s womb, and He never dies. According to Islamic philosophy, he was a prophet sent to spread the teachings of Allah. God ( Kaal Brahm) gave spiritual knowledge through Hazrat Mohammed Saheb of the Quran Sharif, evidence, and in Surat Furqan 25 Ayat 52 to 59 that also asked him to get the correct way of worship of SupremeGod from Bakhabar who knows God well.

Kabir Saheb Met Prophet Muhammad

Allah is one who is Kabir. Surat Al Furqan ayat 25:52 

Fala tutiyal’ – Kafiran’ va jahid’hum bihi jihaadan kabira (Kabiran’) (25:52)

Allah is Kabir and He is in form. People could not understand and were misguided by Kaal Brahm. Allah Kabir says- 

Khojat khojat thakia, ant kaha bechoon.

This means they said God is formless when they could not find Allah Kabir, who had taken Hazrat Muhammad to Satlok but he came back as he was not willing to stay there because of the fame he was getting on earth.

Hum Muhammad ko wahan le gayo, Ichchha roopi wahan nahee raho |

Ult Muhammad mahal pathaya, Guj biraj ek Kalma laya |

Roza Bang Namaz dai re, Bismil ki nahi baat kahi re|

Here Bismil is related to the slaughtering of animals.

Hazrat Muhammad Never ate Animals 

Hazrat Muhammad never consumed the flesh of any animal. Instead of this, he was against the cruelty of animals. All Muslims are doing opposite to the practice what Hazrat Muhammad did. They are consuming non-vegetarian food which is against the order of god. Kabir saheb says in his sacred speech-

Nabi Muhammad namaskar hai, raam rasool kahaya |

Ek laakh assi kun sougandh, jin nahi karad chalaya |

Aras purus par allah takhat hai, khalik bin nahi khaali |

We paigambar pakh purush the, sahib ke abdali |

Eid Milad-un-Nabi 2024: Know How did Prophet Muhammad Die?

It was the tenth year of Hijrat. The year was 632 A.D. Hazrat Muhammad went for Hajj with their more than one lakh followers. This last Hajj (last pilgrimage) is called – Hajjatul Wida or Hijjtul Walag. This was the last Hajj of Muhammad. After three months of Hajj, illness gripped him. The fever struck unexpectedly as never before. Muhammad took permission from all his wife to stay at Aisha’s home. Muhammad became so weak and the ailment seemed to advance. The situation has gotten so worse that wives and followers panicked.

Hazrat Muhammad asked forgiveness from everyone if he ever hurt. He also asked for justice if he said bad words to anyone or took something from anyone. He welcomed taking revenge if anyone wished. Fever was out of control. He was facing unbearable difficulty and prayed to Allah for mercy while Dying. Fatima, daughter of Hazrat Muhammad depressed to see her father, also prayed to Allah. His breathing became more and more difficult. Hazrat Muhammad replied to her “from today onwards your father will not face misery.” just after saying this Hazrat Muhammad passed away.

Reference: Biography of Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Asaili Wasallam) by Mohammad Inayatullah Subhani, translated by- Naseem Fhazei Falahi.

Know Who Is Allah’s Current Bakhabar on the occasion of Eid Milad-un-Nabi 2024?

In Quran Sharif Ayat 25:59, it is being asked to get the information of Allah from a Bakhabar, He should be fully aware of the creation of the universe. He will be the only one in the world who will be fully aware of the information of Allah. At present, no one else is that Bakhabar, except Jagatguru Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.

He is the only one who knows the sacred scriptures of all the religions. He is the Last Prophet of Allah Kabir. He imparts knowledge on the basis of the Holy Books of different religions, which is creating a revolution in the world. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj says that the texts of all religions are pointing to the same God i.e. Allah, who is the Master of the universe including us. He is the only imperishable God. Kabir God is the only Supreme God in all religions. The evidence of which is also there in Ayat 1A, 2A, 3A, 6, and 7 of Fazail-e-Zikr in the Fazail-e-Amaal. 

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj says: 

Our Race is Living being, Mankind is our Religion | 

Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, there is no separate Religion ||

On this Eid Milad-un-Nabi 2024, discover the authentic form of worship offered by Baakhabar Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

We all are the children of one Father Kabir Parmeshwar. We have divided ourselves on the basis of different castes and religions. But with the knowledge of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji, we all will become one, and will be able to recognize God Kabir Ji in the Form of Saint Rampal Ji.

Visit Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj YouTube channel and read a book called ‘ Musalman nahi samjhe Gyan Quran‘.

FAQ’s about Eid Milad un Nabi

1. What is Eid Milad-un-Nabi and why is it celebrated?

Eid Milad un nabi is the observation of the birth and death anniversary of Prophet Mohammad. According to Sunni Islamic scholars, Prophet Mohammad was born in Mecca, approximately 570 AD on the 12th day of the month of Rabi’ al-awwal, the third month in the Islamic calendar.

2. Is it an obligation to celebrate the Prophet’s birthday?

Not all Muslims commemorate the prophet’s birthday. As the occasion is neither obligatory or outlined in Islamic teachings, some choose not to celebrate it. 

3. Did Prophet Muhammad kill the cow with a knife?

Muslims think that Prophet Muhammad killed the cow with a knife but they don’t know that Muhammad ji retained the life of the same cow which he killed with his own words (Real Mantra given to him by Kabir Allah). He neither slaughtered the cow nor ordered to do so after that.

4. How was the life of Muhammad ji?

According to his autobiography it is evident that the life of Prophet Muhammad was miserable. He suffered a lot in his whole life and his death was very painful.

 5. What is the date of Eid Milad-un-Nabi 2024?

This year, from the evening of September 15 to September 16, 2024, people will celebrate Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi, or just Eid-e-Milad.

6.  Which Eid is in September 2024?

September 16, 2024, is Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi 2024.

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